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The next morning, I dragged myself out of bed. It was the first time in months I hadn't slept well. As I half slept, the door was thrown open, and I was greeted with two very loud voices. "Good morning sunshine!! Wake up, dangit, we're goin to Disney!!!" the last part was Chris alone, but the first was Justin and Chris. I sat up tosing pillows in either direction. I glared then laughed, "Go away, I'm coming, I'm coming!!" I rolled off the bed slowly and walked over to the door, closing it in their faces. "We'll leave without you if you don't hurry MARGARET!!" Justin yelled through the closed door. I yelled, "Don't EVER call me that you dork! It's NOT my name!!" I laughed because he knew it would get to me. Hardly anyone knew my real first name, and once, Paul had spilled, so it was constant blackmail from Jon and Justin. I let it slide, laughed, and turned to my unmade bed. As I began pulling my throw pillows up onto the bed, all I could think about was how much I wanted to hop back into bed and go to sleep! After my bed was made, I walked over to my closet to find an outfit for the ay. I rocked back and forward on my bare feet talking to mayself. "Ok, now Meg. It's 90 degrees outside, think practical and comfortable!" I always checked the weathe raloud with myself, otherwise, I'd end up witha leather jacket and jeans on a 100 degree day. I opted for a white tank top and drawstring jean shorts with some all-terrain shoes. I didn't even check myself in the mirror, just tossed my hair into a ponytail and ran out of my room, grabbing my purse and sunglasses off the hall table before bouncing down the stairs. As I half fell down them, I could hear a bunch of people eating and talking in the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen doorway, there was a human barrier. "Excuse me!" I said over the noise. The person turned around and faced me, "Sorry, Meggo, go on through!" JC's dad moved to the side. "Thanks Mr. C" he went back to talking to my dad. I waved to him before dodging bunches off people to find the bar. Lynn could never turn down the opportunity top get friends together for breakfast which she claimed was the "most important meal of the day." That time, I thought she'd outdone herself! There were probaly 35 friends in the kitchen alone! I finally found an empty bar seat and threw my stuff on the counter of it. "Good mornin' Meg!" I turned and saw our neighber, Justin's best friend, Adam sitting in the stool across from mine, behind a plate full of food. I'll admit it, he's a hottie, at least that's what my friends tell me! But I know everything there is to know on the guy, and 18 years worth of dirt doesn't really attract you to a guy!! I rolled my eyes before replying, laughing, "You're not coming to Disney, are you?" "Well, I wasn't but now.." I interupted, "NO! Don't even think about it, dear!" I grinned sarcastically then turned to find the food. By the time I finally found it, I was being half dragged out the door by Chris and Lance. I quickly grabbed some food and put it on a plate. Chris scooped me and my food up. I yelled, then ordered Lance to get my stuff off the bar, and we were out the back door. Chris finally put me down, and said, "Pick a car, any car." I rolled my eyes and ran to the nearest car, which happened to be my dad's Expedition. Justin was driving. I turned and looked in the backseet to see Jon and Lance. "I'm changing cars." moaned Jonathan sarcastically. "No, you're not!" said Justin as we backed out the driveway. "I'm even feeling merciful!" I said. "You can pick the station!" "You're so so sweet, Meg!" said Lance, laughing. I saw a hand reach up from the back and flipped to 98.7. "Whoa, baby, DMX is on!" said Jonathan from the back. "You'll regret this!!" laughed Justin and we turned onto the interstate. "You're probably right!" I said as I took a drink of my orange juice. "So what park are we going to anyways??" Lance called over the music. "Always thinking ahead, Mr. organized. Personally, I have no preference." "That's a first," Jonathan muttered pretending I couldn't hear. I turned around, "Shut up!" I said half-amused. He just kicked the seat, and turned to Lance, "We have to goto the Magic Kingdom. It's a tradition!" "A tradition?? Sure, Jon, admit it, you think that Peter Pan ride is fun!!" I laughed, and Jon kicked the seat again. "For your information, Miss Un-Organized," called Lance, "you should be glad I'm here! Otherwise, we'd have a million 11 yearolds following us the whole day! I was going to call ahead for security." "Oh, but Lansten, I'm SO glad you're here!!" I said semi-sarcastically, and everyone laughed. Then I heard a phone ring. I looked at both of the cell phones plugged in to the car hook-ups. Neither was ringing. "Shoot, we have got to get all the rings different, they sound the same!!" I said, as the phone rang and the radio blared. "Is it yours?" I asked Justin. "Nope, mine's on vibrate, I think." he answered. "Not mine!" Lance said. I looked at Jon. He just grinned. He knew what it was.., I flipped my purse over in my lap, digging through all the junk. Finally I flipped my phone open. "Hello?" I called over the noise. "Hey Margaret Elise. So, what park do you guys wanna do?" It was Chris, "First off, never ever call me that again, don't learn from Justin! And we were just discussing that." Justin looked at me and mouthed, "what?" I stuck out my tongue at him, and he did the same to me. I slammed the power button on the radio so I could hear. "Hey!" yelled Jon. Justin turned around when we were stopped at a light. "Get over it, bud. We're almost there!" he laughed, then we turned into the first gate. We pulled over next to the parking ticket center. "We can't go anywhere until we decide which park to meet at and get security." I said. "So, Lance and J, do any of you have a preference?" I asked. "Nope." they both answered. I talked back to Chris, "No preferencew here, how bout ya'll?" "Well, JC, Tyler and I don't care either." he answered. "Oh yeah, is Heather at Greystone?" I asked, remembering I hadn't seen her the night before. Heather and Tyler are JC's younger siblings. Heather goes to the camp I went to in NC. Onlt she usually goes the first session, and I went the second. "Yeah, she's there." Chris replied. "I'll call Joey and you call Lynn and everyone else, see what they think." he finished. "Yeah, the most opinionated here will probably be your sisters!" I laughed. "Probably, I'll see you at the park. If Joey has a big preference, I'll call you back." "Ok," I answerewd, "Bye, babe." and I hung up my phone, handing it to the back. "Jon or Lance, please call Lynn and the rest of the people to see what park they wanna goto, so I can finish eating!" "Sure," said Lance, taking the phone, and called Lynn. We got back on the rode, and drove the ramaining mile or so to the main parking lot. We pulled into the lot, and walked over to the security station. We had decided on the Magic Kingdom after all, and our security was there waiting for us. It's hard to have so much security in such a busy place, but it's worth it. Finally the rest of our crew walked over. We got on a little tram, and we were off for a day in the happiest place on earth!!

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