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"Doctor Who" is the longest science fiction television series in history, beginning a 26 year run on the BBC November 25, 1963. The main character, the Doctor, is a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey. Exiled, he travels through time and space in a TARDIS [Time And Relative Dimention In Space] which is diguised as an English Police Box. The Doctor has the ability to regenerate after serious physical strain, which changes his appearance and personality. While "Doctor Who" ran, the Doctor regenerated six times, allowing seven very different actors to play the lead. Originally travelling with his granddaughter, the Doctor has had a succession of companions, many of whom he met on Earth. While his personality has changed drastically from regeneration to regeneration, the Doctor has been know to always fight evil and to champion the oppressed. His actions are rarely out of self-interest and he always has the good of the universe at heart. Along the way, the Doctor has encountered many enemies, including the Daleks, the Cybermen, and the Sontarans. However, his main adversary will always be the Master, a fellow Time Lord. On many occassions, the Doctor and the Master have locked horns. In many ways, the Master epitomizes the corruption and evil which can result from the power of the Time Lords. In the end, the Doctor is almost always able to save the day. Good triumphs over evil, and justice is served.

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