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A young woman walked briskly up stone steps that led into a large office building. She quickly addressed the receptionist at the front desk and made her way to the elevator. She stood there silently with a few other people, and thought back over the past 24 hours....


"Miss Allyn, your aunt is one line 3." Brooke turned and pressed the 3 button and picked up the phone. "Hello? This is Brooke Allyn." she said only half listening, as she shuffled through some papers on her desk. "Brooke, I'm really sorry, but there's been an accident." Brooke froze and quickly said, "What happened? Oh my gosh, is everyone ok?"

"Calm down sweetheart. Just listen. I'm sorry, but your parents..." her aunt paused for a moment.

"What??" Brooke almost yelled, unabele to contain herself.

"Brookie, your parents were in a car crash today." her aunt whispered. "They both died." Brooke could hear her father's only sister cry softly, then regain her composure. "I'm so sorry." she finished.

"No! What am I gonna do? What's supposed to happen now?" Brooke cried, slumping back in her chair, unable to believe the news. She hung up the phone before her aunt could reply and closed her eyes, falling into a light sleep.

*end of flashback*

"What floor?" Brooke heard a voice. She looked up to see an older man who looked slightly annoyed.

"Oh, 8 please." the girl quickly replied silently correcting herself for daydreaming. She brushed her light hair from her face before stepping off the elevator at her floor and began searching the door numbers for 16. Her parent's attorney's office. She stepped into room 16 and shut the door softly behind her. Two other people sat in the waiting room browsing theough magazines, and a woman was in the far corner, talking quietly on her cell phone. Brook walked over to the receptionist's desk to verify she was here. The receptionist nodded absently and Brooke sat down in an over-stuffed dark chair, waiting to see Mr. Brownley.

A few minutes later, a tall woman peered through the waiting room door. "Brooke Allyn, the attorney is ready for you." Brooke got out of the chairand walked through the door, forcing a smile at the womanas she passed her. She walked into Mr. Brownley's small office and sat down acroos from his desk.

"Good moring, Ms. Allyn." he said solemnly as he sat back in his chair and folded his hands.

"Hello." Brooke said, her face showing no emotion.

"I've been going through your parents wills and testemants, and I've found something quite, well, unexpected." he said, looking slightly puzzled.

Brooke's eyes anrrowed, "What would that be, Mr. Brownley?" she asked, not wanting any more surprises.

"Your parents say, in their wills that they are not your biological parents. You were adopted."

Brooke smiled a petty smile, "I think you are very mistaken, because I can't be adopted. I have pictures of me hours old with my parents! And why wouldn't they tell me?" she asked, annoyed by the attorney's assumption.

"I only know what your parents wrote, Ms. Allyn. They said you were left at the hospital. Your birthmother I guess, was scared because she was having marital problems, and she had just had twins. So she wanted to give you a second chance and left you for adoption. Your adoptive parents didn't have toi many answered so they hadn't told you yet. " the attorney explained, although still puzzled himself.

Brooke laughed uneasily. "Well, if that WERE true, then who is my real mother? And my twin sister or brother?" she questioned, still in shock.

"Your birth name was Brooke Annelie Littrell."

"That wouldn't be in any relation the the backstreet boy right?" Brooke asked closing her eyes to try to block the whole thing out.

"My records say yes. At least there is a Brian Littrell that is your twin brother. " the attorney said hoping to chear Brooke.

"Oh this is just perfect." Brooke said and began to cry. "First," she sobbed, "my parents die, then I find out they've lied to me, then my only family is some famous guy who probably doesn't know I exist and won't care." She stood up and took the documents off the attorney's desk. "Mr. Brownley, thankyou for this information, but I must leave now." Brooke brushed her tears away and walked quickly out the door and took the elevator to the ground floor where she called her travel agent to book the first flight to Kentucky.


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