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Inside the Sync - Chapter 1

I rolled over in my bed, hoping it was a bad dream. *Boom-Ba-Boom* echoed through my bedroom walls. Nope, just my luck, it wasn't a dream. "Who in the world would blare a stupid rap song at," i opened my eyes just enoguh to see the clock for a second, "eight sixteen on a Saturday morning?!" I finished with a load groan and rolled over so i was facing the ceiling. There was probably only ONE person in the world who would do that, and he had to live in my house. I moaned again, because I knew I wouldn't get back to sleep this morning. By the time my step-mom, Lynn, got up stairs and told Jonothan to turn off the radio, and he finished arguing with her about it, while the radio was still blaring, I could take a nice shower and be completely dressed for the morning. I lazily opened my eyes part way, and tossed my white down comforter off my bed, and it landed softly on the hard-wood floor. I got ready for my extra super-charge for the morning. I popped open my eyes so I was standing right in the middle of my queen-size bed. Sun poured in through my 4 huge windows and I shouted at the top of my lungs, so I could hear myself over the so-called music, "It's gonna be a great day, and I feel TERRIFIC!". Then I hopped off my bed, and my feet landed on the floor with a soft thud. I could picture Lynn sitting right below me in the breakfast room, probably on the phone or reading the paper saying to herself or my dad, "Two teen-agers, why me?" then smiling. I knew she didn't mind being a mom at all. It really showed. I peeled off my boxers and put on some cut-offs from Abercrombie and a tank top, then threw open my bedroom door, and stomped down the hall. I loved the sound the wood made as it echoed through our 6 bedroom house. I threw open Jonothan's door, almost knowcking him down. He looked life he'd been posing in the mirror on the back of the door again. I'd almost killed him 3 times when he was doing that. "Jen, who said YOU could come in?" he demanded. I smiled "I did. I just wanted to say thanks," I said as my smile grew a little more sarcastic. "For what?" he demanded, moving closer to me. He was almost an inch taller than me, and he flaunted that fact anytime he could.. I cut my smile, "For waking me up at 8:16 on a Saturday morning dork!" I yelled, then shoved him on his shoulder lightly. "Only you would complain about something that stupid." he said, and turned away from me. "Whatever," I muttered, and turned around and walked outta the room. He was no fun to argue with. I'd have to call Justin later. He and his four friends he was on tour with kept me equipped with the greatest comebacks out there. Oh, Justin is my other step-brother. He and Jonothan are brothers. My dad is married to their mom. Well, my adoptive dad. My family history is really complicated. When I was four, my real parents were killed in a car accident in New York, where we lived. I then went and lived with one of my mom's 12 half-brothers, Matt. He was really fun, and didn't have a wife or kids, so it was party time. Well, as much of party as a four year old can have! Then Matt got transferred to Africa with his work, so my mom and dad's family decided the best thing to do would be to find me a good solid home. The attorney for my adoption was Paul. He wasn't married either, but when I was still four, and I had been up for adoption for almost a month, he decided to adopt me, so we lived for about a year in his upper-class apartment in NYC, and every day, I went to daycare. It was fun, because with paul I was spoiled to death. After that yera was up, Paul and I moved together to Orlando for his work, and about two years later, he married Lynn Timberlake from Tennessee. I was eight then, and she was the first mother I'd had in almost 4 years, so she and I are really close. I still just called her Lynn, and I've always called Paul dad. Jonothan and I were the only two kids around the house usually, so we were prett tight to. Justin and I are super-close, cause we're closer in age, but he had been gona alot lately. I snapped out of my trip down Memory Lane, and jumped down the stairs, skipping the last two as usual. "Good-morning Lynn!" I said happily as I popped into the kitchen which is joind to the breakfast room. She waved and mouthed "Good-morning" with a smile. She was on the phone. Probably with her most recent managing project, 4 girls who were temporarily named Cassiopia. She loved the whole work part-time thing, cause she could still decorate the house, which was one of her favorite things, and still have an income for her own spending. I poured myself a bowl of Rice Krispie Treats cereal. If you haven't tried it, you have to, it's the best! I noticed a huge box of Apple Jacks in the pantry, and remembered that Justin and his band-mates, Chris, JC, Joey, and Lance were coming home on Monday! That always snapped me out of summer boredom. "Where's my dad?" I mouthed to Lynn, after getting her attention by tapping on the granite counter with my spoon. She pointed up-stairs. I smiled and gave her an "ok" sign. No way he could still be sleeping after Mr. Idiot blared his stupid stereo this morning. "Must be in his office" I thought. I noticed the stereo had stopped, maybe my dad went in and asked Jon to shut it off, or for once Jon had listened to me? Nope, had to be my dad. I ate my cereal and ran upstairs to talk to my dad. "Hey dad!" I said as I walked into the work-out room on the third floor. He hadn't been in his room or office, so i looked here next. "Hey, honey." he said, breathing hard, "Hold on," he paused as he lifted the weight, "leeme get two more." "ok, sure" I said. I sat down on one of the other weight machines waiting. "Ok," he said as he got up, wiping sweat from his face with a red towel. "what's up?" "Oh, just wanted to know what time we can go play tennis, and when Justin's flight gets in. Lynn's on he phone so I couldn't ask her." I said. "Ok, tennis after 2, I have a meeting at noon, and the flight gets in Monday at 9:15 am. You'll have to go ith lynn and Jon, I need to work." "ok, cool, see you after two, I guess." I said smiling. "I'm gonna head over to Tiff's after I change." I said. "Ok, laterz, Jen!" He said as he got ready to lift again. I stood up and left the room. Tiff was my best-friend and had been since I moved to Orlando when I was halfway through with Kindergarden. I loved her to death, and she had recently moved just down the street. We were going to camp together for 5 weeks in July, and today, we were gonna hit the mall. She had gotten a new BMW a couple months before, so we rode anywhere and everywhere we could in it! I went down to my room, pounding on Jon's door by the way. He didn't yell at me, so I guessed he was down-stairs having breakfast. I went into my room, closing the door behind me, and ran to my walk-in closet, trying to decide what to wear. Casual yet completely stylish. I chose a new pair of utility pants that were orange with an emroidered dragon on the back of the left leg, and an olive green tank top. I smiled at myself in the mirror, and called Tiff to tell her I was on my way. I said bye to Lynn, and Jon, and headed out. Lynn was still on the phone. Cassiopia had recently recorded their debut single, so she was up to her neck in marketing and advertising jobs. I jumped in my Tahoe, and headed over to 12 Cherry Hill Drive, about a mile and a hlaf away. I couldn't wait for Justin to be back, I craved an older brother to boss me around! But he and the guys, especially JC and Chris, were so much more, they were like my counselors and best friends. Next week would be such a blast....

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Chapter 2