Football Thoughts

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updated 10/5/03

Week 5: Okay Enough!

The NJ Giants, who play in NJ but are better known as the NY Giants were actually favored against the Miami Dolphins, though the line was basically "pick 'em." Why? They lost against Dallas. They beat the Rams because they own them and Kurt Warner was half-dazed. They almost blew the Redskins game, and even there we are talking about a team probably not quite as good as their record. Why are they favored at all against a team that beat the Bills handily and lost only when they didn't take their opposition seriously? The Miami Dolphins have a tradition: lose late or (until recently) lose when they play the Jets. Other than that, they are a pretty good team, who know how to play and have a good offense.

The NJ Giants have a pretty good offense, when it shows up, and in theory are a pretty good team too. In theory. In practice, they consistently make it hard for themselves, lose games they should win, and win barely even when they needn't have. Basically, they can be overrated, if one isn't careful. Or just driving you freaking nuts. This occurred today. Key moment: driving Red Zone in the Third Quarter down 13-10. They could not score a touchdown ... okay, it is the Dolphins. A field goal, here a short and reasonable one would tie it. No. Okay ... the Dolphins have bad field position. Oh well, they drove and managed a long field goal. The Giants go three and out. So it goes. Time getting precious. Third and eight right out of field goal range. Make it ... Miami goes on the score another touchdown. Interception in the End Zone with less than three minutes to play ends it. 23-10, Miami ... the team that knows how to play the game.

Okay, I'm officially sick of these guys. The NJ Jets, I predict, will win a few games under Chad. They might even beat the Giants (Chad may or may not be back) to really hurt the Giants, who now are 2-3 and in third place, pending the Eagles/Redskins game. BFD! The Giants might come back and win enough to get to the playoffs ... it wouldn't be the first time. Either way, I'm tired of it all. I'm taking a long bye while these guys freaking learn how to play the damn game. What are they being paid for if they can't make short field goals, stop a team on a key down, or heck, even score? I really don't know sometimes.
