Dot Stuff

Best Dot Episodes


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"He tasks me, and I shall have him [Crimson Binome]"

"Who's that girl [Mouse in "The Great Brain Robbery]?"

"You're alphanumeric" [sultry voice in "Talent Night"]

"Sorry Bob, I can't control myself." (unable to control body armor) Bob: "Funny, I've always knew that." ["Infected"]

"Phong, we won today, we beat them back, we protected the city. I should be happy, but all I feel is empty. It's like part of me died along with all those virals. How many more must suffer before Megabyte is stopped?"
Phong: "My child, you mourn the loss of innocence, but hope still lives and burns brightly inside you. You are the commander of this system and you must be strong for all our sakes. For Bob's sake." [upset after successfully repelling Megabyte's attack forces in "Game Over"]

"Enzo ... no. Noooo!" [in anguish when Enzo loses game in "Game Over"]

"I look to the Net. I search through systems, peoples, and cities for these sprites: my family. My format? COMMAND.COM of what was once Mainframe. Reboot!" [intro to episodes 13-16 of Season 3]

"I should be out there with them. And so should Bob. But the attack had to go ahead. Bob, they need you. I need you." [at her command post while others are fighting and Bob is with Hex / "Showdown"]

Top 10 Dot Episodes (in order of airing)

"The Tiff" -- Shows the different mindsets of Bob and Dot, as well as their basic disagreement on raising Enzo, while also showing how each make each other complete. We also see how Dot's self-assurance sometimes leads to just plain stubborness. Great game in which Dot shows her important role in helping to win games.

"Crimson Binome" -- Dot's determination to protect her friends, as well as her leadership and business skills shine here. We also see how she gains the respects of others, and is a match for any in a battle of wits (see Captain Capacitor and her verbally sparring near the end). This is also the first mention of Mouse, who takes center stage in "The Great Brain Robbery," but I don't think Dot's one moment of jealousy in the (fun) episode is enough to put it on the list.

"Talent Night" -- A good episode overall, but Dot is a wonder to behold singing in a red dress. Also, an important milestone in Enzo's life, and provides a different side of Megabyte.

"Identity Crisis" -- The only two part episode; it is a major incident in Dot's life in that she fulfills her dream of liberating a sector, while ungoing an episode of self-doubt and discovery.

"AndrAIa" -- An excellent episode on many levels, not the least of which seeing Dot as a mermaid. We also see more of her relationship to Enzo (we learn Enzo is not to go into games alone) as well as a hint of her past. It also is obviously important in introducing AndrAIa, a great character in her own right.

"World Web Wars" -- The end of the second season, and the start of the dark story arc that isn't resolved to the final episode. It is important in that Dot starts her battle role and loses Bob, but the battle preparation scenes get a tad tedious after a while.

"To Mend and Defend" -- Dot has to begin to survive without Bob, is appointed, and struggles to entrust Enzo with guardian duties. Also, has a great game inspired by "The Evil Dead," in which Dot has a nice outfit.

"Between a Raccoon and A Hard Place" -- At first, I thought this was mainly Enzo's episode, but Dot plays a big role in it as well. The episode is a good example of the ability of Reboot to have complex multi-story plots. We see more of her acting in her role, as well as her adapting to Enzo's role as guardian. She appears finally to accept it in "Firewall," which is notable also as an examination of the themes of second chances and growing into one's roles.

"Game Over" -- Enzo loses the game; Dot's reaction when learning this is surely one of the best scenes of the show, along with her singing "alphanumeric," and the reunion scene with Enzo and Bob. The episode also has the touching scene when she cries over the fates of deleted virals.

"Megaframe" -- Bob and Enzo Matrix returns; the reunion scene and the scene with Mouse when Dot admits she doubted Bob would come back are both excellent. I would be amiss if I did not mention the scene in "End Prog," when Bob and Dot kiss, but the episode as a whole again is not that Dot related.
