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Starting a Homeschool

(In New York State)

The first and most important step in beginning your homeschool is to seek the Lord's help. Keep in touch with God, He will help you through all your difficult times.

Before you begin, research home education. Many books are available in public libraries and book stores. Talk to people in your area who already homeschool. Choose a method of teaching and a curriculum. Remember though,homeschooling is flexable. If your first choice doesn't seem to work well for you and your child, try something else. Remember, it's your child's education and no one knows your child better than you do.

After the initial decision is made, here is a basic idea of what you will need to do:

1. Send a Letter of Intent to your school district
superintendent. In New York State this must be done
by July 1 each year or within 14 days of begining
your homeschool.

2. By August 15 or within 4 weeks of receiving the
Commissioners Regulations 100.10 from the school
district, you must submit a completed Individualized
Home Instruction Plan
(IHIP) to the school district.

3. Keep written records of attendance. The school
district may review your attendance records at any
time during your homeschool year.

4. Keep written records of all correspondence with your
school district. Make copies of everything you send.
It is also a good idea to mail everything by certified
mail with return receipt requested.

5. Four times a year you must send in a quarterly report
(as specified in your IHIP) describing your progress.

6. When filing your third quarterly report, you must
decide on the Annual Assessment you will use.

7. Your fourth quarterly report must contain
the Annual Assessment.

* You may also want to join a support group in your area.

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Webmistress: SallieMarie
Revised -- January 17, 2000