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Reboot Page
Mainframe: AndrAIa
AndrAIa's Log
Bella's Gallery: AndrAIa

[updated Jan 2002] My favorite character on Reboot is Dot Matrix, but I have a soft spot for other characters as well, especially some of the excellent female ones. I admit to a slight bias in that I'm a guy, and these characters are fine examples of the female sex, but heck one can say I would be biased on behalf of the male characters too. Personally, I think the women sprites (and virus too) get the better of the deal on the show, though Bob, Enzo Matrix, and company are fine characters as well. At any rate, after Dot, the most complex and developed female character is AndrAIa, though she is less of an independent character with her close relationship to Enzo. Nonetheless, she is an very appealing character, and not just going by her voice (young AndrAIa has a cute voice) or her looks. Actually, one interesting theory is that the appeal (especially in adult format) is her large more anatomically correct eyes, the "windows to the soul" and all.

Let me briefly discuss young AndrAIa, since the below character profile was meant to deal mostly with her adult "years." AndrAIa is a solidary game sprite, whom Enzo meets in an underwater game shown in the episode named after her. She is a godsend to a young sprite with no other sprites his own age, a role that he served to her as well. They quickly bond and become best friends, developing a close relationship. She piggybacked on his icon to escape the game and gets to learn the ways of Mainframe. AndrAIa serves as an important line of support to Enzo, especially after Bob leaves -- her call for him to take the role of guardian after Bob is sent to the Web by Megabyte is a key moment that symbolizes this support. Her time as a game sprite makes AndrAIa skilled in games and self-defense, an important ability when she has to survive game hopping, after Enzo loses the game in "Game Over." Her time alone and close relationship to Enzo also helps AndrAIa deal with the perilious existence (in the web wars, the need for complex alliances and planning confused her given her simple live the moment game existence) and have the wherewithall to support Matrix as well, who had a harder time of it. Dot and Bob clearly love each other, but the show spends more time with the love story of Enzo Matrix and AndrAIa, who are the focus of the show for much of the third season.


Name: AndrAIa [AI standing for Artificial Intelligence]

Format: Game Sprite

Age: In human terms, maybe 16-20, I'd say 18 [Enzo Matrix at the end of Season Three is about 22 according to the Mainframe site, but it is unclear if AndrAIa is the same age; nonetheless, perhaps it is safer to say 18-22].

Hair: Blue-green

Eyes: Blue-green

Skin: Peach

Function: Renegade's Companion, preserving lives and preserving systems.

When AndrAIa, Enzo and Frisket start game-hopping to survive, they age more quickly than they would have under ordinary circumstances. This is because game-time runs faster than regular time, and so by the time Reboot ends, the game-travellers have changed quite a bit.

One word that describes AndrAIa to a tee is 'aquiline'. Born of a water game, her stay in Mainframe and travelling in the games hasn't changed the mermaid aspect of her a bit. In fact, in her older form, it's enhanced. She's slim, lithe and graceful, with long blue-green hair (that looks kinda...well...chewy), yet the same eyes...and the same freckles! (sorry, I like freckles.) She's still every inch a warrior, with the paralyzing nails and projectile-blocking fins and such, though she seems to have lost the crossbow in favor of a retractable trident.

No longer the bemused ex-game-sprite she once was, AndrAIa's experiences in the game have granted her a wisdom far beyond her years in addition to her natural sharp intelligence. Despite hardships she seems to have thrived, with a sunny but no-nonsense personality and an encouraging optimism that never seems to fade. She's still the constant companion of the now much-changed Enzo, and probably often the only thing keeping him going.

Her affection for him is as unwavering as always, and she still believes that wherever he is, she should be as well. She's the only person Enzo(now Matrix) allows behind his defenses, and she knows exactly how to take care of him, alternately encouraging him and putting him in his place when he needs it. Matrix, for his part, loves her just as much as she loves him. Occasionally the two have their spats (who doesn't?), but as AndrAIa says, love and respect bind them together. They always work things out, and they're an unbeatable team.

Season IV

AndrAIa is mostly her good old self, level headed, dangerous in a battle, and ever loyal to Matrix. Even after hearing the "word" of Daemon, she is sad that Matrix isn't around, and tells Daemon about love. We find out she knew all the time Enzo wasn't a guardian, since her great hearing allowed her to overhear him admit the charade to Bob, and she uses this hearing to good effect in one of the games. Nonetheless, AndrAIa is often in the background in these episodes, and a fan might be somewhat disappointed.

Credits: The core of this page (from "statistics" on down) was once part of the website of Centris, but she was unable to keep hold of it, so she gracefully allowed others to use the parts. Someone else got their hands on the well done Dot page, but AndrAIa is worthy of notice, so I'm glad I got the chance to use this page. Thanks also to Mouse for the picture; nice mini-AndrAIa effect, no? And now some ...


"But we can be together." [figuring out how to escape the game in "AndrAIa"]

"Let's Do It, Guardian!"

"But we do have a guardian... Guardian, your keytool." [from the start, believes in Enzo as guardian]

"Pixelicious! I'm a biker babe." [she has a thing about bikes, usually rebooting with one]

"Have I told you lately how wonderful you are?" [AndrAIa and Matrix, only having each other, fall in love game hopping]

"Oh, we're been through a lot worse. Love and respect -- that's what binds us, and with it nothing will ever keep us apart." ["Icons"]

"But my dog -- he's missing. Have any of you seen him?"

"Oh, Bob. We found you." [first to realize they found their old friend]
