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A Day In My Life as written by me

Ok, here's the story of 24 hours (well almost, I don't record when I'm sleeping) with me. If you are already convinced my life is boring, you're probably right, and you shouldn't read anymore. Not to much happens here, babe! Just enjoy and send me feedback!!

6:00 am

Good Morning America!! Just a typical day, I've been rudely awakened by some 70's group blaring from the bunk above. Did you ever just wanna kill someone? I kinda have that feelig right now.

6:05 am

I finally trudge to the kitchen area where JC (it's always someone) makes fun of my boxers. Ok, so I wear opinionated clothes, but all my boxers had on 'em today were stop signs. He made some lame joke about that protecting my virginity. If I was a mean person, I would throw cereal on him, but I just smiled and continued to eat peacefully. I kind of got that feeling again, that I got earlier.

6:09 am

I race to the bathroom to get the first shower. I was sucessful and enjoyed 2 minutes alone before Justin pounded on the door. I threw some over-alls and a t-shirt and let him have his turn, after he moaned on how girls take so long to do everything. Whatever!

6:28 am

I attempt to straighten my bunk before JC yells at me and Chris that we're taking up his precious time. Chris almost landed on top of me when he jumped down from his bunk, and grabbed the dog before we rushed out of the bus after the rest of the guys.

6:34 am

The guys set up for low bedget interviews where a zillion little weekly teenybopper magazines ask them questions like, "What's your favorite constellation?" and other stuff no one cares about. I wander aimlessly into the wardrobe room.

6:45 am

I help Cassie and Ben, the wardrobe consultants, pick out second and 3rd change outfits before I got bored and went to the lighting area then climbed up onto the rafters of the arena.

9:01 am

I awake from a nap to Justin yelling at me throught the mic, "Look at me Meg!". I almost fell off the platform I was on because he was eye-level with me only 3 feet away. I roll my eyes as Lance and Chris sing the Peter Pan song.

10:40 am

Rehearsal is done. Finally I could get down from the rafters without hitting a sound boy. SOund boys aren't usually boys, they're mostly men over 50. Oh well. No luck there. So then the guys and I go grap a snack, not usually to healthy, before they did a meet and greet type thing and a sit-down interview. I took Busta out with some crew members to enjoy the awesome sites. If anyone recognizes Busta (not normally) they usually stay calm and say hi, even though most of the ans have no idea who I am. i did lunch on my own, then headed back to the arena. I challenged Lance to a video game. He won, of course, but it was fun anyways! Mostly because he doesn't make a big deal out of it like *ahem* Justin *cough*.

1:45 pm

JC and I practiced a couple new songs for the show and one for my audition back home. He's the only one of the guys excpet sometimes Justin I ever sing with. I don't know why, but I'm not that into music.

3:06 pm

One of the lightin guys brought his neice and some opf her friends backstage for a little tour. One of the girls, like 8 or 9, swore she knew me. She lives here in Ca though, so I doubt it.

4:05 pm

Ok, we did pre-show backstage tours this time. Justin is in shock becasue a little 10 year old girl said she did like any of the guys and their CD is the worst thing she's ever heard!! I don't believe her though, because it's not like you just get backstage passes by accident. It was funny though!!

6:49 pm

I finally get some time to study for my biology test when Chris and Joe came in the bus to tell me I have no taste. Does everyone have to make a big deal out of the outfits I choose??

7:50 pm

Everyone finally agrees to wear "my outfits" for second change, and JC prayed before everyone loaded up on Surge and headed out. I came back here, because you can hear the music still in here. Finally I'm alone. Well, except for the ever-present snorting Busta-baby. He's a cutie though!

11:59 pm

The guys made it in on-time for my "curfew", and the silence is gone. Lance is watching Grease again. i still don't get it. Joey's in the shower, Justin's snorin', and JC is doing pushups in the bed aisle. Chris is above me throwing stuff at him. Ok, well, I'm gonna crash before he comes down and steals this from me, so g'night and stay *Nsync! LoL! :)


PaRT 2!!
Send the comments on, baybee!!