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If Only Through Heaven's Eyes

Chapter four...

~Two Hours and 16 minutes later~

"OK sweetie, I love you so much, remember that"

"I love you too, thank you so much for understanding Kelly, you dont know how much you mean to me" "Same to you honey, get some rest ok? I'll tell mom EVERYTHING...since she's practically my mom she better understand" snickered Kelly. "K i will, ill be back when i get things sorted out, i think it would be really good to think by myself for a while, ya know? it's summer, i dont have to worry about school or anything so im just gonna relax." sighed Korey resting her head back on the lobby chair. "Thats fine, call me soon. bye korr" "I will, buh-bye Kel" Korey said searching for the power button. She sat up to scope the situation, she didn't notice if Justin had gone back to the room or not, a half hour ago he was sleeping in the chair next to her. when he wasnt there she got up and decided it would be a good time for her to be by herself. So much had happened, and she was so scared...she was an extremely private person and for her to be exploited like this had been the most terrible experience of her life. The breeze blew her shoulder length shiny brown hair as she stepped into the freshly cold air on the balcony. "Im being taken care of by THE Justin Timberlake. Why am i not absolutly thrilled?" she thought to herself curiously. "Maybe ive realized him as a person, it's unbelievable how caring he is." all she could do was smile. "All this for me, Korey Lynn Mcnutly....WHY?! it really shouldnt be a big deal to anyone else, i didnt actually get fully raped..." her still puzzled thoughts were interrupted when she felt a light hand on her shoulder. "Whatcha doin all alone honey?" he questioned "I was just thinking, oh, here, thank you" she smiled sweetly tossing the phone back to Justin. "No problem, get everything straightened out?" "Yes, Kelly was so understanding, and she's going to call my mom tonight then ill call her sometime soon," she smiled with a sigh of relief for the first time that day, "Thank you so much, i shouldnt have tried to get out of calling, you were so right," she was hushed by his finger up against her mouth..."Please, everything happens for a reason Korey, we're gonna get through this, i was brought into this situation for a reason, k?" he smiled raising an eyebrow as he looked for a response "Yes, but thank you, so much...please know how much i..." "I do know, i do...your more than welcome," Justin interrupted once again "HEY YO!" Both of they're heads turned to see Chris making his way out the door to meet them. "Gotta get ready soon buddy, want me to get Birk or someone to stay with her while your gettin ready?" he said hurridly trying to think of a bodyguard off duty. "Get ready?" said Korey looking at Justin "Well, yea, we have a show tonight" Justin explained "OH my god, please, im fine, ill go now, thank you so much for everything ill go get my bags, cabs come around here dont they? im sure ill be fine, im so sorry i didnt realize you were..." "KOREY!" Justin bellowed...."Stop!, please dont go, your not ready to be alone, your not bothering anything. These are our last two shows here in orlando...we need the hotel anyway, Will you be ok in the hotel room? if not u have no choice, you'll have to come to the show" "Yes daddy, I'll be fine in the hotel" she said playfully letting her worries go and actually listening to justins caring words. "Thats a girl," Justin smiled while clapping foolishly Chris's eyes were racing back and forth from Justin to Korey not quite understanding their foreign language. "OK, well anyway we got a room next to yours so we'll be in there" He said backing up through the doors into the lobby. Justin and Korey watched him as he tripped over the couch in the lobby untill he was out of sight, suddenly they were left stairing at eachother. Korey uncomfortably looked down. "Well, looks like we should go back up too...i have a lot to get ready" justin said. "Ok, anything i can help with?" she said leading the way to the door "Im sure ill find something" justin smirked for the first time feeling a small bond. Before entering the elevator, she looked into Justins deep blue eyes, "Justin, thank you." Justin smiled shaking his head for the millionth time at her apology. Your welcome Korey, very welcome he said as they stepped in the elevator.


~***in the hotel room, 2hrs later***~ " do i look," justin said playfully batting his eyes." "Stunning," Korey said rolling her eyes at his playful conceit. "I can't believe i let a minor do my makeup," he exclaimed walking out of the bathroom. "I can't believe i did a GUYS makeup!," she laughed following him "Hey now...lets keep this our little secret, I just cant resist wearing it," he said holding his stomach as he laughed at her surprised expression. "Your really something else, u know that?" She said hitting him softly on the shoulder..."Of course you do, you hear it every night Mr. perfect." "Well yea, but hey, its still special, your definitely something else too, look how well your gettin back to normal," he smiled satisfied "How would you know my normal?" she questioned raising an eyebrow "Guess I dont, but your laughing! do you not normally have a sense of humor?" he smiled assuring her he was still playing. After helping Justin buckle on his microphone belt when there wasn't a staff member in sight, he gave her a warm hug for helping him. He tried not to bring up the touchy subject they both knew was still lingering in her thoughts. "Well, guess its time for me to go now, I would invite you to come see but im sure you would bore easily, besides you would probably like to be alone, I have been hounding over you for two days," he explained standing in front of the door. "Are you kidding me? But thats true I do need a little thinking time. Good luck though!" she said gratefully. "It's weird how much I trust him," she signed to herself as he nodded understandingly and backed out the door for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. She couldn't convince herself of a good reason as to why she was still under Justin's supervision. For some reason she felt like a friend, she didn't want to let go of him after what he had done for her, but she wasn't sure how to make it up to him. He had told her as they were getting ready that he wanted to get her mind off things so all the guys we're gonna take her out. She couldn't wait. It was more fun than worry suddenly. She with all her might vowed to pretend the whole Greg deal didn't happen. Justin helped her out so much with that, he was a godsent. She picked up a remote and surfed the channels settling on MTV while prancing around, straightening the bathroom where she had helped Justin. She paused catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She focused on her bloodshot eyes. Her hair was greasy and tangled. Her face was thin and pale and the large T-shirt Justin had given her, was practically falling off as the sides of the neck gripped the end of her shoulders. There were still tear stains down her cheeks and chunks of black rested in the corners of her eyes from her attempted makeover for the party. She had never let herself get so raunchy in her life. She turned on the faucet as she whipped her head away from her reflection in disgust She was refreshed after rubbing her face with a cool cloth. "That will do for now," she smiled trying to make herself presentable, "At least im not growing horns. He's already seen me that gross, who cares!" she laying on the couch to focus back on MTV. ~11:15 pm~ The door creaked open as the 5 guys loaded in to Korey's room. Justin motioned for them to stay by the door so he could find her without startling her. When he didn't find her in the room he walked back to the guys with a worried expression. "J man its gona be ok, shes probably downstairs or something," JC comforted. "Dude you look like your gonna cry," Chris noticed as Justin checked behind the couches and in the bedroom a second time, "She's a big girl, she's safe now, you dont even need to stay with her anymore." "Yea i guess she is ok, but i dont know, i just....feel like its my job to protect her." he sighed "Man you really think you need another job right now?" questioned Lance..."Never knew you were looking into the body guard business, you've been hangin with birk a little too much lately," joked Lance Justin disregarded his comments as he darted out the door and down the hall to see if the receptionist in the lobby had seen her walk out. On his way past the workout room, his ear was caught by Jennifer lopez's "waiting for tonight" softly blaring through out. Something told him to check in that room. "she could be venting in there or something," he thought convincing himself she got clusterphobic in the room. Without thinking he reached for the doorknob that said 'Do not Disturb!' If its her, she wont care, its me, he shrugged pausing for a second. As he slowly inched the massive wooden door open "I knew I loved you" came on the radio, by savage garden. He looked down at the floor for a few minutes before his eyes were locked into the most intense stair he had ever experienced. As he absorbed the song, and watched this strong beautiful figure in front of him he could feel tears trying to squeeze out. that was not something that happened to him every day. He couldn't get himself unglued. "She is absolutely unbelievable," he said to himself crouching down quickly so she wouldn't see him watching. He was completely and fully amused at what he saw. this shy fragile little girl he had taken into shelter, was now proving the courage in her just by her own way of expressing herself. She was wearing black spandex shorts and a tube top that accented her muscular stomach and long shapely legs. He shook his head puzzled by his thoughts. "Dude whats wrong with me, lets not get all sentimental." He tried to laugh but once he saw her jump up from stretching on the floor his attention was once again trapped, she spun in perfect circles with on leg wrapped around the other and her hands delicately positioned in the air, the light reflected off her shiny brown bun and her eyes sparkled as she looked up at the sky through the window in the ceiling while she spun. "Thats amazing," he whispered watching her choked expression as she came to an instant jerking halt noticing him for the first time. "OHMIGOD!" she yelled..."Is the sign on the door invisible?"she smirked for the first time "Please dont get all defensive, that was beautiful Korey how come you didn't tell me you do that, you should know I appreciate dance." "Its ballet, guys make fun of ballet. but its what ive done ever since I was small when my dad died," she confessed openly stairing into his interested expression, "Helps me cope with my stress ya know?, just to hear the beautiful music and float like your on the clouds...its the most wonderful, fantastic..." "Feeling in the whole entire galaxy," he smiled understandingly finishing her sentence. "Exactly." she smiled surprised he could relate, as she sat down to catch her breath. The redness faded slowly out of her cheeks as she listened contently while Justin spoke "People think the pop dancing doesn't get to you, but it really does, makes you feel so free...i actually use it as my relief too, i know whatcha mean, hey if i wouldn't get criticized for it i would probably do ballet to sailing or something! we need something that gorgeous in our shows," he stated thoughtfully, "and im sorry about your dad sweetie," he added shortly unsure of her ability to talk about it. "Oh, thanks, it was a long time ago, I still pray to him and everything though, its so hard to lose someone, even if you didn't know them very long," she said as her face saddened, "I was barely 8." "I can actually say I know what you mean by that too...when I was really little, I was expecting a baby sister...and she passed away after birth. Her name was Kathryn. it was really hard to understand cuz i was so little, but i still look up to her for answers," he said tilting his head up to the window "Im sorry too," Korey said sincerely. "Boy we sure have a lot in common!" he smiled lightening the mood. "Well anyway we should probably go get ready, member? you said you would go out with us, and I dont know that you want to wear something that revealing on a winter night in public" he said grabbing her hand to help her up. She smiled before replying,"Whats wrong with it, i think im stylin," They both laughed as he put his arm around her shoulders and they headed back up to their room together.

Chapter six

~*Back at the room*~ Chris, Joey and Lance sat on the beds listening to shania twain in lances favor on the radio, while JC added the final touches to his gel slicked hair in the bathroom. "So where we goin guys?" Joey asked with a mouth full of popcorn "The question is not WE Joey, i refuse to go in public with animals," Lance blurted, laughing as he watched joey prove his point, letting popcorn kernels fall out of his mouth onto his lap as he chewed obnoxiously. A smiling Justin walked in the door "Watch out, girlie comin through...need the bathroom," He yelled escorting JC out "Wait my..." Jc was interrupted with his bottle of gel being slammed into his chest. "Looks like ya found what you were lookin for J man," Yelled chris from the balcony referring to Korey. Justin shook his head as Korey looked up at him unknowingly. "Alright hurry up k? We're gonna surprise you....oh this is gonna be so fun!" Justin said skipping backwards out of the bathroom. "Uh Justin....I don't have clothes..." Korey said looking disturbed. "Hey that aint a problem," smiled Joey fluttering his eyebrows. "Don't listen to um ill get you something from downstairs, Rita the receptionist has a daughter your age, she should have some clothes somewhere, they live in this place." Justin said reassuringly The thought of other peoples clothes made her uncomfortable but she had no other choice unless she planned on fulfilling joeys fantasy. Korey was peacefully showering when she heard the door open and screamed frantically...."What the hell!? you sick bastard get out!" she cried covering herself even though she couldn't be seen through the curtains. "Korey! its just me im putting your clothes on the sink here...calm down im going im goin," exclaimed Justin not understanding what he had done to make her so upset, as he rushed out the door. Korey sank down into the corner of the tub and let the steaming water fall over her face. She closed her eyes as images of Greg's hand on her leg and then lifting her skirt flashed rapidly throughout her whole body. She sat down fully, and all she could bring herself to do was cry. It wasn't going to be as easy as she thought getting over this. She finally stood back up as the water started to chill, feeling guilt for yelling at Justin. The guys noticed she was taking a pretty lengthy time but didn't dare interrupt her after that incident. For the first time in 2 full days, she put the clean clothes on, blow-dried her hair and put it sloppily up, then noticed she managed to truck her purse along with her as she pulled out her makeup bag and applied a light powder, sparkling blue eye shadow to accent her blazing blue eyes and a light pink lip gloss. She looked in the mirror giving herself a disapproving nod before yanking her bun out as she realized it didn't go with the style of the clothes. She made a mental note to thank the receptionists daughter. As she picked up her brush, she heard a soft knock at the door followed by..."Are you decent? It's just me, Justin." She took a deep, unsure breath, as she turned the lock and whispered back..."It's open." Justin peaked his head in, saw her fully dressed, and continued, ending up on the counter next to the sink. He staired at her for a few seconds realizing how astonishingly much she had cleaned up. She looked peaceful now, disregarding the incident that took place a few minutes ago. He wasn't ready to ask her anything more personal about her family situation, or home, so he brought up the plans for the night. "So, you still coming with us?" "Oh yea Korey, I forgot, we all have to go to NY for some promotions tomorrow do you have a place to stay, your probably sick of the hotel?" "Yes,." She hurridly answered making sure he didn't feel guilty for simply doing his job. "Ok, but you promise me you'll keep in touch ok? even though it may be hard. I mean after that you may never forgive me, and i'd understand, I wasn't even thinking, the guys don't understand, and im not about to tell them though, its just between you and me..." She looked up at his reflection in the mirror embarrassedly as he babbled. "Korey...I'm SO so so so sorry." Justin said taking a deep breath, "I'm a selfish person, things are always being done for me, and I didn't take the time to be considerate and..." "Justin!" she raised her voice slightly, letting him know he had rambled on enough. "It's REALLY not a big deal, it's not you at all, your the only one who has helped me just a little jumpy, thats all," she explained smiling lightly as she continued to brush out her long bouncy hair. She looked back up at his reflection quickly before adding... "And by the way, HELL yea im comin with you! Don't think for a second im gonna hold myself back, tonight im gonna have some fun!" she said excitedly, "I mean c'mon! I'm with Nsync! Every girl's GOT to be jealous," she teased He laughed at her sudden spunk, shaking his head...."you gotta point their sassy, sure is a hella good time with us." He hopped off the counter watching as she jammed her supplies back in her purse and pulled open the door, letting the heat from the shower escape. "WELL look who decided to release herself from hibernation," Chris laughed as his mouth hung open while teased her with disbelief, "Its Mrs. steamy USA herself!. "Really! Thought I spent too much time on MY hair!" JC laughed wildly Everyone stopped, turned around, and staired at JC "Ok OK! so she doesn't beat me. Thats ok, at least ill still have hair when all you hags are walkin around with wigs," he laughed throwing Joey a North Carolina hat he found setting on the floor conveniently in front of him. Lance pranced in the door before stepping back to check Korey out, "Whoa, i see we've cleaned up here...just a little," he said with a smirk, "Im back from Hong Kong, how many years did it take her in there?" The room roared with laughter. "Nah, seriously Kor, ya look great! Are we ready to jet?" Lance said tapping his watch "Im ready, where we goin?" she said excitedly, straightening up from leaning in the bathroom doorway while she received the guys harassment. Lance cleared his throat before answering as Chris snapped, "Uh yea girlie, YOU better be ready! I think that statement was directed to the people who have been patiently waiting for CENTURIES." "OK ok geeez guys! Give sassy here a break...she cleaned up nicely eh?" Justin shouted over everyone's sudden teased agreement. "oh hold on, I gotta pee," Korey announced openly, knowing they would torture her once again for holding them up, "Hey, when a girls gotta go, a girls gotta go." everyone moaned. "Ok steamy your walkin, a girls gotta walk where a girls gotta walk" Chris mimicked through the door as he put his shoes on. Justin sat on the bed waiting as the rest of them shuffled out the door. "We're not all gonna fit in your car anyway Jace," Justin informed as Jc was yelling, "MY car!"...,"You guys go ahead, ill escort sassy." He stated as the door slammed. "So where we goin?" she questioned picking up her jacket as she walked out of the bathroom. "We're gonna do some dancin!" exclaimed Justin excitedly Korey laughed as he flickered his eyebrows. "Arent I great? picking somewhere you love and all..." Justin complemented himself. "Actually i'm not much of a public dancer," she said looking a bit worried "Well...thats ok, we'll still have fun, promise me now, get everything off your mind." he tried to get her excited again "Ok, I promise," she said uneasily once again. "Good, its about time, we've been here FOREVER!" justin yelled picking her up and hauling her over his shoulder as he raced down the hall and out the door to his car, all the while she was screaming her lungs out. He opened the door and plopped her lightly in, "Cant back out now," he chuckled evilly grinning. His effort amused her, "I believe this is where I would say...oh my goodness Justin, you've got me now, please let me go, im so afraid! theres no possible way I can just unlock the door and step out while your walking is there?!" He laughed loudly, "Thats right sassy." She smiled at him a last time before turning to watch the cars passing rapidly out the window. "im in Justin timberlakes car, im in Justin timberlakes car," her brain screamed as she began to get a bit starstruck, then she thought a little deeper, "I won't be after tonight, im gonna have to face mom and get back to normal life like nothing happened." She focused her eyes on Justin's hands gripping the wheel tightly. "OH well, everything happens for a reason," she sighed, "I HAVE to make the best of tonight...I wonder if he knew I was serious when I said I just have to have fun if im with 'Nsync." she thought to herself as her mood lightened again.


Part 3
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