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Inside the Sync Chapter 3

The whole rest of the afternoon, Jon and I spent with the guys with a couple of their friends. After lunch with Lynn at Hard Rock Cafe, we made our luggage drop off trips, dropping off each of the guy's luggage where they live in Orlando. By the time we got back to our house, I was so tired. I ran upstairs and changed into some older jeans and white tanktop, then headed over to Justin's room, hoping for some alone time. That almost never happens, but that day, it worked. I knocked on his door. "Come in," I heard him say. I opened the door and walked in. "Hey," I said. He looked up from the ground where he was sitting unpacking. "Hey, Meg, come over here. Can you help me with this?" he pointed helplessly to all the clothes sitting around him. "Definitely." I said as I walked over and sat down beside him. I started sorting his clean clothes and his ones that needed to be washed. I swear, guys never think they need to do laundry! Anyways, I said, "I'm glad your home Justin. It was so boring when you were gone." He looked up, "I wish I could stay longer, I love it here!" he said smiling. I don't know why, but I just gave him a hug. He hugged me back, and then I went back to work sorting clothes. We talked for what must've been a really long time, because before I knew it, Lance popped his head in to say Lynn was done with dinner, so we better come down. But it's afternoon's like those that I'll remember forever. As I walked barefoot downstairs, I heard a lot of talking. Lynn must've gone a zillion percent again and invited all the families of all the guys over. I would love to be half as outgoing as her! I jumped down the stairs and walked over to the sliding glass doors that led to the patio. As I walked across the wood deck, I smelled the hamburgers on the grill. I walked over and hugged my dad, who was talking to Mr. Chasez and Mr. Fatone. I was so glad they could come down. Usually, they tried to, but it didn't work. It was a really rare time when all the guys and their families could be down at once. "Hello Meg," Mr Chasez said, smiling. He's so hilarious, cuz he's so short! I smiled and said "Hey" then asked my dad, "Did you get my gardenburger?" "Of course!" he replied. I smiled and walked back to the other end of the deck where all the other people were. I am a vegeterian, so I always have to make sure I have a substitute for cookouts and stuff. Then I heard two voices behind me, "Hi Meg, may we go up to the playroom?" I twirled around and bent down. There were Chris two little sisters. "Hey you two!" I hugged them both, "definitely, go on up! I'll come up later, ok?" "Thanks" they replied and disapeared into the house. I could here them squeal all the way up the stairs. I smiled, then walked over to where all the moms were. They all waved and I waved back. It was so cool they could all be together talking. They were like 5 best-friends. I heard my name, "Meg, come swimming!" It was JC. I peered over the deck and into the pool. There were all 5 guys, Jon and JC's brother, and Steve, my half step brother. He was Justin's dad and step-mom's son. 'That must mean Randy and his wife are here." I thought. That's so good for Justin. "Well, later maybe!" I replied to JC finally. "Ok! Whatever!" He said. I walked down to the pool to sit and talk, and he jumped out of the water, picked me up, adn threw me into the pool, clothes and all. I came up to the surface and screamed, "You dork!" I leaped out, running around the house after him. I got into the front yard, and he was no where in sight. "I'll kill you," I yelled into the air, and ran back to the pool. "I may as well come in now!" I said to Chris who was now chasing me. I just sighed and jumped in, laughing. I swam over and said hi to Steve. He's so adorable, and has "Justin-eyes". He just cracks me up with his silly little boy jokes. About 20 minutes later, I got out of the pool with everyone else, and we walked over to the deck. We had prayer and then ate dinner. I sat on the grass with the guys, Jon, and Steve. Justin eats up Steve whenever he sees him. He was surprised that he was there, it was so cute to watch them pick on each other for fun. After dinner, Lance and I went on a walk around the neighborhood. He likes to do that, we're both pretty big walkers. It has become a small tradition, everytime the guys are in O-town for an evening, we try to walk a mile or so. Our conversations are so different from mine with anyone else in the world. They're really in-depth, but not boring at all. That evening the topic was pretty much stress. The guys had been having some serious stress problems, cause the had been so busy. Not only with touring, but with interviews, rumors, they were constantly in demand, whether they were getting lunch or shopping, they were never alone. Plus their record label was pushing the new album to much, to far. Like wanting the guys to cancel some tour dates and family time. Actually, the guys were recording some songs for the album while the were in Orlando, but not enough to cut an album, there wasn't that much time. I tried to encourage him, and told him about everything from graduation to my summer boredom, to youth group to the big sales at the mall. He really acts interested to, so Lance and I get along so well. I described camp to him. I was going for my 6th year, for 5 weeks in North Carolina in July. I was so phsyched. I invited him and the guys to come see me, and he said they would try to. Then we were back home again. We cut through the house and joined everyone else out back again, as the sun set below the Florida horizon. We made big plans for the next day, Disney.