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Cait Sith 
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Even though I do not have Playstation, I have this game for the computer. This is, in my opinion, one of the best games ever made. My friend Lee, who has the game too, is an expert, and he has written storyline, hints, tips, and secrets. 
A company called Shinra Inc. has made several Mako Energy Reactors. These reactors are sucking up the spirit energy made by all the organisms. A resistance act called AVALANCHE is fighting against Shinra. Two groups are working for the Shinra. There is SOLDIER which includes a master named Sephiroth. He has an ultimate weapon, the mastramune of which only he can control. When the Final Fantasy 7 game starts SOLDIER has just about died out because Sephiroth has gone evil. Also working for Shinra is the Turks. These are born killers. A scientist for Shinra, Hojo, at one time performed experiments on some of the Turks in hopes that they might gain mutating powers. He failed (or so he thought...) and to hide the evidence, he locked the experimental Turks in a basement of Shinra mansion. Our main hero, Cloud, once worked for SOLDIER as a member of first class. He worked with Sephiroth. Once Sephiroth went evil Cloud left to join AVALANCHE. He is a mercenary and does not care about the planet, for all he cares about is money. There he meets one of his life friends, Barret, leader of AVALANCHE. From there AVALANCHE goes on journeys to destroy the reactors. Another new party member, Tifa, will help. Eventually, Cloud falls through a hole made by a Shinra monster, and, as a result, meets Aeris, another party member who is the last surviving "Ancient". Soon after, the group joins up again to save a section of the city, Midgar, and unfortunately, Aeris is captured. The rest of the group goes to the main Shinra building to get her back. This causes a huge commotion, but they get Aeris back and, in doing so, get the party member Red XIII. They end up leaving that city of Midgar and going on a journey not just to destroy all the reactors but to stop Shinra, and Sephiroth from destroying the world. In this journey they meet strange, odd, normal, and evil, people from around the world as Cloud and his friends journey around the world in this mysterious tale. This journey is the longest and best part of the game and I wouldn't want to ruin it for you. Try it out!!! 
  • Most people think that the further into the game, the better party members you get. WRONG!!!!!! In my opinion the best group is Cloud, Yuffie, Vincent. They deal the most damage and have the best limit breaks. Check out the INFO section to find out more about them.
  • Braver is better than Cross Slash (in Cloud's limit breaks). However, Cross Slash will paralyze the enemy, and using it will get you the next limit break quicker (Blade Beam). I only suggest using this for Cloud, because Red XIII, Yuffie, and Barret's 2nd limit breaks are terrible (Yuffie's Clear Tranquil isn't that bad, but Greased Lightning is better).
  • HOW DO I GET INTO THE HONEYBEE CAFE? Well, when Cloud dresses up as a girl, choose a shimmery dress. Then go into the cafe (while he's a girl).
  • HOW DO I GET YUFFIE? Just after you get out of the Gold Saucer for the first time, to your left will be lots of forests. Get into battles there and eventually you will; battle Yuffie. After the battle talk to Yuffie. AVOID THE SAVEPIONT AND DON'T LEAVE. When you talk to her and you have a choice as to what to say, say whatever it is that will make you not get into a battle with her. Act afraid of her and make sure she stays and tell her that you want her to go with you until you get to when you have a choice "what is your name?" OR "Lets move on" . Choose lets move on. You now have Yuffie.
  • HOW DO I GET VINCENT? When you are in Nehebilum, go in Shinra Mansion. There are many steps that must be taken, but I'll cut to the chase. Go up the stairs and go left. Go up one room and you will see a safe. Choose to open it. Enter this combination. RIGHT TO 36, LEFT TO 10, RIGHT TO 59, RIGHT TO 97. The safe will open. out comes the summon Odin materia and............Uh oh....... Lost Number. This is a very difficult boss to fight. Use all you've got on him until he shrinks to a either red or blue monster. On the red monster use only magic attacks. On the blue monster use only regular attacks. When you win get the key in the safe and the materia on the floor. Then go to the basement and the door just before the library door. in there will be a closed coffin. Inside will be Vincent, alive. Talk to him for as long as you can, until he continues to tell you to go away. Then leave the basement and he will follow and join your party.
  • HOW DO I GET MY MATERIA BACK FROM YUFFIE? Simply go to Wu Tai and go to the Bar. Talk to the Turks until they leave. Then go to the item shop and open the treasure chest. Yuffie will steal the materia inside. Then go to the house on the far bottom fight of the village. Open the curtains and Yuffie will jump away. Then go to the pot outside the bar. Hit it and Yuffie will come out but not escape. She will take you to her house and trick you. She will trap your party members in the basement. Push the button to pull up the cage and go to the bell on the far top left end of Wu Tai. Ring it and a trap door will open. Enter and follow the Turks who are taking Yuffie away while getting all the treasure on the way (Don't worry, you have time). You will end up in the house across from the bell. Leave and go to the mountain. Scale it and go everywhere until you find Yuffie being tortured with a turk on a side of the mountain. finish one battle and then the turks will do the rest. When you get Yuffie back, she will give you your materia.
  • HOW TO GET HALF-HIDDEN MATERIA: I call this half-hidden materia because it isn't hidden but most people don't notice it. When you are disguised as a Shinra soldier and are trying to catch up with the band that is welcoming the new president, don't run. No one is leaving without you. On your way you will see many doors on the sides of the street. TAKE YOUR TIME! Enter and buy lots of materia. This is where lots of very important materia is kept. 
Walkthrough and Basic Information - By K. Megura 
Extra Information and Lists - By K. Megura 
Final Fantasy VII Chocobo Guide 
The guide to dating YUFFIE