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Gun Disarming

Looking over some Gun Disarming methods being taught, I found myself in a state of serious irritation. How is it that so many people seem to believe that real attackers are gonna stand stiff and let someone twist up their arm? Most of the time, there doesn't even seem to be any body movement. If a guy has a gun pointed at my abdomen and I'm trying to disarm him, I'm certainly gonna move my body out of the way as I do this! Too many schools teach stiffness.

On the old website, we never put up anything about disarming an attacker. This time, I plan to get some photos for that. Also, training... use a cap gun and see if you can disarm a person before they can "bust a cap". Or a squirt gun, and try not to get wet.

When first learning to disarm an attacker people will learn the methods without too much resistance from their partner because they are simply learning to get the movement programmed in. Soon after, we'll challenge them in realistic situations. And we'll also test new ideas. The most important thing to learn is to know where the gun is, and to not rely on disarming first off. In fact, most of the best defenses don't worry about grabbing the gun away. Instead, slap it to the side, moving out of the way, and use a straight vertical punch to their nose.