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I won't tell you about Disney, because you would definitely get bored! It was pretty excitnig, just probably not to you! Just the average taking the little kids on the rides with hour long rides, and the actualy ride lasting only 2 minutes! That night, JC's parents and Tyler left to fly home to Maryland, and Lance's parents got on the road back to Mississippi. I'm pretty sure everyone slept well after the long day. At least I did! The next morning, Lance, Justin and I went out to breakfast at a local diner-type place. It's about the only place we can go for a meal without any security at all. No one there cares if you're famous, and if they do, they don't stare or ask for autographs or anything. It's the "Normal place", and the guys go there alot when they're in town. That morning, because I was so tired, we sat down at the counter, and ordered breakfast, only talking a little occasionally. But that was ok, I loved having an older stepbrother. And that's what Lance is to me to. I didn't mind just sitting there. We were in a little hurry becuase the guys had a meeting with Johnny, their manager, at 9am, then had reserved the studio for the afternoon. When you reserve a studio, you use every mnute, because not only does it cost a lot, it's really hard to find an available time for a studio that can have 5 singers, plus their director, coaches, and usually some family or friends. The complex the guys use is almost alwayz booked. We just sat there, making small talk 'til our food came. Then he had to say something. That was all it took. There was one thing Justin had never agreed with me about. Never. He never said why. Even the other guys stood up against him on this one. "So, Meggo, have you broken up with Brian yet?" I rolled my eyes and gave Lance a pleading look. It worked. He spoke up, "Justin, do we have to discuss this again?" he looked at his food, playing with it with his fork, "I was just asking, I mean she is my step-sister, I like to know!" he smiled a little. I groaned, "I never bug you about your girlfriends!!" "That's cuz Justin never has any!!" Lance joked. He and I laughed. "Ha-ha," said Justin sarcastically. "Very funny. Excuse me for asking!" "Well I'll answer you I guess!" I said laughing. "N, Brian and I aren't broken up. What do you mean YET? I cannot believe your so against him! He never did anything to you!" "I'm not exactly against him, Meg. Plus I've had some fun to." "Do you mean you had a girlfriend??" I asked slapping his shoulder. "Who??" "He HAD a girlfriend." said Lance. "I met her in Chicago. We both had photo shoots. She's a model." "Oooh, model, huh? Fun." "Well, that's over anywayz." He said snapping back. "Ok." I answered, trying to change the subject. "Um, can I go with ya'll downtown today so i can mess around with JC in the sound room?" I asked. Justin raised an eyebrow at me, "Mess around?" "With songs you idiot!" I laughed kicking him a little. "Oh, ok. Sure, if it's ok with him." he replied. I rolled my eyes, and we both laughed. "Ok, well, I'll take this one, ya'll you ahead and head to johnny's" I said, motioning to their breakfasts. "Oh, no maam, I will pay, thank-you!" Justin handed a credit card to me. "So, you don't think i can afford a diner breakfast? Come on, I owe you bro!" "Whatver," he shrugged, smiling. "See ya later, Meg!" called Lance as they left the building to Justin's Mercedes. I payed the bill and got in my car to go home. When I got there, Lynn was sitting onthe counter talking on the phone, "Ok, I'll meet you at 2. Bye!" she hung up the phone, and said to me, "Hey, Meg, how was breakfast?" "Fine, thanks. Is it ok if I goto te sound room with JC later?" I asked. "Sure, what time?" "Um, when they're done with rehearsal, I think around 3 or so." "Ok. Oh wait, Jon and Kyle need to get to soccer practice at 4. I'll be at an appointment in Tampa, and your dad is at a site today." she rested her chin on her hand, thinking, "Can you take em Meg? Please?" "Um, sure, if they wanna hang at the complex for a little while, Jon likes that I think?." "Ok, thanks so much!!" she replied smiling. "No prob," I smiled back and bounded up the stairs to my room to call JC and finally ask him to meet me. I paged him, knowing he was probably in the meeting with John and the guys. But I was surprised when he called back only 2 minutes later. "Hey JC," I said, "you didn't have to call right back!" He replied calmly, "Oh, it's no big deal, I never mind talkin to you!" We both laughed. "I was just wondering, can we work with some scratched songs in the studio later?" "Sure, that'll be fun!" "Ok, call me when your done with your rehearsal later, k?" "Definitely! Bye hon." "Bye!" I said before hanging up. Jon, Kyle and I went to the studio at about quarter till 2. When we got there, Jon and Kyle went towards the back to find the gym, and I leaped through the glass doors, excited to be back in on my favorite places for the first time in almost 2 months. Picutres of Justin and the rest of the guys lined the navy blue walls, along with pictures of Britney Spears, Mandy Moore, Backstrret Boys and LFO. I waved and said "hey" to Grace the secretery before making a right into the first sound room.


