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show history

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March 24, 2000- Fairport Teen Center with Highland Drive, Shoepillow, and Crush. This was a great show, amazing performances by all the bands, especially Highland Drive. Unfortunately, between the poor job of the sound man and just having an off night, new rule had a less than spectacular performance. But the rock must go on.

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March 5, 2000- Penny Arcade show with Spoiled Milk and Sweatshop Boys. Real fun show. man that place has great sound and lighting. Not a bad turnout for a sunday night either, about 60 or 70. New Rule had a pretty good performance, playing a bunch of new songs that seemed to go over well with that crowd. Spoiled Milk and Sweatshop Boys also did well, despite sweatshop boys having to use a temporary fill-in bass player.

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February 11, 2000- Fairport teen center show with Tears Of Isaiah, Proposition 24, and Seige. This was a really kickass show overall, quite a few kids came out for this one, probably about 150 showed up at one time or another. All the bands had great performances, and new rule made a huge impression on the crowd with one of their best performances yet. Proposition 24 also had a great performance as they covered static X, despite having to open the show because of a prior commitment on that date. Also, Tears Of Isaiah had a crazy performance featuring their old lineup of Brian, Erik, Kenton, Travis, Ryan, and Alex. Probably the only downside to that show was Kenton of Tears of Isaiah getting his guitar broken during their set. damn, that was a beatiful guitar.

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January 21,2000-Joel's party with at a glance. this was a fun show despite the bad acoustics in that room. but a fun time. New Rule played 14 songs, and it was a cool party. At a glance also had a good performance, spending half of their set doing different endings to the same song.

We played many other shows with our old and new lineups before that, but i lost the flyers so thats it for now, or until i find them.