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*diamonds* part II

Five days later, Hope ran quickly around the upstairs of the mansion she shared with her parents. The house was divided into three part. Two had been given to Hope and Harrison, the other is where her parents lived. As Hope burst into one of the guest bedrooms she found what she ws looking for. "Ah-hah!" she said to herself, grabbing a small sailor hat off the bed, which was full of baby items. It was her gifts from baby showers she hadn't found room for yet in the baby's room. She ran back down the hall to the nursery and took Harrison from Judy's arms, slipping the cute white hat over his head. She cooed and smiled at her son then grabbed her large black beach bag and sunglasses and went out the side door. She walked bare foot across the grass to her family's long dock. She waved to her boat where Elizabeth and her husband Cole already were. They both smiled and held the baby as soon as Hope climbed on board. Everyone, especially Hope, were ready for a day on the river in the bright sunshine.

Hope lay the baby down under cover and got a chance to do what sheloved. Skiing. Elizabeth watched Harrison and Hope spent two hours on the water, trick skiing and slolaming. After the time, she had forgotten all her problems and happily cuddled her nearly week-old son . After lunch, Cole took the boat back to the house and Hope walked Harrison to the house for his nap. She tried the backdoor and it was locked. Judy napped from 1-3 so it was no use knocking. So Hope walked around to the front steps when she heard a car door shut. She turned around quickly, embarassed at being only in a bathing suit and cut-offs. What she saw almost made her faint.

Marc had found Hope fairly easily. Her number had been unlisted locally, but he had connections. JC was so relieved when he got Hope's information, but for a couple days, he didn't know what to do with it. He didn't want to call and seem intruding, but he wanted to see his son. Leave it to Hope to give him an aristocratic name like Harrison. The thought made him smile. Her independence made him fall for her, even after not seeing for her for 10 months, he remembered everything. The first break JC got, he began the 2 hour drive to Hope's hometown. He got to her house at 1:30 and he knew immediatly he was at the right place. Even the yard declared Hope's presence. The colors and design was something only she could design. He drove up to the front door and saw Hope, or so he thought. She had on sunglasses and had a bright smile on her face and her face glowed. She was also carrying a baby. The idea seemed so foreign, but it was his baby. His child. An adorable child in cute summer clothes. He sat and collected himself before getting out of his car quietly. Well, not to quietly because Hope spun around and he could see the shock in her face. He smiled and said "hey." She stood still and silent. JC wondered immediatly if he should have come.


*part 3* coming soon!
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