Angle | A storyline that involves certain people. For example Crash Holly's 24/7 Hardcore title defense is an angle. |
Blade | This is when a wrestler cuts himself to make it look like he has been injured or wounded. Often the blade is hidden underneath the tape on their wrists or given to them by the referee. |
Booker | The person who makes up storylines , angles and gimmicks for wrestlers. Vital to the success of the company. |
Bump | When a wrestler takes a hard knock. |
Dark Match | A match(s) that are usually fought at the beginning of RAW but are not aired on t.v. |
Face | The good guy who is a fan favorite. |
Feud | When wrestlers battle with each other over a period of time. |
Heat | When a wrestler gets response from the crowd. |
Heel | Hated by the fans , the bad guy. |
House Shows | Wrestling shows that are held right across America but are not actually aired on t.v. |
Job | To lose the match. |
Jobber | A wrestler who loses his matches to make his opponents look good. |
Juice | Wrestler's blood. |
Kayfabe | To stay in character. |
Kill | To stop a gimmick that is not getting a good response from the crowd and not good for ratings. |
Mark | A fan who thinks all the angles in wrestling are actually real. |
Mid-Carder | A wrestler who fights on the under-card but is usually well known. |
Over | When a wrestler's gimmick is liked by the fans or he receives a great amount of heat whether it be cheers or boos. |
Pop | The crowd's reaction to a wrestler which can usually be told as they enter. |
Push | When a wrestler goes on a winning streak. |
Run In | When a wrestler runs in on another's match or interferes. |
Save | When a wrestler runs in to stop his friend from losing or taking a total beating. |
Screw Job | This is when a match ends in a DQ , draw or no contest. |
Sell | When a wrestler makes a move look real. |
Shoot | This is when something happens when it is not supposed to. |
Shoot Interview | When a wrestler gets serious and breaks from his character. |
Spots | The great highlights of a match which are usually planned out before hand. |
Tweener | A wrestler who is neither heel or face. For example you could say 'Albert' would be a tweener. |
Work | An angle or scene that is planned out ahead of time. |