Was Israel Behind the Terror of September 11?

Let us first examine Israel's long history of covert terrorism against America. The record is pretty clear and very damning. In 1956, Israel plotted to blow up American installations in Egypt and then blame the carnage on the Egyptians.

It was a treacherous attempt to get America to go to war against Israel enemies. Only by the slightest luck was the plot exposed. The Israeli Defense Minister, Lavon, had to resign over the affair.

In 1967, during another war with their Arab neighbors, Israel mercilessly attacked a clearly marked, flag-flying U.S. Navy intelligence ship, the USS Liberty.

Israel used unmarked fighters and first attacked the radio antennas attempting to prevent America from learning it was an Israeli attack. Then they bombed and strafed the ship. Finally, they used unmarked boats to torpedo the USS Liberty and try to sink her.

They even machine-gunned the Liberty's deployed, yellow life rafts to make certain there were no survivors. Through incredible ingenuity and heroism, the Liberty's crew members were able to get a distress call to the American fleet, identifing the attackers as Israelis, and remarkably keeping the ship afloat.

The Israelis, who had monitored the Liberty's distress calls, knew that the American fleet was now aware that it was an Israeli attack. Their master plan of sinking the ship, killing all the Americans, and blaming it on Egypt, had failed, and they finally withdrew. The American ship was as one crewman described it, "a scene out of hell," as 34 Americans lay dead and 174 were wounded on the USS Liberty.

Of course, Israel claimed the attack was a mistake, but after investigation, both our former Secretary of State and the head of the U.S. Navy at the time said the attack was clearly deliberate. In further demonstration of Jewish media and government power, stories about the attack died quickly in America 's

Jewish press, and the Jewish Lobby was able to prevent a congressional investigation. In 1986, in another very clever and treacherous action against America, Israeli commandos planted a radio transmitter in Libya and broadcast false information in Libyan code that indicated Libyan guilt for a terrorist bombing against Americans in Germany. Because of this Jewish lie, America bombed Libya and even killed the young daughter of the Libyan President.

Deceiving another nation into going to war has to be considered a new height of treachery. Israel's action was not against an enemy, but against the nation who has been Israel's greatest benefactor, the United States of America.

Up until September 11, 2001, the new century has been a bad one for Israel. The election of terrorist and mass-murderer, Ariel Sharon, to Prime Minister hurt Israel's image in much of the world. The ongoing shootings of demonstrating Palestinian teenagers finally began to touch the world's conscience. World opinion was shifting more and more in favor of the Palestinians.

Just two weeks before the September 11 tragedy, the U.N. World Conference against Racism labelled Israel a racist, Apartheid state. Additionally, suicide bombers in Israel were making more and more Israelis question Ariel Sharon's hard line. How could master-terrorist Sharon pull Israel's chestnuts from of the fire?

In this atmosphere of Israeli desperation, consider the role of the Mossad, one of the most powerful spy and terrorist organizations on earth. This ruthless organization has specialized in thousands of targeted assassinations all over the world. Most experts say it is now second only to the CIA as a world spy organization. In the Mideast, it does not even have a remote competitor.

The Mossad prides itself in infiltrating almost every Palestinian and Arab militant organization in the world. For years, the Mossad considered bin Laden as their most dangerous enemy. There is little doubt that Mossad agents have penetrated key positions in bin Laden's organization.

Now, consider the large number of men involved in the WTC attack. Could the Mossad have had no informants or agents in such a large multinational Arab terrorist group? Reason should tell us that even if Israeli agents were not the actual provocateurs behind the operation, at the very least they had prior knowledge.

Sharon did not warn American authorities and save those lives because he knew such a horrible event would reverse all of Israel's recent losses.

It would be a twenty-first century Pearl Harbor; galvanizing the American people for war, their war! Of course, not warning America about the impending attacks would make him a treacherous accomplice in the terror.

But, please tell me when Israel or Ariel Sharon has shrunk from treachery. Zionists have never worried about the loss of innocent life to achieve their ends.

The Israeli State was founded on terror such as the Deir Yassin massacre, where Menachem Begin's thugs brutally murdered over 200 men, women and children and then publicized the atrocity to terrorize the Palestinians into fleeing from their homes and lands.

There is increasing evidence that Israel knew about the September 11 attacks beforehand. There have been reports that Ariel Sharon postponed a visit to New York the day of the tragedy.

It was reported in the mainstream press that the FBI interviewed an Israeli firm that was warned of the attack two hours before it occurred. Massive trading occurred in the Chicago mercantile commodity markets prior to the tragedy, betting those airline stocks and insurance companies would crash downward. Hundreds of millions of dollars were gained by those traders.

The Chicago commodities exchanges are so thoroughly Jewish that the traders often speak in Yiddish, an Eastern-European, German dialect.

One fact is irrefutable; Zionists caused the attack America endured just as surely as if they themselves had piloted those planes. It was caused by the Jewish control of the American media and Congress, which has supported over 50 years of Israeli terrorism and treachery against the Palestinians and the other peoples of the Mideast.

Their control over our country can be illustrated by the fact that the American government continued to support Israel with guns and money even after it committed direct acts of terrorism against us such as the Lavon Affair, the Assault on the Liberty, and treacherous deceptions that prompted America into acts of war.

The real truth is that the Zionists do not simply seek Jewish supremacism over the hapless Palestinians; they seek supremacism over us. Jewish supremacists already control the Hollywood movie and television industry, music and news media.

They are already the most powerful force in the U.S. Congress. They have been the major force behind changing American immigration laws that will make European Americans a minority our own nation just as the Palestinians became a minority in their own land.

They are the insidious media influence that has pushed white guilt and racial miscegenation, while at the same time supporting the racist, Apartheid State of Israel. They have been the primary force behind the cultural and moral disintegration of the American republic.

Zionists have also been the instigators of the globalism that is sweeping away American prosperity and freedoms. They are the architects of the so-called hate laws that are the first steps to curtailing freedom of speech. And now, in the wake of the global war, they are orchestrating the most massive infringement of rights and freedom in American history.

Jewish supremacism over our government and media has caused American support of the terrorist state of Israel and the ensuing terrorist response against the American people. And now, the Jewish supremacists are screaming for a wider war, a global war that will not protect us from terrorism, but make us more certain to suffer it.

This war could well destroy American prosperity and our most sacred, fundamental freedoms. I urge every reader of the Duke Report and every member of the European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO), to support our boys, but oppose this war.

I urge you to be patriotic toward America and against this Jewish war, for this Jewish war will do incalculable harm to the United States.

I urge you who have for so long believed but stood on the sidelines, to get active for our people, for our freedoms, for our future. I urge you to share the truth with your fellow family members, friends, and co-workers. Better to make heroic efforts today than endure brutal oppression tomorrow.

I also urge you to financially support our efforts to educate the American people. And I must tell you that our mail boxes and web sites have been flooded with inquiries of Americans who, on their own, have guessed at the truth. In my lifetime,

I have never seen the interest in our Movement at a higher level.But Web space and printed literature and postage are expensive, We need your generous help to teach and motivate and build the movement that can save our people.

And we need you, each and every one of you who read these lines, to reach out to a fellow American and tell him the truth!

The time is now!