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If Only Through Heaven's Eyes

This is a really good story! I hope ya'll enjoy!!


Mom, come on. Im 17!! Give me a break!! Nothing will happen, its just people from my school!” said Korey

“you are under no circumstances going to that party.” Her mom argued back.

“But Mom! Every hot guy in our school is gonna be there, and Nsync! that new band ya know, and some others...oh god i HAVE to go! Imagine that, a band at a highschool party and me not there” Korey sighed in horror

“I think its the most brilliant thought in history, now dont say another word or you'll be grounded.” Her mother answered.

“fine!” Korey yelled before running up to her room and slamming the door.

Her long slender ballerina body strung itsself across her bed before she picked up the phone and dialed her best friend, Kelly’s number.


“Hi, Kelly?”


“This is Korey.”

“I know. So what did ur mom say?”

“NO! I hate my mom. She said absolutely not. But hey, meet me at Bently park tonight at 8:00 k?

“Why? I thought u werent aloud to go?”

“I’m not.Just meet me there ok?”

“Ok. See ya then” Kelly said clueless.

*8:12- Bently Park

“Come on, where is she?” Korey said to herself. Somebody ran into the back of Korey and she turned around to find Kelly in a heap at her feet.

“What the hell?” Korey said impatiently.

“Sorry didn’t see ya comin!” Kelly practicly yelled in Korey ears.

“How could u not see me coming? I was standing right here!” Korey asked even more impatiently.

“Never mind. So….. why did u call me here?” Kelly asked excitedly.

“We’re going to Mark’s house for the party! Duhhhhhh!!!!” Korey said “Oh. Ok I wont ask any questions”, Kelly said stupidly.

*20 minutes later- Mark’s house

“Wow! Mark- u have a huge house!” Korey said, excited to be at a popular person’s party.

“Uh…. Not really.” Mark said, anxious to be with his girlfriend, Danielle.

“Korey! Hi there!” Greg Kelman came up to Korey.

“Hi.” Korey said shyly. Greg was a football player and very cute.

“Do u wanna go upstairs?” Greg said, eyeing her.

"For what?” Korey asked cautiously.

“Dunno. To get to know each other more, maybe.” Greg said anxiously.

“Ok. Sure I guess.” Korey said and waved at Kelly, who gave her an excited look..."whats the worst that can happen?" she thought to herself, "he's so fine."

*Mark’s room.

“So, how r u?” Korey said trying to make conversation.

He paused for a minute looking into her interested blue eyes before saying "That ain't important." He whispered it in a way that gave her chills as he slowly inched towards her.

"Um, Greg just back up a min, I just want to get to talk, nothing else" Korey said in a shaky voice

"Hah! u wanna talk? ok we'll talk about you...your a ballerina huh...graceful eh? bet your swift in bed," he chuckled raising his eyebrows..."Get real babe."

"Huh?" she looked at him even more puzzled than the first time..."If your trying to get anywhere i suggest you not making fun of my passion."

"What...u like to...ballet huh, whatever, i wanna ballet you."

"God your such a pig, your the one that needs to get real."

"Korey, look, i'm not here to play games, get with the program. It's what everyone is doing, lets hook you up with some normalcy" Greg said raising his voice. "Ok, ok sorry we'll take it slow...," he said realizing her unbelievably uneasy expression

"Um, I need to go to the bathroom." She said looking around

"The bathroom can wait Korey, I can't." He said seriously again, violently moving towards her with his hand on her thigh

"NO!" She screamed and tried to get up but he managed to push her down.

"New rules Korey, we do what I want." he yelled.

She layed helpless for seconds before using all of her might to haul him off of her and screach to the door just as he grabbed her skirt. She didn't care, and pulled herself out of the door. Greg wasn't satisfyed. He chased her as she ran through a crowd of drunkens laughing at the excitement and bobbing their heads insanly to the music. She swerved through blindly trying to grab kelly but couldn't manage in time. All she could do was run out of the house. She couldn't breath and certainly couldn't see as she made her way through the mess of cars parked in the lawn. It was pitch dark out and the music was deafening. She could feel her heart pounding like any minute it was going to explode and she was going to fall over.

"Give up", Greg yelled

She didn't say anything, or even look back. Soon they made their way to a traffic filled street, and just as she was thinking that was relief, Greg ran around another way and got infront of her, chasing her down a cold dark alley. Tears began to stream down her cheeks, her makeup ran and she went limp as sweat ran down her forehead. She fell face first into the remains of food left from a gormet resturaunt a few blocks from the party. Thats where she new she was in desperate need of help and in major trouble. "My mom was completely right, i should have listened." was what raced through her head as she raised her eyes to the strong figure moving towards her.

"So I see little Korey isn't as fast as she though, huh" Greg said in a childish voice. Then he plopped himself down on her making her petite body indented in the garbage bags.

"GET OFF ME!", she screamed

He pulled up her skirt revealing her black stockings, full of holes and dirt.

"What do you have for big daddy today" He said obnoxiously, looking frusturated at her stubbornness. He ripped her gold necklace kelly had just gotten her for christmas off her small fragile neck and began to lick her. She was disgusted. Her eyes strained as she scanned the area for defense.

All she could see was dark outlines when suddenly lights flashed into the alley. Both had no idea who it was cuz it was so gloomy, Greg didn't even stop trying to finish getting her skirt off. From the way Korey was facing came a tall masculine man slowly making his way up to the scene. He had a long splintering object in his hand and put his finger to his lips motioning for Korey to be quiet. Then she was almost sure he was there to help her. It was a piece of wood from one of the garbage bins the man had picked up on his way walking over towards them and now he cautiously but swiftly raised it far above his head and realeased it sending it crashing over Greg.

"AWw man what the fuck!" screamed Greg, "Beat it ass hole!"

This mysterious man new Korey was in trouble then and ran to her, when he saw she was in one piece, he flung her over his shoulder still holding onto the wood. Greg was continually yelling while wiping the blood from a small gouge in his forehead and tripping after them, had had a few drinks and wasn't with it, thank goodness beacause he was much larger than the guy who saved Korey's virginity and life. The guy carried a wet, crying Korey to his car.

"Don't be afraid, everythings gonna be ok. I'm here to help you, I would never hurt you" the guy said sincerely as he lifted her into the front seat of his truck.

She couldn't do anything but look at him gratefully. He knew she meant well and tried to make her comfortable with a few blankets and his freshly bought cup of coffee, but she couldn't drink, she couldn't even think. Her heart was still racing and her mind was scrambled.

"Lets get ya to the police" He said still trying to comfort her. "My name's Justin, whats yours honey?"

"Karina Mcnulty....Korey", she said barely getting her own name to come out of her mouth.

"Well Korey, if thats ok, i promise im going to do my best to get you help sweetie"

"Thank you", she said dryly, staring into his face with a slight recognition.

"So can I ask how old you are doll?", He said hesitantly, wondering if she would answer.

"17", She replyed trying to get her mind back together.

"I'm 18 if you need to know for some reason. I'm so sorry this had to happen but it's really not my place to ask exactly WHAT happened so im not going to. I'm just gonna get you help" he said, "thank goodness i was heading that direction at that very moment" he thought satisfied with his sacrafise of the party he was heading to, to return his part of charity in this careless world. he shook his head, "some people are sick," he mumbled, "plain sick"

"I'm sorry, it was all my fault anyway, you don't need to help me. I can find my way somewhere", she said trying to unbuckle her belt.

"NO! sweetheart, trust me. It's ok. I'm so happy to help you, ive known a few in the same situation and its not easy."

She wasn't in any mood to argue so she let the belt go and sat back. The rest of the ride which seemed forever was completly silent excluding Koreys misculaneous weaps.


They finally walked into the doors of the Camelot Police station. All of the sudden a few young girls ran up to Justin. Korey had no idea what was going on. "Hey girls, im really sorry but im helping out a friend and i really cant do anything for ya right now, but i promise ill make it up to you." he said sweetly winking at them "OH MY GOD!" exclaimed Korey, "I didn't even notice!, oh my god! your....whoa this night has been too much....your....Justin TIMBERLAKE! from Nsync?!" she bellowed, frantically trying to calm herself. "Last time i checked, yea." he said smiling She couldn't believe it. That had taken her mind off of everything right untill the officer came over to them. She didnt miss the best of the party. "What can i help you with today kids?" he asked, "Is someone bleeding or dying?" "No" said Justin, "But it's very personal so can we please go somewhere and talk to you?" "I'm afraid i can't help you until this line of injured people has cleared away" the officer said coldy turning away. "Can we just go?" said Korey, shakily realizing once again who she was with. "No honey we need to get you help...." Justin said getting cut off "Look, if you want to help me, Please just take me somewhere safe besides my house so i can sort things out" she said maturly again forgetting who she was with and concentrating on what happened. "OK Sweetie, if thats what you want" Justin said quietly helping her out of the chair she had stationed herself in to keep from attacking this heart throb. They got back in the car with some small talk. Korey was mostly still desperatly trying to gather herself, she didn't want to go balistic on one of her idols. for some reason her mind couldnt focus on the fact that it was Justin though and she began to weep lightly again. She was startled when he placed his warm comforting hand on her shoulder and ran it down her back. ~~~~2:30 a.m. @ Camelot Hotel~~~~ "Here we go, this should be a safe place just for the night" said Justin "Here we go, one more time, everybodies feelin fine." Korey sang stupidly attempting to lighten the mood after a fairly long quiet ride. Justin smiled and helped her out of the truck. "One thing though, I'm not leaving you here alone." he said seriously, "Your way too uncapable of staying by yourself." "No really....." "No Korey, im staying with you, weather you like it or not. You need protection and i know your still afraid." said Justin said scolding her "Well what about Nsync?" She she asked curiously, remembering interviews of the guys rambling about frantic schedules. "They'll be just fine, we got the WHOLE month off" he stated smiling warmly. He thought to himself gazing lightly at the small fragile what seemed to be angel for having to go through what she did. He could tell how frightened she was. "The guys will surely understand, they always have...I feel this is my task, it would be the most unjust thing i ever did to leave this horrified young woman. "Are you ok?" she quietly managed to whisper "Oh, yea im sorry," he smiled snapping out of his transe. "Lets get you in and changed, all warm." he said still smiling, while slipping his large hands over her small delicate fingers to heat them. After getting their room and key he made sure she found the room before sharing the plan. "Ok, I'm gonna go down and get you some hot chocolate and blankets to warm you up, they never have enough. and you dont worry the door will be locked, ill knock to make sure your descent as soon as i get your things and wont leave your side afterwards. You stay in here and take a shower...does that sound ok?" She nodded still not understanding why he shared so much sympathy He fiddled with the door for a few minutes before opening to a small cozy suite as he led her to the bathroom. he was stopped from walking out the door when Korey called his name softly "Justin?" "Yes?" he said concearned "I really appreciate all this, more than i could ever express. No one has ever cared so much, i would have been raped if you came a second later. Some day i will surely make it up to you," she said slowly, stairing at the floor, concearned she couldnt express enough gratefulness. He was surprised this had been the most she said all night, besides freaking out when she realized who he was. "Its really no problem at all, i think i was meant to be where i was when i was, and you dont need to make it up to me in any way, just relax, please. Ill be back in a few minutes," he said trying to reasure her as he closed the door lightly. ~~TWO hours later~~ Michelle was finally done getting herself cleaned off. Justin sat in the bathroom on the sink while she blowdried her hair, when she finally felt comfortable telling him everything that had happened. "If i EVER even get close to that guy" Justin said looking pissed, "He won't ever see the light of day again" "Well im pretty tired" Korey said relaxedly falling onto a bed "Yea i bet you's the hot chocolate, it will warm ya up," he started to say, but realized she was already off in sleep land. "At least she's not worried anymore" thought Justin to himself Then he just sat there thinking. he noticed how young and innocent she was, and he couldn't believe anything so unfair could happen to an angel like her. His schedule was VERY hectic at this point, he couldnt possibly tell her that though. And he certianly couldnt just forget about this. One of his very best friends had been murdered by a rapist just three years before and the thought of any human having to go through what she did was unbearable. That made his decision even more definite. He lightly stood up trying not to wake her and crawled into the twin bed next to her's. "ill call the guys in the morning" he decided, finally resting his head back as he stopped fiddling with his curls. CHAPTER THREE *The next morning- the hotel suite* Korey woke up and rolled over to find herself starring into the face of a man. She sat up and screamed, remembering what happened last night. "What? What's wrong? Is he here??" Justin asked, freaked out be here screaming. "OMG! It's just u. oh man, i thought u were greg." Korey said, relieved, holding her chest. "Oh sorry i didn't mean to scare u." Justin said, sympathetically as he fell back onto the bed. "Do u need anything? Do u wanna go to the police today? I think its a good idea that we do cuz that dude could come back and try to hurt u again." Justin said, in a serious tone. "NO!! i dont want my mom to know about this! she said i couldnt go to the party i went to and i snuck out!" Korey said, afraid her mom would find out. "But Korey, u have to. ok, ill make u a deal, we dont need to tell ur mom yet, ok?" Justin said. "Please Justin," she pleaded, "I really can't have my mom angry with me when i need her support. "So your never gonna tell her?," he questioned knowing this was wrong. "Justin, I know your thinking this will just add craze to your life, but you can go i promise ill be fine, i just can not live with a 'Told ya so' right now," she whimpered as part of her mind liked the fact that she was saying 'Justin' so many times and being taken seriously. "It has nothing to do with me being busy, please get that to your brain. I have already told you i want to do everything i can to help you, will you at least call her?" "Yea, I guess she'll be worried where i am, im supposed to be in my bed sleeping right now." "Ok, thank god your at least obliging to that...lets go get some breakfast," he said opening the door..."I called the guys a few minutes ago...they're waiting." "Im not dressed!" she exclaimed laughing confusedly "Neither am i" he smiled as he pulled her up and gently yanked her out the door. *The hotel restaurant-- 8:30 am* "Hey guys! wuz up?" Justin asked trying to sound casual as he and Korey walked into the restaurant. "Hey Justy!" the rest of Nsync said in unison, relieved he was in the same hotel finally, since they had a show that night. "This is Korey. I met her last night. Korey this is JC, Joey, Chris, and Lance." Justin said as he introduced the guys. "I know," she said shyly, smiling politely "Oh are you that girl Justin jumped out of the car to rescue? What happened anyway?" Lance asked Korey. "Um.... its kinda private, Scoop" Justin said before Korey could answer. "Thats cool," said JC barging in on the conversation, "Pull up a seat guys we got tons of food," The guys devowered their food in what seemed to be seconds, while Korey picked at her soggy pancakes. After about half hour of Korey looking uneasy, Justin stood up as he announced, "Well we've got some things to take care of guys, so i'll see ya later?" "Alright, thats fine...make sure your at the studio at 7:00 tonight, Justin" JC said seriously. "Ill be there," Justin said reassuring all. ~Back in the hotel room~ "So what now?" asked Korey wondering what he was thinking while getting lost in the artwork on the wall. "Just relax and prepair to call a few friends or SOMETHING OR SOMEONE!" Justin exclaimed starting to wonder if she was gonna back out on their deal to call her mom. "I will, i dont know what to say, but i promise i will, i said i would so i will, thats what ill do, going to call...kelly, she was at the party with me...yes, and ill tell her that ummm....ummm..." she rambled she was interrupted by Justin "The TRUTH!," he exclaimed raising his eyebrows as if he was a father sending his child to her room. "I dont know, she was with me, and left, and i dont want her to feel any sort of guilt, she's my best friend," she sighed "Well then, if she's your best friend she'll understand sweetie!" he threw at her trying to prove a point a little to hard. "FINE!" She raised her voice for the first time to him, "Maybe she can tell my mom," she added calming down. He flipped his cell phone out of his pocked and tossed it in her lap. After stairing down at it for a few minutes she picked it up taking a deep breath. "She is going to flip, i didn't even let her know i left..." she sighed stopping when she saw a "JUST CALL!" expression form on justins face. she pressed the buttons slowly gathering the full number to the house she had called so many times she had lost count years ago, she could feel the tears building in her hot face as she heard a familiar voice on the other end of the line and took a deep breath. Justin mouthed he was heading back downstairs, so she could explain without feeling pressured on her own. He smiled comfortingly as he held the knob so it wouldnt slam. "Your doing the right thing" he winked at her and closed the door.


Part 2!