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If Only Through Heaven's Eyes Part 4


*~Hour later, Dance club~*

Korey and her glass of Mountain Dew sat stubbornly at a table by the side of the dancefloor. JC had left to pick up his sister who wanted to travel with them the few days she had a break from school. Justin new he shouldn't push Korey, so he didn't. He casually strolled into his own little arcade dream land. Chris and Joey were the only ones making any impressions, gettin their groove on without a care in the world. Lance chuckled, walking up behind Korey to the table. "What exactly are they trying to do," he laughed a bit more heartily this time, as he watched Joey laying on the floor on his back wiggling through Chris's spread legs. "I honestly couldn't tell ya!" she exclaimed looking up at him with wide eyes as they continued to make fools of themselves. "So why wontcha dance with Justin?...I mean anyone?" he questioned covering up quickly. "I'm not good at this stuff, that is, for to why im not dancing with those two turkeys...need i say more?" she smiled "No you sure don't...turkeys...definately turkeys." mumbled Lance taking cover as Chris and Joey spotted Korey with him and decided to "save" her. "I'll Catch ya laterz steamy," Lance yelled over the music just as their very own "I want you back" blared over the speakers. Joey and Chris looked at eachother like they'd never heard themselves on the radio. "Don't even think about saying a word!" Chris said yanking Korey by the arm out of her chair as Joey stood behind pushing her through the moronic crowd to the dancefloor. "You guys!" she laughed helplessly seeing there was no way they would let her go back now. "Just let go!" yelled Chris, "Promise we wont bite ya!" "You know the moves dontcha, everyone knows the moves....dont they?" said joey stupidly. "OH god, whatever!" said Korey absently before all three screamed out in unison..."WHEN I WANT, YOU, BACK!" "Thats how it is girlie! I like it! keep goin!" said Joey impressed by her sudden craze, as her hips jolted flawlessly to the beat. When Justin heard the song, he knew the rest of the guys would be up to no good. He barged out into the crowd to try to save them the embarassement when he was abruptly astounded. Glued in place Justin watched, for the first time, this girl he thought would never show her talent...or in this case, whatever you'd call it Joey and Chris had gotten her to do. His enormous grin flashed ear to ear as he followed 2 pairs of hairy, and one smooth pair of legs overly mimicking the all known "chicken leg" to the main chorus. "Your all i ever wanted..." He was surprised when she continued on with the steps almost as swiftly as Chris and Joey, like she had been practicing for years along with them. The song quickly ended and Korey fell lazily back, into Chris's arms as they made their final pose. The next song quickly began..."Slide" by Goo Goo Dolls. "OH I love this song!" she screamed before belting the first lyrics as Chris and Joey were suddenly not the only fruity entertainers on the floor. "Someone put somethin in her Mountain Dew?" Justin shouted when he was close enough for them to answer. Koreys eyes shot up as she compozed herself, running her hand through her hair and quickly straightening her top. "Aww man, guess we're the only ones who got the 'Potion' to make our lil steamy dance," Joked Chris sticking his tongue out, knowing Justin would have done anything at that point to dance with her as foolishly as they had. Just a friendly instinct. "I sure am worn out now, can we go get another drink or somethin?" she asked, trying to be comfortable with Justin again. "Of course, ill..." Justin was interrupted as Chris and Joey grabbed either of her arms and escorted her back to the table. "Was it something i said?" speculated Justin curiously. He laughed it off and followed them back to the table. JC had arrived finding everyone comfortable, settled with their drinks, chewing into lengthy discussions about eachothers family life and the outsides of fame. "SO...Korey, what exactly happened that your here with us? I mean I know not just anything because, of course, you would have told us a while ago." JC asked innocently Justin kicked him under the table but the question was saved when, shockingly enough, yet another of their songs filled the room. Korey's smile flashed as she jumped up starting to sing before the words actually began, "I cant resist! This HAS to be my alltime favorite, someone come with me!" she shouted pleadingly. Joey and Chris of course were the first ones to spring up beside her as she, this time, led the way. The crowd was aware of the triplet's routine by now and made a large circle surrounding them. "WHYYYYYYYy didn't I know?" she glanced over at JC as she stole his lines. He smiled, nodded, and waved approvingly. "Whats that all about?" asked JC as he, now wide eyed, studied Koreys extremely unshy behavior. "ABSOLUTLY nooooo clue," Lance said stressing his entire answer,"By the way...what exactly did happen to her and why is she avoiding the question?" asked Lance, pondering deeply. "It's personal, and OVER! Don't worry bout it guys..." "Will we EVER know?" JC upsetly questioned. "Dude, right now all ya gotta do is...just let her have fun, she's cute when she's happy." Justin uttered, not taking his eyes away from her..."At least when im not around," he mumbled. ~*1:15 am, back in hotel room*~ "Well I should get to bed now," yawned JC pushing his arms far above his head to straighten his cramped, aching body. "Ya, you should," laughed Lance, "I don't think you've ever been up this late. But yea, I better go too, we got a long day ahead of us, u too Justin, chris, Joey...." "UM Joey?" whispered Korey....."Joey!" she said as loud as she could without breaking her whisper. "I think he's dead," She said smiling faintly as she helplessly looked up at Jc Chris and Lance, looking down at the long comfortable figure plopped across Korey's legs. Chris took an icecube out of his glass of water and flung it at Joey. "Eh? What....Someone turn the heat on, mommy the hot water's runnin out!" he yelled unconsciously. Justin shook his head and returned to his position on the opposite couch Joey finally realized his torture would continue untill he got up so he unwearily trampled to the door, leaving his shoes behind. Jc Chris and Lance followed close behind, making sure no objects suddenly appeared in his path as he made his way to their room. "What a night," said Justin smiling sweetly watching Korey have a yawn fit as he heard the door slam. "Tell me about it!" she said regaining her full voice, "But thanks, that was real fun, I owe you, i really do." "Nah ya dont i had just as much fun, although i probably will never know why you wont dance with me sassy." he smiled comforting her with this lately familiar nickname she had earned. "Oh, i didnt? Didnt do that on purpose at all curly!" she giggled realizing she had for the first time exposed the lost nickname she had remembered him by, "Maybe if you guys get a chance to come back sometime and visit me, we can do something....a little one on one" Justin grinned at her effort, making sure she would soon regret her proposal. "Sounds great," smiled Justin composing himself, "You play?" "Used to, then sprained my ankle. I Loved it so much, then it all ended, just like that!" she said throwing her arms in the air, "after worrying i would do it again i never tried." "SO there, we have the formerly untold life of Korey Mcnulty." justin followed along in her fit of giggles. "You have a good memory, doncha? I mean, you remembered my last name." she lowered her voice looking down at her fingers as she fiddled with them uneasily. "Only the important things," said Justin fully smiling as his eyes followed her to the bathroom door. "I have to get changed," she explained, suddenly uncomfortable with the situation. "Thats cool," reassured Justin as the door slammed. ~ 10 minutes later ~ Korey came flowing out of the bathroom in her silk pj's. "Fancy nightwear eh?" Justin commented startling her when she thought he would have been asleep. "Guess so, can't wait to get my own clothes back" she answered quickly, "Well anyway, nite," she whispered turning out the light. "Who said you get to go to bed yet sassy?" he teased throwing his pillow at her. "Don't make me come over there curly," she squealed turning the light back on. "Maybe i should," he smiled throwing another pillow. "You asked for it, my evil twins comin out now baby!" she yelled as she lept from her bed to Justins. She continued to warn him as she lightly jumped on the bed and as he slowly but surely knocked her onto the floor, war exploaded. In what seemed to be seconds, they were both rolling on the floor with feathers everywhere from in their ears to the toilet. "Are you done yet?" he asked picking a feather from his tooth. "Don't normally give up this fast, but its been a long day," she smiled regaining her sanity as she layed back on her bed. "Long day huh, guess i wouldnt know, i didnt shake my hips for 45 hours with two maniacs on a dancefloor." Before he could finish his next comment, he glanced over noticing she was out cold, in a pile of feathers. He crept over to her side and gently covered her. Before creaping back over to his bed, he whiped her hair out of her face while whispering sweetly, "G'nite sassy." CHAPTER EIGHT ~*6 am*~ *EVERYBODYYYYYYYYYYYYY ROCK YOUR BODYYYYYYY* "huh?" Justin said sleepily pounding the snooze button "Geez! Is that loud enough? I know we're awake but im pretty sure lance could have heard that when he was in hong kong, dontcha think?" Justin rolled over to face Korey with a goodmorning smile, "I bet he could have sassy, not the best sound to start the day with." "How'd ya sleep?" she asked flipping the covers off as she adjusted her pajamas and ran her fingers through her tangled hair. "Pretty good, didn't even get a goodnight outta you so im not even gonna ask how you slept," he smiled wiping his sleep laced eyes Korey walked to the kitchen and poured two glasses of orange juice before walking over to sit at the end of justins bed "Thanks sweetie," he took an enourmous gulp of his juice and set the glass on the floor laying back down and extending his legs to the end of the bed. "I take it you guys gotta leave soon, if your gettin up at 6 huh," "Yep, I should probably get in the shower," Justin said quietly Both heads jerked to the door when JC flew in and plopped on the bed. He bounced up and down with a huge grin. "Whats up with him," Korey asked confusedly. "Could it be....Jill?" Justin asked knowingly "YEP YEP YEP YEP YEP!!!" Cried Jc hyperly, "She always comes on road trips with us, in charge of the lovely wardrobe." "I don't get it?" Korey said confusedly. "They gotta lil thang goin on," explained Justin "Ahh, I gotcha now...well good for you JC," korey smiled patting Jc's arm. This time all three heads jerked to the door as Chris skipped in and sat on the bed next to Korey. "Hey! ready to get these interviews done"? Chris seemed to be shouting "Not as ready as you are buddy," Jc laughed at his excited friend. "I thought this was all bussy boring stuff for you guys," Korey interrupted confusedly again. "Yea but this is for our new album...we cant wait to get it out! and the more advertising, the more people get to hear it, ya know?" Chris explained "Oh ok, ill be sure to, uh, save up enough money to buy it for myself when it comes out," Korey playfully hinted "We'll send one to ya steamy," Chris smiled. "Can't wait!" she smiled back "Well anyway we should probably start gettin ready guys, gotta be on the road in like two hours." Justin informed. Chris had already showered so him and Korey made the beds while Justin and Jc went their seperate ways into the two rooms showers. Joey had already gone over to their managers office to get everything set up for the week they would be gone, and lance was still in bed since he wasn't going with them. Korey watched Chris's hands work quickly to sweep the feathers off Justins bed as she folded her blankets. Her gaze traveled up to his sparkling dark eyes. After a few minutes Chris stood up striaght with a puzzled grin. "You ok Kor?" "UM oh yea! im fine! Just thinkin about how im gonna get along with my mom when I get back." She covered up quickly "Oh ok, so you made this mess huh...not even gonna ask what you guys were doin," Chris teased "It was curly in there, he started it all," she smiled dazedly. "I'm sure it was him all by himself that ripped open 10 pillows, just for the fun of it huh?" he kidded He went back to his work after she had forgotten to reply For some reason every time Chris would look down, her eyes would be locked to his silky brown hair and small, yet strong hands. "Your gonna be just fine sweetie," Chris comforted realizing she was staring again. She nodded and managed to spread a quick smile. Something about the way he talked to her, in a playful, but mature and comforting way made her feel strange. She shook her head and grabbed another blanket to fold. Justin walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waste exposing his dripping chest and moist curls. "Damn boy, go back in there, its real tempting," she yelled as he laughed and asked Chris where his boxers were. "You mean to tell me theres nothin under there? Chris! Hold my arms as TIGHT as you possibly can, quick! I don't know what i'd do to him!" she screamed laughing as she ran behind Chris. "I'd tell ya but it looks like steamy's havin too much fun here." "Funny, real funny, wait till u ask for somethin," Justin snapped grabbing a clean pair of boxers from his suit case. "Ohhhh is someone embarrassed perhaps?" Chris smiled batting his eyelashes. The door slammed before Chris could comment again. "I think he likes you." "Don't be silly, but man he's pretty protective, I don't really get it.." She said remembering how he hadn't left her side the whole three days they had known eachother. "Korey, not to be...nosey, but is there any way you would feel ok telling me what happened?" Chris hesitantly slipped out. Korey sat down on the pile of folded blankets and sighed. "Nevermind, im so sorry don't worry about it, we'll still all be here for you ok? I know when to take things seriously and..." "I was at a party..." Korey interrupted Chris sat on the floor next to her and looked up interestedly as he realized she was opening up. "And this really good looking guy asked me to go up stairs so...." She explained watching for signs of boredom out of Chris, and when he didn't budge she continued. ~*an hour later*~ "So then we got to the hotel and pretty much fell asleep, in the morning is when I met you guys," she finished explaining every single last detail as Chris sat in shock, not once taking his eyes off her. "Korey, sweetheart, I am SO sorry, and im sorry I made you tell me, that must have been so hard for you to go through. I don't know how to express how sorry I am honey. Please please please just call if you need ANYTHING at all." Chris said sitting up on the bed. He wiped the tears from her cheeks and held her close to him while she finished sobbing. "Thank you so much Chris, all of you don't even know me, you have to be 5 of the busiest guys in the nation, and you take the time to listen to me and SAVE me!" she said breaking away from his embrace to look into his eyes. "You deserve it, we really do care Korey, trust me on that, anything I mean ANYTHING you need, we're always available for this kind of thing, thats what friends are for," he smiled pulling her back into his arms. "Im afraid im already too attached," she smiled whiping her eyes. "Thats ok! Your not someone we're gonna forget about, besides, we had way too much fun dancin! steamy you gotta be the coolest girlie dancer I know," he smiled pushing her shoulder gently, "But I think we should all move far away before you take another shower." He laughed "You guys are never gonna let me live that down are ya! At least im clean! geez!" she laughed along with him. Justin walked out fully dressed "Now what about him, that HAD to be an hour," she asked demanding an explanation "IM allowed, I have to go be on national tv, do you? NO, wrong sassy, you were gettin ready to sweat!" he babbled. Jc walked in the room still accompanied by his large grin. "Well im gonna go finish my hair and everything," Chris informed walking to the door, "And remember what I said Kor, K?" "K," she smiled sweetly while he closed the door. "Well anyway, I'm gonna take you home sweetie, ok?" Justin implied. "I can get a.." "NOoooo way," Justin exclaimed interrupting her, "I'd give up singing before I'd let you do that," he scolded "Thank you," she said sincerely. Korey got up and grabbed her purse while Justin searched for his keys. JC stood up and threw himself around Korey. She was startled for a moment but realized he was saying good-bye. "We had fun with you sweetie," Jc smiled leaning back from her face to look at her. "I definitely had fun with you guys," she smiled back,"Thank you so much for being here for me." "NO problem at all, and like Chris said, don't forget, you can ALWAYS call," he reminded handing her a piece of paper with all of their numbers on it. "You know what, I totally forgot to tell you somethin..." Chris yelled from the hallway walking in, "Lance isn't goin anywhere...he'll be at home, not far from you Korey...thats definitely a plus, if you need anything Just call him for the time we're gone." "Why isnt he going?" "He has his own management company...Free Lance...ha ha definitely pun intended...anyway he's got a lil country girl he needs to stay back here to help." Justin explained. "OH ok, so then what happens when she needs a manager and you guys are doing shows and stuff?" she asked "Well after the performers get to a certain stage in their careers, lance hands em over to a bigger corporation. It's what he loves to do, help people get started." JC took over explaining. "Oh ok," Korey said understandingly," thats so sweet." Justin walked closer to JC Chris and Korey jingling his keys. "Time to go," he said with a frown "Aw steamy, take care of yourself babe," Chris said wrapping his now familiar arms around her. His comforting scent invaded her nose. The look she gave him quickly informed Chris she was trying to say thank you again. "Bye Chris," she smiled quickly before Justin put his hand on her back and gently led her down the hall. She stopped by the front desk. "Mrs...." "It's Rita baby, what can I do for you?" The lady interrupted "Rita," Korey repeated,"I just wanted to thank you so much for lending me all the clothes, you've helped me so much, please let me do something for you" Korey pleaded thankfully. "Oh no problem at all honey," the large black woman replied,"No need to do anything for me, im glad I could help, maybe stop by and visit the hotel again sometime," she smiled brightly looking between Justin and Korey. Korey nodded and smiled before saying bye. They walked out the secluded back doors and to Justin's Truck, the all too familiar vehicle that she had seen just as she began to lose hope 3 long nights ago. Justin opened the door for her and she climbed in as he went around the other side, not so cheerfully as he had last night on the way to the dance club. "Whats wrong?" she questioned Justin as he closed his door. "Nothings wrong," he smiled squeezing her hand while flashing a fake smile. He couldnt stop thinking about how scared she had been when he found her, and how thankful she was, and how much he had scared her in the shower, and really, how much he felt he still NEEDED to protect her. "OK," Korey replied contently, though knowing something wasn't right. They finally arived to Koreys small country house, after a half hour of flipping through radio stations. She still couldn't figure out why he was so quiet. When he pulled up in her driveway she looked at his solemn profile for a few minutes before not being able to resist... "Justin..?" she asked "Yea?" He replied. "Forgive me but, your silence, I know why...I know whats wrong!" she said laughing strangely. He frowned concerned she had gotten the wrong idea from him a little too early. "You haven't had your apple jacks this morning!!!" she squeaked out between bursts of laughter. Justin had to laugh himself. "Im REALLY not that bad...which magazine was that confession in," he asked still laughing lightly. "I dont know! I just had this uncontrollable urge to say it! no matter how stupid it sounded! They make apple jacks sound like this wonder medication, saying you wont speak to a soul until you've had it! my little cousin begs her mom to buy it at the store in case she ever meets you and your in a bad mood!" she rambled continuing to giggle between sentences. He smiled at her comment about her cousin. Suddenly her smile wasn't so broad. She leaned over and tightly wrapped her arms around Justin. "You've really been there for me more than anyone in my life ever has Justin," she whispered "Korey, im so glad your ok, Just please don't forget to call if you ever need anything ok? Lets not make this hard, remember you still have a bball game to lose," he smiled "We'll see bout that curly," she smiled opening her door "Want me to walk you in?" "NO im fine, thanks again!" she said before unsurely closing the car door. He watched her walk up to her front door. She turned on her porch and waved at him as he pulled out of her driveway. She sighed, seeing that the excitement she for once had in her life, had ended. She strained her eyes to get one last glimpse at THE Justin Randall timberlake she had seen so many times plastered to every magazine in the country. "Wow" she sighed opening the door. A tear ran down her face. "Here goes nothing," she mumbled under her breath, preparing herself for any mood her mother could be in.


Part 4
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