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Chocobo Breeding


Hi, it's been awhile since I've played ff7 so I'll try to make this as accurate as possible. Thanx

Where Do I Find Chocobos? Chocobos are commonly found in the wild. They are extremely friendly, and are often seen running alongside a group of wild creatures. However, they are a force to be reckoned with if one dare strike a chocobo. A chocobo's attacks range from a normal peck to the dreaded enemy skill, Chocobockle. Also due to their friendly nature, they are found in different areas all around the world. All you need to look for is their tracks. It is easy to find and capture chocobos, but they are also extremely shy and cautious. You need a certain bait--A Chocobo Lure materia to lure them out of their hiding spots. You can purchase them from Chocobo Billy at the Ranch. Now that you have your materia, just run around the tracks of a chocobo and you'll eventually encounter one. Note that the harsher the climate they live in, the better the chocobo will turn out to be. You can find plenty of chocobos around the ranch, but they are usually weak. This is due to the climate of the areas surrounding the ranch. Greens are plentiful and the weather is perfect. If you head north where it is bitter cold and there are fierce animals, a chocobo will usually stay alive by being extremely tough or just being extremely lucky. When you do encounter a chocobo, you'll notice that they don't stick around very long. You must either eliminate the surrounding enemies as quickly (and quietly, chocobos are startled at loud noises) as possible or coax them into sticking around longer with greens. Toss some greens at a chocobo, and they'll become more interested in the greens than the fight, giving you ample time to defeat the other enemies. You now have a chocobo! Note that when you dismount a chocobo, it'll run away back to it's home. If you want something a bit more permanant, read on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Buying Stalls To buy permanant stalls to hold your own personal chocobos, speak with Chocobo Billy. They're 10,000 Gil a stall, so make sure ya got enough to hold 6. Once you have your stalls, head off and equip a Chocobo Lure materia. The higher the rank it is, the better and more often it will attract good chocobos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Breeding the Chocobos Run around Mideel until you have two 'Great' chocobos of the opposite sex. Now head to the Chocobo Sage up on the northern continent and buy 70 Sylkis Greens. Feed 35 of each to both the chocobos, and race them at the golden saucer. They should be able to make it to 'A' class, but if they make 'S' class, that is truly excellent. Now, once they're at 'A' class, head to Bone Village and roam around the area until you fight a creature called Vlado-something. Beat him or steal from him to get a Carob Nut. Repeat until you have 3. You may need 6 Carob Nuts because of the chance's of you not geting the colored chocobo that you want. Now return to the stables and breed the two great chocobos using the Carob nuts until you get a green and blue chocobo each of the opposite sex. I will tell you now that this is the most aggrivating part of breding. Once this is over, it's a lot easier, just more expensive. Now feed each of the chocobos 35 Sylkis and 20 Reagen Greens. Race them until they're at 'S' class. Now breed the blue and green using the Carob Nut, and you'll soon get a Black Chocobo. This time, release the two Yellow chocobos you caught and feed the black Chocobo 35 Sylkis and 20 Reagen Greens. Race him till he/she is in 'S' Class. Now, capture your final chocobo at the Northern Continent. Wait until you find a chocobo that is in the back row surrounded by 2 Rabbits. This is a truely rare and remarkable yellow chocobo. Return to the stable, and when you finally get the black and yellow wonderful chocobo to be opposite sexes, feed the yellow one 35 Sylkis and 20 Reagen greens. Race them both until they are in 'S' Class. Now head to the Northeast Islands where there is a small forrest and get a Zeio Nut from a Goblin  You can get the Zeio Nut by stealing it from them or try your chances of getting it after the fight.  (You can also learn the enemy skill "Goblin Punch" from them). Breed the yellow and black chocobo and you should get a Gold 'Ocean' Chocobo! Feed him 50 Sylkis Greens, win those races, and get the materia that you want! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Racing You're Chocobo To race you're chocobo you'll need to go to the Gold Saucer.  When you get there go to the chocobo races and talk to the girl that in the corner, what do ya know, it's Ester.  If you dont remember her she is the chocobo jocky that taught you how to ride a chocobo during a race.  When you talk to her she will ask you some question's about which chocobo that you want to race.  Pick the one that you want and you can start the race.  There are two function's that you can use, manual and automatic, I perfer manual.  When you are raceing and you use extra speed you can notice that you loose stanima.  If you want to gain the stanima backjust hold the button's, R1 and L1, you will notice that your stanima is riseing but riseing very slowly.  Use you stanima wisely, for if you run out you will find your chocobo walking very slow until you gain some more stanima. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Racing Tips When you first start raceing you just want to use a little bit of your stanima so that you can get in the lead, remember to keep holding the button's, R1 and L1 to gain your stanima back!  If anyone tries to get ahead of you just stay in their way and they should have trouble passing.  If you leave your chocobo in the automatic mode you may loose because he/she likes to use up his/her stanima.  If you have a good chocobo and you are traveling on the short trail keep as much as your stanima s you can, then when you get to the logged bridge hold down the speed and use all the stanima from their on.  You will get to the end with just a little stanima left but you will most likely be way ahead of all the others.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Encountering The Black Chocobo The black chocobo that is in the race will be your strongest opponet.  If you check his stats before the race you will see that they are much higher then your's, this will always be.  No matter how hard you try to get higher stats then the black chocobo you will not succeed.  At the start of the race, most of the time he will start out by getting pushed to the back, this is your chance to get a good lead.  Use some stanima till you get into first place, if there is a chocobo that is way ahead dont worry about it, you will soon catch up with him, so dont use to much stanima, and remember to keep gaining your stanima back.  When the black chocobo catches up with you done use your stanima, just stay right in front of him, he has a very hard time trying to pass.  If he does happen to get ahead of you  use a little stanime to get right in front of him again.  Try your best to keep as much stanima as possible.  At the end of the race or close to the end he will rage with speed and pass you, you can prevent this by useing all the stanima that you saved.  The trick is that you must start you speed before he does or you are defenitly going to lose.  Congradulation's, you won against the greates chocobo in the World!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Have A Gold Chocobo, Now What?? Now that you have an S class Gold Chocobo you can now get to the best materia in the world.  (Your chocobo does'nt have to be S class)  You can find the materia on the North East part of the map.  The island does not show on your world map because of the size of it.  The easiest way to get to the materia is to put your chocobo on your airship and take him to the farthest island in the North East land and you can travel across the ocean heading north east, it may take a while to fine but you'll find it sooner or later, beleive me it's worht all the hassle.  When you find it, you will notice that the cave is an the shape of an oval, good thing your gold chocobo can travel across anything, including mountain's.  Climb over the side and go to the entrance of the cave, dismount your chocobo and go inside.  (Your chocobo will not leave, he/she will await your return out side.  When you enter you will find the materia called, "Knights Of The Round."  This materia will summon 13 knights to attack your foe.  This can come in handy when fighting the Weapons and Sephiroth.