This the page for the New York City girl (another one from Queens) who started all the trouble and I mean all of it. If not for her, I'd be married to some nice southern girl right now with a couple of kids, instead continuously chasing these B&T broads.

It's just me looking great in my Nino Cerruti suit. Move on.

Here is where we find the creature in its natural state: disarray. This is from college where we met. I was only 18. She took advantage of me. Well, emotionally anyway. God forbide she actually put out or anything. See, this is what happens when you actually engage women as people. They freaking latch onto you forever and never sleep with you.

We met at the gym, back when I was young and fit and looked like this:

Damn. What happened to those arms?

Post grad in Atlanta, GA---my hometown. God's idea of a joke.

I could say she's playing with her pussy, but I won't. After all, I'm a college graduate.

Either her or a small boy in make-up.

There's something in that box that I cannot describe on a family webpage.

Hey, it's that boy again. Nice fro, dude.

In my apartment in New York City with her beloved pearls.

In my heart, this is how I've always seen her. Not that I'm still bitter about college or anything. I'd much rather have another life-long friend that cheap sex in a dorm room Who wouldn't?

She's somewhere in there.

Like the loser I am, I break my vow and go to visit her in Arizona for more lifelong friendhip and no cheap sex. Gee, thanks.

Ladies & gentlemen, Professor Tanya Augsburg of Arizona State University. I, myself, work at a mail order company jointly owned by many multi-national conglomerates.

I can't believe she dragged me into the freaking desert. And I hate that hat.

So it's pretty? So what!?! It's hot! And I really hate that hat!

Finally, the damn hat is gone.

Did I mention there is no sex going on anywhere? You know "platonic" comes from Plato, who was into little Greek boys, so of course he believed in non-sexual relations between men and women. Bastard. Drinking poison was too good for him.

And here she is today. Drinking my wine, forcing me to watch the entire third season of Sex & The City in one sitting because she'd rather eat than have cable. Sigh. Some people have strange priorities.

Hey, this broad is published!
Anne's Page
Pam's Page