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Romana is...

Mary Ann, the creator of this Doctor Who site.

First of all, a special thank you to everyone who helped, encouraged, or put up with me during the development of these pages.

  • To myself, for making me do this. It paid off.
  • To my dad ("Avon-Alan-Adric") for trekking out to the library to watch my progress, working on the graphics with me, above all introducing me to Doctor Who, among other great things.
  • To my mom ("the Supreme Commander") for letting me drag her into every video store in the tri-state region and buying the 97 (and counting) videos in our collection. Also, for teaching me to sew, and letting me read Discworld at her.
  • To my Nana, for always letting me use her computer to get on-line. This page would never have made it up during the summer of 2000 if it wasn't for her.
  • To my friends Ailish, Mona, Katherine (Listy), Becca ("celery!"), Caitlyn (my fellow Jedi), Karissa, Dina, and Jessica (Jorg) for listening to my rantings and keeping the counter rolling.
  • To my art teacher, Mr. B, for encouraging creativity, introducing me to art, showing me my talent, and giving me extra credit for this.
  • To my Uncle Ricky, for his useful e-mail comments (and especially for reminding me to create this page).
  • To everyone who worked on Doctor Who (especially Colin Baker, who doesn’t get enough recognition and for being a fellow Gemini) for the magic they created.
  • To Mary Tamm and Lalla Ward, for their inspiring portrayals of the wonderful Romana.
  • And to the rest of you out there, lost in the Time Vortex, who visit this site and/or signed the guestbook.

Also, I’d like to credit all the resources that I used:

  • Doctor Who The Handbook: The First, Second, Third, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Doctors, [I’m still looking for the Fourth, help me out] by David J. Howe, Mark Stammers, and Stephen James Walker
  • The DWB Interview File, compiled and edited by Gary Leigh, (for the black and white images)
  • Science Fiction: The Illustrated Encyclopedia by John Clute, (for the pictures that were transformed into the link buttons)
  • All of the Doctor Who videos, especially for the information and pictures from the back of the boxes

Now that that has been taken care of, I’d like to tell you more about me.

I am a junior from Fontbonne Hall High School in New York City. I’m a creative genius (if I do say so myself), and I can’t wait for college when I can learn about computers in real classes, instead of sitting on a computer in the school library with my battered copy of HTML 4 For Dummies. My favorite shows are (not surprisingly, the British sci-fi) Doctor Who, Blake’s 7, Red Dwarf, and The Avengers, as well as The Simpsons and Futurama. My favorite movies are the Star Wars Trilogy and The Phantom Menace, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and The Magnificent Seven. I’m a proud supporter of the European football [Amer: soccer] clubs Glasgow Celtic, Juventus of Turin, F.C. Barcelona, and FC Kaiserslautern; and I always cheer on England’s Arsenal, Chelsea, and Liverpool, Italy’s AC Milan, Internazionale of Milan, and Bari, Germany’s Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund, and Spain’s Real Madrid. For Euro 2000 and World Cup 2002, I’ll be rooting for Italy, Scotland, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, England, Spain, Mexico, Brazil, and anyone who plays against the US. Mostly, I listen to alternative music, and I always have Beck, Radiohead, Blur, and Oasis in my CD player. I real a lot, and my favorite books are Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series, Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere, Gaiman and Pratchett’s Good Omens, Douglas Adams’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series, the new Doctor Who stories, the Star Wars books, anything by Arthur C. Clarke and Kurt Vonnegut, Carl Sagan’s nonfiction books, especially Cosmos, and the all important The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupèry. Henrik Larsson is an awesome footballer, I’d like to see a face-off between Darth Vader and the Master, I think that R2-D2 would get along well with K-9, the Sixth Doctor should have finished off Peri (esp. after the misery she put the Fifth Doctor through), Cally would have been great in the TARDIS, sometimes Avon really was right, Celtic Park would be a great place to visit, and Unseen University would be a great school to graduate from (just kidding.)

Did the Cybermen really cause the extinction of the dinosaurs?
Is there really a monolith on the Moon?
Did the Little Prince get back to Satellite B-612?
Is the Doctor really out there, roaming through time and space?

The answers are:
who else?,
of course, and
if so, when is he going to land on my front door?

Be well and go well, and "brave heart, [Tegan]."
-Mary Ann*
Tuesday, 4 November, 1999
[edited: Monday, 27 March, 2000 and Saturday, 1 July,2000; posted: Wednesday, 29 March, 2000]

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