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Our Beginning

Parents begin the process of teaching their children right from birth. Although it may not be a conscious thought, we are their natural teachers given by God. We teach them to walk, to talk, to drink from a cup, and eat with utensils. We teach them to dress and to tie their shoes, the list goes on and on.

Then, suddenly we are forced to give them up and let others take over. We didn't want to send our girls to school. I had already taught our oldest daughter, Misty, Kindergarten at home. And, of course, being only one year younger Sheena learned right along with Misty.

Because of her age we thought we had to send Misty off to first grade. Sheena went to Kindergarden that year too. We tried to have her start in first grade with Misty. We knew she was ready to learn at that level, but the public school said, "No, she's not old enough for first grade." They didn't care about what she was already doing.

For the next four years our daughters rode a bus to a public school. There they learned about fighting and swearing. We were lucky, our girls came home and asked about the new words and didn't use them. They learned not to be kind and helpful toward one another. One teacher had even yelled at Misty for walking Sheena to class and hugging her before leaving. And they learned things like humans evolved from monkeys. Well, maybe that fourth grade teacher thinks he has monkey relatives, but our Bible tells us differently.

We still had to teach them to read, figure math, count money, and various other things that teachers are supposed to teach. Plus we were having to unteach some public school habits.

Then in church one Sunday morning, our Pastor mentioned homeschooling to us. We didn't know there was such a thing, but were very interested. He put us in touch with someone who could help us get started. We have been home schooling for three years now. We have easy days and we have hard days, but everyday is a joy to watch our children grow in the love of our Lord.

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God
with all thine heart and all thine soul,
and with all thy might.
Deuteronomy 6:9

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Copyright ©1999 Shannon Christian Home School
Webmistress: SallieMarie
Revised -- January 15, 2000