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The next morning… "Whaaa? Where am I?" I was bumping along in a confined area. I was no longer at the shelter, I could see.

During the night, I had been bought and didn't know it. Some woman had come to look at me while I was asleep. They're family had adopted me and were taking me back to their place. WHY now? I didn't even get to say goodbye to Luf and the other guys. I sniffed the air and looked around. A little girl looked down at me. She stuck her finger in the cage and poked me in the side making baby noises at me. Humans have to be the weirdest species out there. I just don't get them. This was the first time, however, that I had actually dealt with a child.

I went home to live with this family. It wasn't too bad. They weren't nearly as rich as my last owners, but they had a great home. However, my stay there was a quick one. After I had made friends with some alley cats, the owner of the household decided I would be bringing in the wrong kind of cats to the neighboorhood. He also thought I'd bring kittens home one day. He had a steryotype set up of strays that most humans have. So, he kicked me out one night. I was finally a stray! I couldn't have felt better. I looked around. Now where would I go? They had dumped me off into an alley that night. I peered into a trashcan and had my first real meal as an alley cat. I wanted to go back to the shelter and help my other stray friends escape,(if they hadn't already been sold to a home) but I couldn't find my way back there. It was too far from this place. I looked around the alley. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Morning came. YES! My first "free" morning. It was a wee bit cold out there in that alley. To my disadvantage, it had already begun to snow. This was the first time I'd ever gotten to feel snow. Oh sure, I'd seen it before...but only from the window. Both sets of my owners would never let me out to go play in the snow. They'd say:"No Sweetypie, it's too cold out there. You might catch a cold." or "No Sweetiepie, you'd track in mud and get the carpet all wet." Phuh! What was the fun of winter if you couldn't play in the snow? Wasn't that what snow was FOR?

Oh well...humans don't get those sort of things. But now, I could play in the snow however long I wanted to!! I padded over to a crate and slid my paws across the top of it. I giggled and jumped up ontop of the crate. However, no one had ever bothered to tell me just how slippery that "snow" stuff was. My left foot spun out from under me as I fell flat on my back. I laid there for a moment. HEHE! That was fun!! I brushed the snow off my legs and nose. I had no idea what all I was missing out on before I found "snow"!!

I put my front paws on a taller crate nearby and lifted myself up. This time, I held on tighter to the crate. I couldn't sink my claws in, because I had no claws. Still, I held on fast. I grinned and jumped up onto a ledge by a window. As I stood up high I looked over the fence. On the other side was a pollicle. This pollicle wasn't chained up as most were. I looked to the end of the fence and saw a large hole. The pollicle growled at me and paced slowly towards the hole in the fence. WHAT had I gotten myself into?!?! I screetched and looked around. There wasn't anywhere else I could possibly go!!! I was trapped. I tried to plead with the ugly dog.

"Uhh... Hi Mr. Dog. Say, uh, are you a Happy Dog? I really hope you are a happy...nice doggy...who loves kitties."

"Oh..I love kitties." The dog replied "They're very tender...and moist"

I gagged at this comment and looked down at him.

"Well, I'm SURE you wouldn't want to eat me, right..."

The dog was now into the alley. I looked around, praying that someone inside the house would open the window so that I could get inside.

"I don't know... that depends on how well you taste. I've gotta check first!!"

At that moment, the pollicle leapt up towards the window sill I was perched on. I jumped back as far as I could. Luckily, the sill was too far up for the mutt. I screetched as loud as I could, hoping to get someone's attention. I DID get someone's attention, however, it proved no help to me. A man from across the alley opened his window and threw a shoe at us yelling:"SHADDAP you flea-bitten strays!!" I made a face at the guy:"Just to let you know, I use flea-repelant! HA!"

I looked down at the mutt. He sure was an ugly fellow. I figured that maybe if I stayed up there long enough, he'd leave. I knew I could wait him out. I sat down and smirked at the dog as I waited for a while as he sat below barking madly and wasting his energy on nothing. Again, to my disadvantage, a terrible error was made. I heard a low "creaaak". I turned and saw that the old window sill was near it's breaking point. The dog perked up and began barking louder. I stood up and looked at the corner of the sill.

Sure was on it's last nail. I looked around for another option. Finally, it gave loose. With a crack and a snarl, I was on ground level with the mutt. I stood in shock right in front of this beast for a millisecond. That millisecond seemed to last forever. I then realized that the dog was licking his lips. I bolted. I kicked into high-gear and boogied out of that alley. I turned around to a nearby alley, since I was ahead of the dog, and hid behind a small shanty. A few minutes later, I could hear the pollicle gasping for breath as he toured the alley. I kept my breathing to a minimum. The pollicle stopped and sniffed the shanty. I felt his cold, wet nose on my toe. He found me. The pollicle jumped onto the small shanty and crushed it as I was backed against the wall. Something grabbed my arm and began to pull me out. I just knew it was the pollicle.

Suddenly I heard:"Don't worry! You'll be allright! Follow me!" Everything was happening so fast. It wasn't the pollicle who had grabbed me, but someone was helping me. Everything was in a blur, as the "something" pulled me by my arm and got me out from behind the shanty. I only managed to catch the back of the cat figure who had pulled me out. I was too busy running behind him, looking back towards the dog. Finally, I made it over to another alley as the bulldog finally gave up and turned back. I panted as I sat down on the ground.

"Wow...thank you for... hey....HEY! "

No one was around.

"'Hey! I'd like to thank you....who-ever you...are. Thank you." I said as I meekly turned around to see where I was.

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