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IOTHE - part 11


("Mrs. Linkwood?" Korey wondered)

"Yes honey, I would ask you how you are but I don't have enough time for much of anything right now. I need a favor and I know I can count on you, please say yes." She pleaded

"Well sure, anything, but my I ask whats wrong?"

"I'll explain when I pick you up." Her voice now seemed rushed and shaky

"Pick me up? But im in the middle of..." Korey looked around for a sign before finishing, "Streamwood!" "No problem, I need you, won't make you explain honey but please...i'll be soon as possible." "Sure." Korey agreed shrugging. She finished giving Mrs. Linkwood directions and decided to wait in a McDonalds for a while. She laid back in the seat and wondered what this favor was. ~*5pm*~ "Korey?" Mrs. Linkwood lightly jabbed Korey's shoulder as she repeated her name. "Huh?" Korey said absently, as she finally lifted her head from the McDonalds table. "Sorry it took so long, I didn't konw exactly where this was...but I really need someone to come with me Kor." She apologized "Oh no problem." Korey responded standing up as she wiped the side of her face. She realized how long she had been there and the fact that she fell asleep in McDonalds. Korey hopped in Mrs. Linkwood's black Honda, and watched the constant droop on her face as she softly left in the drivers seat. "Ok Kor, hear me out." Mrs. Linkwood asked in a motherly fashion. Korey looked into her eyes to let her know she was listening. "Well I know you and Kelly aren't on the best terms right now," She started, screeching out of the parking lot. Korey rolled her eyes after turning towards the window. "Don't tell me she came all this way to make Kelly apologize," She thought "Anyway, I know your forgiving Korey, and I know she acted careless when you were in trouble." "Uh huh." Korey agreed Mrs. Linkwood sighed embarrassedly and quickly continued. "Well now Kelly's in trouble." Korey's heart sank as she sat up straight in the seat waiting to hear more. "She's been in a car accident." Mrs. Linkwood blurted as a tear streamed down her face, "She's my only baby and I can't protect her." Korey rested a warm hand on Mrs. Linkwood's back, looking down at her free hand resting in her lap, it was too painful to watch her trying to speak. "What happened?" Korey asked with concern. "I don't even know, they called me this morning, Kor I can't go in there by myself, please be my crutch just this once, even if your still upset." "No sweetie im not upset at all. She may have not cared but ive loved her too long to not love her now. Mrs. Linkwood smiled as wide as she could at this time of rare emergency in her life. "Thank you Korey, I knew you'd come through." "So how bad is it?" "Well they said they could only identify her by her license and they said she didn't look like the picture, I freaked out, I haven't had my mind all day of course except to come get you. "Calm down, everything's gonna be just fine," She found herself comforting just how Justin had. "I hope your right honey." She replied turning towards Korey as she patted her leg in gratitude. The rest of the ride was in silence, which they were both used to lately. Korey felt terrible for not talking to Kelly sooner but she knew she had to take care of herself for at leat a little while. She was afraid of what she would see when they got to the hospital. "I'll kill the damn idiot that did this to her," She snapped to herself When what seemed like forever later arrived, they pulled into a highly jammed hospital parking lot. Korey swallowed and tried to relieve the jumble of her stomach. She grabbed Mrs. Linkwoods clammy hand as they walked to the emergency ward. Carts passed by as well as many desperate looking people on stretchers. Everyone that passed made her even more curious about Kelly. "Excuse me Ma'am, I need to find my daughter." The lady at the desk leaned closer. "Kelly Linkwood." Mrs. Linkwood informed. The woman typed swiftly on her black laptop before scribbling D107 on a sheet of scrap paper. "Thank you," Mrs. Linkwood replied wasting no time as she grabbed Korey's arm and raced to the elevator. Soon they arrived at a door with a removable tag having 'Kelly Linkwood' neatly printed across it. "She's your daughter, you should go ahead, i'll talk to her after you." Korey thoughtfully suggested. Mrs. Linkwood shook her head appreciatively. Korey smiled and sat patiently outside the door. She looked back when the door creaked slowly back open about ten minutes later. "Well?" Korey asked when Mrs. Linkwood was fully out. She took a breath and turned so Korey could see the glistening tear streaks across her face. "I don't know, I don't know what to think, of course I have faith, but im scared, Why don't you go see her yourself sweetie, oh lord I need to sit down." She mumbled with her hand on her forehead as she took Korey's place on the floor. ============================================ Justin parked around the back, not sure of where to go. He got inside the doors and raised his eyebrows curiously. "Excuse me ma'am." "Well hello young man, how may I help you?" A nurse flirted, eyeing him up and down. "Yes, I was wondering if you know of a young female that is staying here from a car accident that occured....on East Washington Street." He pronounced, ignoring her attempts. "Hold please." The woman said flinging a finger up as she flipped through the check-in list. "Well, she already has company if it's the young girl that arrived around 4pm." She informed. "4th floor." Justin raced off without any further information. The elevator doors opened and he wondered lostly down the foul smelling halls. He watched the signs on the doors as he continued to wonder. HE frowned as he stopped abruptly outside of a slightly cracked open door. The name was strangely familiar. He peered through what was opened. He strained to hear the voices inside. "Well, I don't know why you didn't care, but I forgive you sweetie. Promise me you'll be strong. You'll wake up soon enough and continue your long happy life." The voice was soothing, it continued, "We have a lot of catching up to do don't we. Well i'll let you know im hangin in there, theres actually a reason for that though, You see theres this absolutely incredible, indescribable, breathtakingly sweet man. I gotta problem though! I trust him more than anything in the world, but I don't have the courage to let him know that. He's saved me in so many ways. I couldn't be more grateful. My heart aches when he's away. He thinks I don't care. Everytime I see his face, I just want to float away with him and he thinks...." She sniffled as he continued to listen. He pictured Korey saying things like this, the thought of that made him grin as he focused on the woman's words. "Well, he thinks I hate him. He told me about his feelings, and I denied them. Now I try to let him know how I really feel and he thinks im saying it just to make him happy! Well, the truth is..." She paused again. Justin's heart skipped a beat as he anxiously awaited her last words. "I am ungodly head over heals falling for him Kel!" Justin's jaw dropped and eyes nearly popped out of his face as he pushed the door open, and it revealed what he expected...Korey on her knees whispering all this to Kelly. He stood quietly in the doorway, feeling like he was on top of the world. He knew damn well who she was talking about. "I wish I could tell him that." She sighed brushing her hands against Kelly's limp one. Her head jerked around like lightening as three words echoed over and over like thunder behind her. "You already have." He spoke clear and loud from his position by the door. Her jaw dropped like his had before but she was more baffled by why he was there. "Justin?" She managed to squeak, "Is that really you?" He smiled, "It's really me baby." Korey yanked herself upright and walked slowly towards him as he did the same. The room spun as they met in the middle. Korey could hardly breath and choked back her endless tears. Justin staired at her stunning self before there was no way he could take the anxiety anymore. He quickly but gently swooped his head down as his delicate tender lips pressed against hers. She felt like she was being electrocuted her heart raced so fast. The hair on her arms and neck stood up sending a tingling sensation down her spine. Although he kept it dry, Justin couldn't find it in himself to end the kiss. He massaged his lips further into hers after making sure she was accepting. IT was like it was his first kiss when his lips lost all control. Korey gasped as she pressed herself against him like he would vanish if she let go. He gently placed a finger on her cheek as he finally pulled away. Not far though. His deepened breath on her lips made her go mad as she looked closely, not just at him, but into his soul. Her eyes flamed as she remembered how desperate she had been to see him and how now all her deepest fears and pains were gone off the face of the earth.


Part 12
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