Peeves [updated 7/13/01]

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Hillary Clinton YES!

You Know What Drives Me Nuts? Sports announcers who are just a too excited when the home team loses in some harsh way ... as if people watching the event except home team announcers to be totally neutral or something. Also, a game is not a "good game" when the team loses in said harsh matter, especially the NY Mets to the Atlanta Braves, who are the devil incarnate for Mets fans. (Yankees close second).

YKWDMN? Rude people, including people at take out places ... when they f-up your order, this especially gets to be annoying. Also, can't we trust that people know how to add things up? Is it our job to quickly compute the total every time? Too stressful!

YKWDMN? Stores that put the heat on too high, even when its nice out, so that you get all sweaty and icky. This is especially annoying if its a clothing store, so that you worry about ruining the new stuff. About as annoying as them asking me if I need help, when I just want to look around.

YKWDMN? People online who go out of their way to chat with you, but say things like "what do you want to talk about," as if it is your job to carry the conversation. I say if you don't know, don't talk at all. This goes along with people who don't check out profiles, asking questions that a quick look would answer. (a/s/l? well look at my damn profile you moron). Don't even go into the fact like no one checks out my website ... that is asking just a bit too much. Finally, it seems like there are just a few too many teens online. It's not like the average adult has such exciting lives that they don't have time to be online and hold back the teen invasion.

You know what drives me nuts? The choices we are too often given for elected leaders. I have to bear choosing between Hillary Clinton and ... for Senate in NY. She won, so I hope she does well, though her past has not got me overly optimistic. Her win is a bit less upsetting than apparent President George Bush (assuming he won without all the votes being counted). What a dweeb.

You know what drives me nuts? Living in a city where walking at certain times of the day is comparable to playing some kind of car racing game. The stragedy is basically the same in that you need to time your step exactly right or you will bump into someone or will be bumped. This is made worse by some morons who decide to walk slow (in NYC yet) or be in my way in some other way, especially when I am struggling to catch a traffic light -- not that green lights necessarily mean go with so many cars turning and all. Grrr

YKWDMN? Heartless or basically inconsiderate people. Nice to hear about how people are so aggravated by the homeless, for instance; poor souls need to be reminded about poverty and mental illness, ignorance is bliss after all. Oh, how about these nice ads that tell me that what to do with my money and compassion? I do not really believe in giving homeless beggars money, but this ad campaign of my fair city that tells me I can not do so is a tad bit much. I should give just to get back at them. And do not get me started on those who profess to be Christians and all, but think the way to protect the sanctity of life is to kill people via the death penalty. Out of sight and out of mind is key I guess.

YKWDMN? People who think they know the best way how to runs your lives or save your soul. The look of self-righteousness is not pretty when it is your parents(s) who do it, it is no less so when others are involved. We have a society that ignores the plight of many who need help, but who interfere with those who do not need any or want any. We have celebrities with girlfriends and wives decades younger, but imagine if members of the same sex show their love or (ack) want to get married? We spend millions for unnecessary operations and diet drugs that are dangerous, but imagine if some want to use marijuana for proven medical reasons. Churches has shown how many of its practices are less than holy while their doctrine is fill with questionable ideas, but imagine if someone suggests new ideas or even that they do not believe in God! You get my drift, I hope.

YNWDMN? People who rather explain stuff via rumor, prejudice, ignorance, and/or conspiracy theories than by logic. News Flash! JFK was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald; he was just one of many presidents shot and/or killed by lone deranged people. Oswald even shot (and missed) at a right wing general right before 11/22/63. Nonetheless, people insist he did not act alone or that someone else did it. Check out "Case Closed" by Gary Posner, a great book to answer such delusional people. And now, Martin Luther King Jr's family feels not only that James Earl Ray did not kill him, but the government (including the military) was involved -- this is so sad. Uh, sorry, going on a rant there, starting to sound like Dennis Miller.

YNWDMN? Sweating -- just disgusting, enough said.

YNWDMN? Movies that are edited for content on basic cable, even when its late at night. It is bad enough that most of these channels have commercials, but now I have to worry about missing parts of the movie held to be inappropriate. Ratings are so messed up anyway; any number of 'R' rated movies are given that rating because of bad language or maybe bare nudity, though many do not even have that. Many of these movies are actually worth watching, many more than the "PG-13" fare minors are supposed to be limited to (since movies are geared to teenagers, it is not surprising many minors see 'R' rated movies, making it all a big farce).

YNWDMN? Bad calls by refs or umpires. At least in football, where they make their fair share, there is qualified review and refs often discuss calls, as compared to baseball umpires who hold fast unilaterally, no matter how lousy the call is. Nonetheless, nothing is more aggravating than bad calls (calls sportscasters often denounce as they are made) held up against your team because well refs are gods. Oh, and if you challenge them too much, you might get penalized or maybe even thrown out of the game. You know, it's like when your mom says you did something wrong.

YKWDMN? People who do not realize that things generally are more complicated than they think they are; that the answer to a controversial question is usually 'yes but....' As noted above, sometimes they simplify by not accepting things how they are and crying 'conspiracy,' but others wish not to deeply think about their beliefs. This is understandable, but annoying, when the beliefs are flawed, often on deeply important matters. Oh, and people tend to be deeply offended when you question them, especially if it deeply held personal belief, so it's so hard to reason with them. This all drives me nuts and makes me sad, but such is life in a complex world.

YKWDMN? Feeling stupid when actually the other person is wrong, but can not admit it or might not understand it, perhaps because they are morons.

YKWDMN? Doing something and a second (or a nano) later you realize it is stupid. Sometimes, this realization comes while you do it. Actually, it doesn't help much when the realization comes.

YKWDMN? Hearing something on the radio or on television that is just sooo stupid, so you like yell at the computer or tell someone about it, and you just know the person does not care. They think it is trivial and laugh at you when you yell. They are evil. Also, applies to message boards, where you are led to write long answers to one sentence criticisms that might be wrong but at least they are short. You know like political soundbites. Does not apply to t.v. talk shows that are by their very nature stupid, e.g. Jerry Springer. Here you are supposed to yell and people actually think you are right to do so.

YNWDMN? The word 'gay' used to mean stupid, sometimes replaced by a less savory term. The use of a term that is popularly used to mean homosexual in such a way is rather disgusting in my opinion, and really annoying. This is followed (especially in certain chats) to saying a team "sucks" just because you don't like it.

YKWDMN? People who complain about things, when they have things pretty good, but are so greedy that they want more.

YNWDMN? People who whine. Nothing worse than if you are the one, so you have no one to yell at without looking very silly.
