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Last Updated:1/28/03


What can you say about this guy, he's incredibly handsome and a really great actor. He first caught my eye on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Roswell, and I've been a fan ever since.


1/28/03 -It's been a long time as you can see since I've updated this page. To tell you the truth I really didn't plan on updating anymore since everytime I would look for news I could never find any. Plus I really didn't think anyone cared if I did update. But I've gotten lots of request to go on so I will try my best. So let me see what's new.. Well re-runs of Roswell are now airing on the Sci-Fi channel and Jason will be starring in a new movie called Happily Even After. To learn moreClick here

4/16/02 -Roswell has been cancelled. There are 3 new episodes left, the finale will air May14. The SciFi channel will air re-runs of Roswell starting in January.

4/14/02 -The SciFi channel has picked up the rights to Roswell and The XFiles. Those who have missed episodes will be able to catch them in re-runs. When they will air is yet to be determined.

3/13/02 -Roswell will be back  on UPN with all new episodes April 23.

2/16/02 -There is no news as of yet whether or not Roswell will be cancelled, but UPN does plan to put Roswell on a short hiatus starting March 5 to debut two new half-hour shows, dramedy As If followed by sitcom The Random Years . When Roswell will come out of hiatus has yet to be determined.


1-29-03 -I added some links to some other sites that I've been working on. So if your interested in visiting just go to links section and let me know what you think. Thanks!

3/14/02 -Episode Guide updated.

2/16/02 -Episode Guide has been updated.

2/2/02 -Updated the episode guide for the next two weeks.

11/14/01 -Finally added the 10th gallery and pics from Teen Magazine Photo shoot from last year.


Hi! Thanks for visiting my webpage ;o). If you like my page  please sign my guestbook and let me know. If you have any suggestion, ideas or feedback about my page or if you would like to contribute or just tell me what you would like to see here please email me and let me know. If you do contribute anything you will get full credit for it.

I would also like to note that I am NOT Jason Behr, I am just a fan. I receive many emails and guestbook entries as if I am him but I am not him. If you would like to contact Jason please write to him at:                        

Jason Behr
c/o Warner Brother's television Network
4000 Warner Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91522

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 ©1999-2002 Behry Sexy.

Web site designed & maintained by Cindy. Contact me at                                  Please do not use any material on this site without permission.                                     No Copyright infringement intended.