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About the

"Kouryou" means "Hidden Genius". This refers to the higher genius spoken of by the Greeks, or the Super-Consciousness of Psychology. It is that greater part of ourselves that his unknowable. The true self.

The Kouryou Kai has this name because the system within is not a system that creates warriors. It is a system to bring out the warrior within. Those who get in do not do so be effort alone. Actually, it is the opposite. They must learn to succeed without effort. To overcome the struggle. To submit and thus reveal their true potential that lies hidden deep beneath the surface.

We are a spiritual tradition. The goal within our order is simply this... To live life. We seek to reach further and further into the endless potential that we all possess. We seek to live healthier and happier. We learn generosity, loyalty, respect, understanding, and so forth.

Don't get me wrong... This spiritual tradition is for those who wish to live their lives devoted to the study and practice of the Martial Arts. If attacked on the street, we will prevail. If terrorists suddenly attack our town, we shall overcome. If lost deep within the wilderness, we shall survive. But in times of peace, we shall simply live an enjoyable life, no matter where we are. We shall learn to harmonize with nature while learning to destroy an enemy, if ever it is necessary.

Below you shall find articles describing the Kouryou Kai and our Philosophy. It is the Philosophy that truly makes the order what it is.

About the Kouryou Kai

A Brief History of the Kouryou Kai
About the Founder - Kiru
The Process

Our Philosophy

The Way