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IOTHE - part 12


*~After the kiss*~

"Woah," She uttered stumbling backwards. Justin smiled and sat in one of the chairs beside him as he watched this new attitude of hers. She continued to sniffle as she followed him to the chair. "Ive been looking for you." She whispered "Have you?" He asked softly She nodded. "I realized if I want it bad enough theres no easy way out." "Exactly." He replied slightly sarcastically, though nothing dissolved his charm "Well, I won't tell you exactly how foolish I was today, but im taking this time to speak up. After I got off the phone with you, I knew exactly how you felt when you first told me the things I just told you. I do realize now that....well....i NEED you." His eyes twinkled, he was pure smiles. "Well first of all sassy, you were not the only foolish one, see if you still call foolish what you did, after you hear what I did." She smiled and cocked her head as he continued. "After I got off the phone, I went ballistic, packed everything up and said hell, im going to get her. I couldn't believe you finally said what for so long I wanted you to. The thing was, I was gonna surprise you because we were already in town, but the tour managers said we couldn't visit this side of I deliberately disobeyed them of course to come see my Sassy." "I would say you are too much, except my story sounds scarily familiar, I'll still keep that to myself though." "I don't know what to say anymore. The first time your eyes struck mine, I felt like I knew you, I walked with you in a dream once." Justin closed his eyes and leaned his head back. "I'm so sorry for all the times I was so wrong. You are all ive got, no matter how much I don't want to admit it. the strange part is, thats perfectly ok. Thats more than ok." "Ya know Kor, what you told Kelly was the deepest thing ive ever heard anyone say in my life. You make me feel like a hero." He staired into her glowing eyes that not once budged away from him. "You are a hero, my hero." She smiled sitting beside him, "Right now im afraid Justin, Kelly was in a car accident." Explaining this, she pointed over to the bed. "SHE WHAT?!" he exclaimed. "Someone crashed into her, or other way around. She was going somewhere and her car got totaled, can you believe that?" Justin covered his mouth as he looked over at Kelly's helpless body and back to Korey, flashbacks blocking his sight. She couldn't understand the look he now gave. It had switched from charmed to mortified in a matter of seconds. Suddenly he shot up from his seat and darted out of the room without a word. Korey frowned. "Was it something I said?" She thought Mrs. Linkwood had been pacing frantically in the front of the room. Korey noticed. "Mrs. Linkwood, you need some rest, just go home, i'll stay here for as long as you need." She suggested. "No no ive got to be here for her." "But your totally stressin out. Go ahead, i'll call you when she wakes up." Korey promised. Justin re entered the room apologizing. "No problem." Korey smiled letting it go. Mrs. Linkwood sighed tiredly giving in. "I don't know how i'll ever thank you Korey, you've got a beautiful heart." She complimented blowing her daughter a gentle kiss as she backed out the door. Korey smiled momentarily content. "Justin is something wrong?" She finally asked. "Uh um...of course not sweetie." She shot him a stair telling him she knew better than that. "What did I say Justin, did you change your mind about us?" She worridly questioned "Hell no sassy, it's just..." His voice trailed off as he stood next to Kelly, peering down at her wrapped arm and leg, and the tubes flowing from her nose. A weight formed in his heart. He knew Kelly was Koreys best friend and he had managed to screw everything up he didn't even know would happen. Honesty rang through him, watching her gentle innocent expression, concerned with him. "Korey, i'm here at this hospital at this time, because, the careless jerk that hit Kelly." He blurted keeping his focus on the floor. Her eyes widened as she staired at the top of his head. "I know you hate me now, but you know I would never ever purposely harm a fly." "But how could you not notice her coming Justin?" "Kor, my focus was on the road, No where else....mind might have been on you, but I was paying attention." He explained trying to push the blame on no one else. She sighed and picked up Kelly's hand. "Oh God Korey please forgive me, Im so sorry baby, If I could turn back time once in my life it would be now, ive caused you more than pain, but please don't shut me off again..." He was hushed by her finger over his lips. "Justin im not mad at you, I couldn't be if I tried." She smiled HE took a semi-relieved breath before wrapping his arms around her from behind. He couldn't believe he could have possibly caused her more pain when he lived to prevent it and heal her. His chin rested on her shoulder as he whispered, "We're gonna help her through this. Korey turned around to face him, still in his arms. "Im so sorry you had to go through this." "Im not, it brought me to you, everything happens for a reason." "Your positive about everything aren't you." Korey smiled "How can I not be when I have you to look forward to? Besides just take it as it comes. I figure a fan may say something to insult me, but maybe that day I was getting too high on myself. Obviously Kelly needs you to be back in her life, just as much as you need her This is a way to make you realize it." Korey sighed. "I feel horrible, I really hope she's ok." "Im sure she's fine, she's already got color back in her face. I feel even more horrible though. Maybe we're even, lets just wash it away and smile a while." Justin suggested. Korey giggled as he replaced a strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead. "Get a room." Mumbled a scratchy voice behind them. Both were startled as they lept quickly apart. They were shocked to realize who it was. "I mean, the words were nice and all but come on, you'd think theres an escape from people like you two." Korey choked on her laughter as Justin bit his lip, unsure of her attitude towards him. "Ive been thinkin..." "Thinking?!" Korey interrupted still shocked, "You've been sleepin is more like it!" "I'd like to think more so than reality." Korey blushed. "Beautiful romance, it really is, but im afraid Romeo's got some fines." "Hey now." Justin chimed in comfortably, "We're glad your better, but wheres the gratitude here?" Kelly laughed. Korey quickly bent down and grabbed her tightly. "Thanks kor, its real good to see ya, SO whats wrong with me anyway, can I go hom?" Korey squinted. "Not sure, gotta ask, I dont know if I should though, if im not mistaken, you were rude to my Romeo over here." Justin made a puppy dog face. "Im pressing charges." Kelly teased, "No but really...oh by the way nice to meet you, haven't heard a lot since before Kor's accident. Thanks for takin care of her. anyway..." She rambled, "Seriously, don't feel guilty about this because i'll be the first to admit it was my fault, you were perfectly safe." "Huh?" "Well I guess after spyin on you two, ill spill now...I was running, well more like driving away....I wasn't watching where I was going, my mom and I had a fight. Thats why. All I cared about was getting far away, next thing I noticed, I looked up from wiping my eyes and I was in the wrong lane." She explained tensely "We're not putting the blame on anyone, all that matters is we're both safe. By the way...its REALLY strange that it happened to be you in there. Im lucky I know you otherwise they'd get me for all im worth." Kelly smiled " ...well you can give me one of your famous little signatures to hand out for Christmas presents to my family!" She laughed "Ah Kor's seen me do it so many times she could probably herself." He teased "Actually no I haven't, at all." Korey informed "Thats right, know why?" HE asked turning to Kelly, "Because this young lady refuses to go on tour with us, can you believe she turned down my invitation?" He asked puckering his lips as he clutched his chest dramatically. Kelly's mouth dropped as she glared at Korey searching for truth, "YOU DID WHAT?!" "Kelly I couldn't just leave my life behind!" Korey defended "What life!" Kelly exclaimed before covering her mouth, "I mean, things could have been a lot better for you." "You're definitely back to yourself arent ya kel," Korey teased. "Hey no fear, now we've got some talkin to do, maybe I can change her mind...we've only gone through two weeks." Justin hopefully informed winking at Kelly. "Korey, one word...GO!" Kelly screamed as she flung the covers off her legs revealing her hospital gown. "Kelly geez! Calm down, you don't even know these guys...besides now I have you, theres no way I can leave you." She replied taking note once again of Kelly's broken bones. "Your not my mother, I can put a restraining order on you if you don't go, why don't you want to anyway?" "I got my dance job." Korey smiled...."But I guess thats not where my mind has been lately." Her smiled faded as she whispered watching Justin walk into the hall to answer his cell. "Thats awesome Kor!" Kelly exclaimed grabbing Korey's hand as she ignored her second comment. Korey replaced her frown for another fake smile, "Yea..." She looked out into the hall as Justin waved into her, reassuringly."So whats goin on Kel, it's not like you to just 'run away' from your mom, you guys are too close. And i KNEW something was up when you didn't stay that night..." Kelly interrupted, "I guess i do owe you that much, an explanation huh." She sighed as Korey sat on the edge of the bed, careful not to harm her setup. "Well..." She continued hesitantly. "This involves you, but it's nothing like being mad at you. You know the night you...well know..." Korey winced at the name, "Yea..." She barely replied. "Well he knows we're best friends right? You don't have to believe me Kor..." She broke down, "But it's the honest to God chicken truth...he threatened to do the same to me if I said anything about the incident, or even went around you." Koreys eyes widened as she grabbed Kellys hand back. She was in total disbelief. "He caught me right after the party while I was leaving, told me he'd be watching....ive been hearing sounds on my windows, creaks of doors when no one is home, and I was scared to death im past it....but I couldn't take the risk, I couldn't talk to you Korey." She put her head down ashamedly. "Kelly if you would have just told me, it would have been worlds easier." Korey softly sympathized. "I know Kor, but im afraid of this guy, and I know you sure are too, and I wanted to do what was best, for the time being, for both of us. Please forgive me, ill vow right now never to keep anything from you ever again." She pleaded beginning to ramble. "Kelly, I love you like a sister, you know that...and any time you need ANYTHING, without a doubt, know its there for you, including forgiveness." A tear formed in Kelly's eyes as she staired admiringly at her best friend. "Thank you so much sweetie, you don't know how hard it is to be away from you, being scared out of your mind." "We both were, but thats over now, I want to forget about the WHOLE didn't even happen as of right now k?" Korey smiled, "Besides I think you got a certain Mr. Timberlake to beat for the wreckage of your car." "Nah, he's cool...where'd ya get him anyway!?" She teased "Thats another long story, not for today...." "Aww but im all ears.." Kelly pleaded Korey briefly gave in and told her about how Lance had taken her from her house and she got to move in with Chris for a few weeks all the while falling for Justin. Kelly couldn't believe it and was immensely happy for her friend. After a few hours of visiting and Justin falling asleep in the chair at the sound of their chatter, he brought Korey back to her house. ~*At Korey's*~ "Wow, its really nice when everything's cleaned up, im glad your happy here sas." "Thanks Justin, want anything to drink?" She asked, smiling as he comfortably plopped on her couch. "Milk please." Korey raced to the kitchen to fill his order, still chatting through the window in the kitchen devider wall. "That your mom?" He asked pointing to a middle aged woman next to Korey in her graduation gown. Neither were smiling. "Unfortunately yes...still have to have those "bad months" memories." She sighed as she made her way to the couch handing Justin his milk. "You've got her beautiful eyes." He complimented, skipping the sad of the topic. Korey blushed..."Thank you Justin." He watched as she sat on the couch next to him. "My mom would love you...hey maybe she can adopt....oh um no, that would make you my...." "Sister!" They both exclaimed in unison scrunching their faces. "Nah, really im fine now, i miss her of course but its not the end of my life." "Thats a good attitude to have, I like it Sas." He grinned squeezing her shoulder, "Sooo....what" He asked slowly "US?" "Well, I mean, is there an us? I took what you said to heart, should I not have? Cuz I mean it would be fine if that was the case, friends is better than nothing I just thought we had something established ya know?" He was shushed by Koreys finger to her own lips...."Justin, You know I have feelings for you, strong ones..." "But..." Justin interrupted "Huh?" She asked confusedly "Well theres a but isnt there?" She staired at him for a minute before directing her attention to the microwave where it beeped, informing her her tea was warm. She stood up quickly, avoiding his question...or so he thought, until she opened the microwave. "Actually, this time you've got me...I can't think of any buts." She smiled He was surprised at her response, and a little overjoyed. He raced to the kitchen and wrapped his arms around her in a death grip hug. "SO does this mean you'll come on tour?!" He exclaimed impatiently. "Justin...Ive got Kelly." His smile drooped. "I don't understand why you won't come with me. If im not mistaken you just drove three hours to say you wanted to be with me didn't you?" "Justin please don't get upset, I can't take anymore. If you want to wait until your tour is done, i WILL wait for you under all circumstances. But if you can't deal with that, we must not have strong enough bonds, get me?" "Yea..." he nodded quietly, "Is there any way you can think about it? I mean..." His face brightened, "Kelly can come with!!!" he exclaimed Korey staired at him realistically. "She's broken from head to toe, you think she's in the mood for that crazy tour life you experience every single day?" "But Korey..." His head dropped again. "Justin, im sorry, I really can't leave her, I care about you so much but ive known her my whole life, and she needs someone right now especially since her mom isn't pleased with her." Koreys heart fought a strong battle inside her. She leaned from one side to the other, never showing Justin the side that went with him. "Will you at least say you'll think about it?" Justin begged "I'll think about it Justin, but please understand Kelly and I need eachother, maybe I can just come visit sometime." "Ok." He compromised, "You gain a lot of confidence from her don't you?" "Yes actually, she's more like my lifeline, we've been through so much together." Justin smiled though his heart was screaming for her to notice that he's been through a lot with her too. He couldn't and wouldn't be rude to her. He Just new it would be more than rough to say good-bye to her tomorrow tonight. The phone rang in the middle of her explanation of how they met. Justin savored the last moments he had with her before he would have to say good-bye for God knows how long. Last time he did that, he had been angry with her, but he knew it would be harder this time. "hello?" Korey answered cheerfully as she held her finger up to Justin signaling she'd be off in a minute. "Kelly!" she laughed. Justin relocated his focus so it wouldn't seem like he was being nosey when he realized who it was. He was starting to envy this girl who had all of Korey's time and attention. On the line, Kelly babbled to Korey for what seemed like forever "Can you come pick me up tonight? You have your moms car right? OH geez and I have some awesome news to tell ya! I cant wait! And another thing we need to talk about, but how's Justin?" She questioned repeatedly "Breath Kel." Korey teased. "Justin's fine, right here...and yes I can come get you, thats wonderful that you get to come home, are ya gonna stay with me for a while?" "Well...thats what I have to tell you! Just wait! Your gonna die!" Kelly excitedly screamed. Justin realized if she had to pick Kelly up, there would be no long good-bye like he had planned. "OH well less tears" he thought. Korey hung up the phone and turned to Justin. He smiled before she explained, "Well Kel gets to come home tonight! they said theres no point in keeping her, she's just gonna be on crutches for a while. That won't stop her, I know it." "Thats great im so happy for you guys!" Justin explained as excitedly as he could. "Well, do you need to get ready or anything for tonight?" "Ha, yea actually I do, gotta fly back to Streamwood, the guys called me at the hospital and said they had it all arranged." "Oh. SO when do you have to leave?" She asked hoping they would be able to spend a few more hours together. "Actually any minute now. Since your going to pick up Kelly I guess thats the other direction from Samson airport huh." She looked back at the floor, "Yea, I guess so...ive got your number Justin, we're gonna be fine." He smiled..."I know, I guess ive always got faith. Can I use your shower?" "Sure can, down the hall on the right, you got clothes?" She giggled..."I couldn't help ya even if I didn't." Justin turned back from his way to the hall, he couldn't resist how cute she was. "You are the most adorable creature alive!" He exclaimed racing towards her holding out his massive hands as he plunged them into her stomach. She laughed uncontrollably. "Im gonna pee!" She screamed before he lightened up. He kissed her sweetly on the cheek and proceeded back to the hall. She watched him disappear around the corner, and visioned what it would be like to watch him disappear as he left to go back on tour. She longed so badly to go with him. It would have been the time of her life she thought. Her mind had been focused lately on getting Kelly back to normal and dance again. She was content when Justin was around but didn't realize what she had until...of course until it was gone. She continued to ponder through the rest of Justin's shower. ********* "Thanks sweetie that was refreshing, hope you don't mind i used some of your silk effects lotion." he teased She smiled sincerely, before tossing him a tube of lipstick, "This works great too." He laughed and sighed, "Well I bet if you put that on more often i'd wear it too...but I guess thats not possible if I cant see you every day." "Justin..." She warned, "Dont lose faith or trust in me." "Are you kidding? I'd never lose anything in you, this has been the longest two and a half months of my life trying to get you to open up, you think im gonna throw it away? It always seems like you find the perfect someone and you can't have them." "But Justin, don't you see thats what makes it more fun? It's a test. and absence makes the heart grow fonder." "If my heart was any more fond of you, my whole body would be made of glass, you can practically see through me can't ya." "I try to understand you Justin, I don't get why your so upset about this tour thing, I didn't even think you were serious." "I guess it's just too many long nights to think." He replied, "Well I better get my bags out of the car, they're making a cap driver or something take it back home." "Yea, ill help." She willingly offered "Thanks sweetie." He smiled waiting until she was next to him to walk to the door. "So your going straight from here to your flight?" "Well no, it's not for a while, but I have to pick up our clean costumes and everything on the way...flight is at 7." "Oh ok, so that means..." "That means that would be my limo coming down the street right now." He sighed looking down on her as she focused on his luggage. She watched the large black vehicle inch closer and closer. Her heart screeched. It was her last chance....her head pounded as she staired up at Justin with his pleading face, and back to the grass where Kelly was yelling invisibly for help. She gulped and squeezed Justin's hand tightly. He untangled his fingers from hers and wrapping his arms tightly around her whole self. "I guess this is it. Take it easy, I'll be thinking about you, and please call more than you've been." Her sobbing wasn't something she would even pretend to hide anymore. He brushed his finger along her cheek, collecting a bit of the moisture. He put his finger to his lips..."i'll always remember these special tears, drops of mixed emotions." She looked into his eyes once more and quickly jerked away from them, "They aren't mixed emotions Justin." She clarified, "They will just miss you, but have faith." "Ok," He whispered agreeingly. "Korey.....I....." Her eyes whizzed back up to his as her heart tingled. It was more of a pain than excitement anymore. "Well....I...." Justin stuttered once more "I have to go Justin!" She suddenly blurted before covering her face and barreling onto her porch and in the house before he could say a word more. He put his head in his hands and wiped his eyes. His sigh was long and completely exhausted. He wanted to stay...he wanted her to go, something, anything, his heart cried for her, he just wanted to be with her helpless self. he knew how big her heart was and that she wouldn't hurt Kelly for the life of her. He couldn't be selfish to that, but something made him jealous anyway. soon the limo was off, as Justin watched Korey's house get smaller and smaller until it turned into a tiny white spec and they were around the corner. Korey laid on the couch in the spot Justin had been. She sunk her nose as far into the material as she could, catching a wif of Justin that hadn't faded yet. "God I love him!! Why? Why can't I be with him?!" She screamed to the ceiling. "It's so hard, life is so hard." She whispered rocking herself back and forth. Before she knew it, the time had come to pick Kelly up. Even though she was unbelievably run down and stressed to the point of no end, she could still muster up some excitement to see Kelly. She knew she could talk to Kelly about anything, especially since she had witnessed their scene at the hospital. The drive was long and silent, much like it had been on her mission to find Justin in the first place. She had gotten what she asked for, but not in the exact form she desired. Before Korey knew it, she felt herself sigh at the familiar door of Kelly's room. Of course it seemed empty and lonely now that she didn't have Justin or Mrs. Linkwood at her side, but she would be there for Kelly no matter what. "Hey girl!" She exclaimed skipping to Kelly's bed. " don't look so great." Kelly observed bluntly "Thanks, as usual its great to see you too." Kelly laughed, "Sweetie whats wrong, did Justin leave yet?" "Yes....he.." "Well then why did I bother asking what was wrong! Duh!" She exclaimed to herself knocking her head, "Your making a mistake Korey, I love you but I don't need you as much as I want you to be happy and get him." "Too late now." Korey sighed. Kelly smiled, "I hope you get what you deserve Kor, I love you so much, I could never thank you enough...your giving up love for me." "Im not giving it up, im delaying it, and anything for you Kel." "I'll remember that." Kelly smiled struggling with her crutch. "Geez your a mess." "Yea I know," Kelly sighed, "But I got some news." "What?" Korey asked. *~IN the car*~ "So what was that news you keep talking about?" Korey asked impatiently "Ok well im really really excited about it. You won't believe it, my mom will be so proud." "WHAT??!?!" Korey screamed. "I got accepted to Harvard!" Kelly screamed back "Oh my God...!" Korey yelled again "I know!" "Smart chica you!!! I can't believe it! Congratulations sweetie!" Kelly had been praying all throughout her senior year to be accepted but for some reason she hadn't been. Now strangely enough, in the middle of the next year, she was in. Kelly had been known to be genius-like. She was a strong girl, and always kept Korey on her feet, Korey wasn't the least surprised at that moment, though excited. "So where will you live?" Korey asked Tears of joy fell from Kelly's ecstatic face. "Two weeks!" She screamed again "Wow! Thats so soon, You can be the whatever it is you always wanted to be! Im so happy for you sweetie," Korey bursted once more. The rest of the ride home was spent jibbering, mostly by Kelly, over what she was gonna do with her life, and how she was gonna improve from now on. She wanted to use this accident as something to clean her up and clear her path since she had been slacking lately. They both walked into the kitchen and set Kelly's bags on the cool floor. Korey glanced up at the clock. 6:05. She sighed as she was reminded of Justin's flight. "What is it now?" Kelly hyperly asked "Justin's flight is in an hour." Korey looked down honestly. " sorry sweetie." Korey sat on the couch again, knees scrunched to her body. "It's alright, it's for you and I dont regret that, im sure ill see him soon, and hey now ive got you to....." Koreys voice trailed off in pure horror. "What is it babe?" Kelly questioned Korey didn't answer. Kelly suddenly realized: She would be leaving in two weeks, meaning Korey would once again be alone, instead of with Justin where she belonged. She also realized that Korey would never ever back out on a promise she made to stay with Kelly. She had done such an awesome job at being excited for her, she didn't realize it effected her. Neither did Kelly, until then.... "Oh my God sweetheart." Kelly nearly cried "What..." Korey faintly replied "You don't even need to tell me, how could I be such a fool? SO heartless?" "What do you mean?" Korey wondered "You know what I mean, it just hit you...and I know how to make it up to you...can you handle a surprise?" Kelly smiled slyly. "I don't know, I don't really want one Kelly." Korey sighed not moving from her shocked state. "Aw come on it's the least I could do and you know it." Kelly protested. "Whatever floats your boat Kel, please nothing too weird." Korey gave in "OK great, you wait here, I have to put something in the car..." "Wait the car? I don't want to go anywhere." "Trust me!" Kelly interrupted Korey shut up and laid her head back down on the couch. She turned the radio on lightly, revealing to her ears, Black's song "When the last tear drop falls" . She really wasn't in the mood for Kelly's surprises. "Its so hard to lose the one you love, to finally have to say try to be strong but the pain keeps holdin on and all that you can do is cry..." "....if there was just one wish I could be granted here to night, it would be to have you right back by my side..." Korey's heart lept as she absorbed the words. "Life is a big ball of damn depression." She screamed outloud feeling the pain of the singer. Kelly stepped into the doorway and smiled. She was proud of herself for what she was about to do. "Chop chop...get your bootie off the couch." She clapped as she spoke Korey rolled her eyes and dragged herself up. "Please lord make this handlable." She prayed before following Kelly to the car. "You can't drive Kelly." She reminded. "I know, thats why we've got a cab." She smiled. "I could have driven, where are we going?" Korey pleaded "Not telling, not yet. Just relax...and hurry." Kelly added jumping into the vehicle waiting for them. Korey followed and crammed herself into the seat. "Whats all that for?" She asked "Oh some people left their bags here so they could tour the city, he's picking them up after he drops us off." Kelly explained As normal, the drive had seemed like years for Korey. As they rounded a corner, Kelly turned to her. "You better take this...don't hold back Korey." Korey was completely baffled, Kelly reached down into one of the bags and pulled out Korey's jacket. Korey realized they were her bags...she frowned until they turned out the next exit and the one and only airport came into view at exactly 6:47pm.


PaRT 13 *coming soon*