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Inside the Sync Chapter 4

That evening, after most of the families had left the house, Lynn, Jon, Justin, Chris and I were cleaning up the kitchen. JC and Joe were in the back cleaning up the yard, or at least trying to. It looked more messy to me when they were done, but anyways, Jon was really mad. "Why can't I take me girlfriend to Disney tomorrow, that so sucks!" Lynn quickly threw in "Jon" "Sorry," he shot back, then continued, "Everyone else is bringing their friends, and I can't even bring Haley. That is so annoying! Even Meg gets to go!" I sighed, "Uh, hello, I get to go because I LIVE HERE! I'm not your stupid girlfriend!" I yelled. "Meg, now please, don't yell and don't get all over Jon." she glared at him. "Sorry." I muttered. "Jon, come on, are you sayin' we're not fun??" said Chris, and twisted Jon's hat around on his head. Jon reached up and slapped his hand. "Don't touch me man!" he said annoyed, then stormed off. "Last time we took his girlfriend anywhere we ended up paying her way, and she complained about breaking her nails." I said, semi-defensively. "No kidding!" said Justin laughing. "I hear you, and that was my old girlfriend. Haley's different!" Jon called from the stairs. "Whatever!" I yelled back, laughing. "Well, g'night you guys, I'm heading to bed!" Lynn walked over and kissed Justin and I on the forehead and waved to Chris. "Night Lynn!" I called as she walked out. "Night mom!" Justin said and Chris finished, "Night Lynn. Ok, no parents, woo-hoo!" he said quickly, and threw a wet washcloth at me. It landed on my shirt. "Uh-uh, no no, don't start a fight with me this late! It'll never be over!" I threw it back and it hit him in the face. Justin walked up behind me and swung me over his shoulder. I almost screamed. "Let go, dork, now!!!" He dropped me and I landed on the tile. I stuck out my tongue and ran out to the deck to get JC and Joe. Chris and Justin were after me. I ran outside and they quickly shut and locked the door behind me. Through the glass I could see Chris race to lock the front. I lightly tapped on the door, and Justin walked over to it and smiled. I mouthed, "You're dead!" and he just waved and smiled. He obviously enjoyed me being on the OTHER side of the door. I jumped off the deck and went to where JC and Joey were. "Um, bad news, we're locked out." "What'd you do this time?" said JC. I glared at him, "Hey it's not my fault my step-brother is a power freak and likes to know he locked me outside!" I said. "Fine." he replied jokingly. "Fine" I said. "Ok, well we've got to get in some how!" Joey finally spoke up. "No way." JC replied sarcastically. "My room's around front. Let's go over there, my window should be unlocked, I doubt Justin adn Chris are THAT smart!" I laughed. JC and Joey both laughed then said, "No way!" We walked around to the front in the dark. The flood lights were on so we could see where we stepped. We got to infront of and below my room, and Joey said, "Now, how do we get up there?" I climbed up onto the windowslot and carefully adjusted my footing. "Like this." I replied. Now, Joey, get where I am, and lift me up, JC, spot us." I comanded. "I'll try it," Joey said and climbed up. I slowly climbed on his back then his shoulders, then stood up. I slammed my window quickly up and grabbed the inside frame. I slid through and Joey pushed my feet up. "Ok, now goto the back, I'l be right down!" I called and slammed the window shut. I walked towards the stairs and saw Chris and heard Justin in the playroom on the Playstation. I chose to not say anything, and quickly went down the stairs, opened the door and let the guys in. We locked the door behind us and crept up stairs. We walked into the palyroom and said hey to Chris and Justin. "Well look who finally got in! When did you realize the kitchen door was open?" "What, it was open? You idiot!" I yelled. "We climbed through my upstairs window!" "Not my fault you didn't check!" Chris laughed. I jumped on his back, knocking the controller out of his hands. "Stop, Meg!" he demanded. "No way!" I said and threw him to the ground. Joey picked me up and put me on the carpet then wrestled me down. "Ah-hah!" CHris then came over and about strangled me. I kicked him and Justin let go. "I'm going to bed!" I left laughing and went into my room. I threw on some pajama pants and a tank top and was getting ready to hop into bed when I heard a knock. "Come in!" I said. It was Chris. "I'm supposed to tell you that you suck." he said without any tone. I knew who the message was from. "Tell Jonathan he sucks more!" I said, smiled then shut the door. "Ok then!" said Chris throught the door. "Goodnight!" "G'night" I said then fell into bed.

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