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Inside the Sync

Monday morning, I actually slept until only 7:45, but I wasn't rudely awakened this time by a shaking house. I jumped up on my bed and did my usual energy charge, then jumped off, and into the shower. My dad came in my room just as I was walking out of my bathroom with a towel. "Hun, please try not to jump on the floors before 8, at least." he said, a little tired, I could tell. "sure, sorry!" I said smiling, and he walked slowly out. I picked a grey long stretch skirt w/ to side-slits to wear to the airport with a cute summer twin set and some platform sandals. Ultra comfortable. Just as I was in the middle of my eye-make-up, Jon threw open the door. "Ok, I missed the knock!" I said only half looking at him, still in his pajamas. "Sorry" he mumbled, "When does the flight get in?" he asked. "9:15, we're gonna leave at 8:50, to be on-time." I said. Last time, he'd made us an hour late becuase he slept in. Needless to say, Justin, Chris, Joey, and JC weren't to happy! So, this time, I was determined to get to the airport and get the guys on-time, if not before! "Ok,. that all? You can go!" I said only half-annoyed. "Ok, I'm goin, I'm goin'!" He said, and walked slowly out, closing the door behind him. I continued with my makeup and hair. Hair, now that always took forever, I couldn't wear it down because it had dried weird, but up, it looked funky. I wore it up anyway! Finally, at 8:45, I had a piece of toast and some orange juice for breakfast. When I was done, I stood at the bottom of the stairs and yelled for Jonothan. "I'm leaving NOW, Jon!" I heard thumping, and he ran down the stairs. "I'm coming!" I looked at him, "Finally." I muttered. He just glared at me, I glared back and we went out the back door to the garage. When we were pulling out of the driveway, I called Lynn on the cell phone to tell her we were on our way. She'd gotten caught up with something at the studio, and would meet us and Justin and the guys for lunch. Then I had Jon call the airport to get the luggage outside waiting when we got there. We always picked up the luggage first, so as soon as the guys got off the plane, we could jump in the car and leave. I grabbed our parking time receipt when we got to the garage, then did a U-turn back to the baggage check. I showed the people at the counter my ID, and they loaded up the trunk. I was so not smart. Once again, we'd brought the tahoe to the airport. How in the world do 7 people fit in a 5 person car when the trunk is packed with suitcases. I called Lynn, panicking. "Lynn, please come to the airport and switch cars with my!" I pleaded while the baggage guys stared at me, obviously entertained. I glared at them, and walked around to the other side of the car. "Ok, don't worry, I'll be there in a second." She said. Miss Calm as usual. I looked at my watch. The gys would be getting off the plane in only 8 minutes. There was no way Lynn would get to the airposrt and find me that fast. I could send Jonathan inside, but I knew he would seize the opportunity and tell every teenage girl he saw who's brother he was, and by the time he'd get to the gate, the entire airport would be following him. Or I could leave him here and wait for the flight myself, but Jon couldn't drive the truck to the parking garage when Lynn arrived with the truck. I cloudn't call Justin because I knew he couldn't talk on his cell phone in the terminal or on the plane, so I just paged Chris, and left a voice mail. He'd have to check it on a pay-phone in a few minutes. I called the pager number, from memory. I dialed the guys pagers a lot because there was no permanent phone number for the tour bus, because of all the roaming. I said, "Hey, so sorry, had to flip cars with Lynn super quick, but Jon and i are outside by American's second baggage claim area. Meet us in the top floor of the garage ASAP." I turned to Jonathan and smiled. "Now we just wait!" Right about then 3 men come out in American Airlines uniforms lugging about 20 suitcases. There was the guys luggage, headed straight for me. "Excuse me, are you, uh..." he looked at the tag on one of the duffels, "Jenifer Harless?" he finished, and looked up at me. "Yep, that's me," I said smiling, and showed him my baggage claim I.D. He nodded and signaled to the other men to put the suitcases down by me and Jon. We loaded up the bags into the Tahoe and pulled into the parking garage. I had Jon call his mom to bring the car up there instead of down by the baggage claim area. I kicked off my sandals and pulled my feet up onto the seat. Jonathan flipped on some station I would never listen to, and we both just sat back. Just a minute later, Iheard the elevator bell go off, and I turned around to see 5 guys walk out of it, looking confused and pointing at each other. "Ok, for once it wasn't me!" I heard a voice speak up. "Yeah, whatever Chris." I heard another voice say. I opened the car door and walked out slowly towards the elevator. When I got right behind one of the guys I yelled, "Look, now ya broke it, dang it!". "The guy" happened to be Lance. He turned around quickly. "Oh my gosh, you scared the crap outta me Jen! But I'm so glad to see you!" he said and gave me a big hug. "You to!" I said, and gave Joey and JC hugs to. I walked barefoot across the pavement and Chris grabbed me and trew me up over his shoulder. "Where your shoes girl?" he said. I almost screamed. "In the car dork, putme down, and give me a normal hug!" I laughed, kidding around. "Nah, I don't think so!" but he put me down. I turned around and there was Justin. "Just left us to fend for ourselves in that big airport, huh?" he said sternly. "Yep!" I said, and stuck out my tongue at him. He stuck his out back, and walked over and gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Shall we go now?" I said to all the guys. "Last one to the car gets no lunch!" Chris screamed. I was glad we were the only ones in the garage! He picked me up as he ran by and almost threw me into the car. "Watch out!" I yelled. Jonathan was of course outta the car andjust standing there. "Oh, sure Mr. Cool, make me look crazy!" I said. He just stuck out his tongue. "Oh yeah, Lynn should be here any second to switch cars. Then we'll goto lunch." "Except JC!" said Joey. JC was still looking at the elevator trying to fix it. It figured. Oh well, so we all just sat in the garage waiting for Lynn, and catching up. I leaned back onto the car, and just smiled. I really couldn't ask for more.

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