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Real Name: Jason Nathaniel Behr

How You Say It: Bear

Birthday: December 30, 1973

Astrological sign: Capricorn

Birthplace: Minneapolis, Minnesota

Raised In: Richfield, Minnesota

Family: Mom, Patricia, and brothers- Andrew, John, and Aaron

Education: Graduated from Richfield High School in 1992

We Knew It: He was voted "Most Destined for Fame" by his graduating class

Fun Facts

Pets: Dog- Ronin, an Akita

Food Indulgence: Krispy Kreme donuts

Hobbies: Hiking with Ronin, and playing basketball with friends

Favorite Band: Dave Matthews Band

Favorite Movie: "The Godfather"

Favorite Actor: Paul Newman

Favorite Sports Team: Chicago Bulls and the Los Angeles Lakers.

    Stocks His Fridge With: Orange Juice, Water, Leftover Pizza and Beer.

Has a bulletin board at home covered with Blockbuster coupons.

            The information shown here was sent to me by Amilia Cruz @                Some information seen here was taken from

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