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If Only Through Heaven's Eyes

Chapter NINE

"Mom!" Korey echoed through the halls of her empty home.

After looking in every room for her mother, Korey shrugged, convincing herself her mom was on an errand, after all she did go out a lot when she got lonely. She walked into her room, opened the blinds and gave her kitten water. She laid on her bed and began writing in her journal when she heard the door slam. Her heart raced, all she wanted to do was be in her moms warm, forgiving arms. She crossed her fingers before walking back down the hall to the door. Her eyes lit up finding what she had expected. "Hi mommy!" she yelled childishly "What are you doing here," Her mom replied as if she was a stranger. "What do you mean," Korey asked extremely puzzled. "You disobey me, run out, leave me scared to death, and get raped, you little slut." She replied flatly. "Mom! Right now all I need is for you to be supportive! I didn't get raped! I was saved, mom im sorry it was..." "Just go to your room, i dont want to see your face," "Mom! Please listen to me, I dont understand why your acting like this!" Korey continued "Look Kid, you will not be living under my roof if your going to disobey me, I told you you were NOT to go to this party, and you went to this party." "Mom please.." Korey cried helplessly as tears began streaming down her previously tear stained cheeks. "Who do you think you are! Korey your father got killed by an angry teen, do you think im going to accept that you just leave when you please? If you'd like to be forgiven, you will NOT leave this house for any reason period, until you are twenty-one." "Mom! I have friends that will take good care of me, why would I have to stay here for so long, im a big girl!" she pleaded "Korey, GET OUT!!!! I said I will not having you out, and I certainly will not having you talking back to me." "Mom, im sorry ill listen to you, I promise," Korey cried running up to wrap her arms around her mothers neck. Korey was suddenly jolted to the ground as the door opened. "If you wont leave, I will, im not going through this again," her mother screamed slamming the door so that a bowl of goldfish fell shattering from the counter. Korey sat on the floor more lost that she ever had been in her life. Her mother and her had never been particularly close, but were never enemies. She was looking for love, sympathy, forgiveness. Her mom, her own flesh and blood, had just practically disowned her. She didn't understand. She curled herself into a ball in front of the toilet in the bathroom and wailed. She cried harder and more forcefully than she ever had in her life. She felt nautious and soon found herself throwing up. Her mind spun praying she was dreaming. After about an hour, she sobbed herself to sleep, still in front of the toilet. ~*7 pm*~ *Ringgg Ringgg* Koreys helpless body jolted up as her phone sounded off. She ran out of the bathroom down the hall wiping her eyes while sniffling and clearing her throat. "Hello?" "Korey! Ohmigod! Hi! I didn't expect you to be home hun how are ya?" "Kelly, why didn't you tell me my mom was so upset about this whole thing." "I figured you'd work it out yourself, how is everything? I didn't have the heart to tell you she was moving you out," Kelly rambled. "Moving me out? For GETTING raped?! I wasn't arrested, I wasn't committing a crime, I was being violated for sneaking out of the house like a normal teen!" "Kor, she said you got her to start drinking again, she said your old enough to raise yourself now and she doesn't want to have to worry about you." "Worry about me! Im her daughter!" korey screamed in denial "Do you need anything sweetie?" Kelly asked concearnedly "I just wish you would have told me kel, what am I gonna do? She has never been like this! I expected her to hug me and sit with me in her arms while we drank hot cocoa and told eachother our day," she sobbed, "I thought everything was gonna be ok." "She's probably just worried honey. Dont worry she'll come through and you'll be fine." Kelly reassured. "Well can i come over?" korey asked needing to be comforted "I'm actually in Illinois honey, moms on a business trip, i wanted to go with since you weren't here, im sorry," Kelly explained "Thats ok...ill go now," Korey said hanging up the phone before her friend could respond. Korey was pale and tired. She honestly thought she could put what happened behind her. Her mother had called her a slut. "Im better than this," korey screamed encouragingly in the mirror to herself. Still dazed she went to her room and laid on her bed, flipping the radio on softly. "I have to get out of her," she thought to herself realizing she was more angry than hurt, "I really dont deserve this" She stood back up, becoming more angered as the minutes passed "I THOUGHT SHE LOVED ME! The one person in my life I could always trust" she screamed ejecting a lamp from her hand to fly crashing to the wall across her. "The one person always there for me, thick and thin. My flesh and blood, my best friend.." She was raging. She stomped on the shattered pieces of glass from the lamp. "Lord help me!" she bellowed louder than ever Just then something came over her. She sat back on her bed gently, cocking her head as if to be deeply interested in something. Then she walked over to the radio and turned it up....."Your soul is like a secret that I never could keep" She stretched herself across her floor, wiped her face for the last time and rocked back and forth listening to this music as if it was medication for her soul. ~*10pm*~ Korey slowly stood up in the dark, rapidly feeling around for the shattered glass. She made it to the lightswitch and then crept back to her bed. She was left in her dreamy state for a few more minutes before realizing all that had just happened was in fact no where close to a dream. Her eyes darted up to the door and she quickly lept out into the hall in search of her mother. After hunting the entire house for her mother once again, she sunk herself down into the couch holding a pillow in her lap. "What now?" she asked partly God, partly herself. Tears quickly invaded her eyes as she longed for comfort in this empty cold room. She scoped out the door, her mother hadnt come back because her shoes were in the same place in front of the door Korey had left them after her mother left. Then she spotted her jacket on the floor next to her. A $20 bill had fallen out so she bent down to gather it up. As she lifted the jacket, a yellow piece of paper drifted to the ground. Something triggered her brain to pick it up. She smiled brightly recognizing JC's writing on it, more importantly, what the writing was...Lance's phone number. The idea revolved around and around her lost mind. "No way, I can't bother him!" she tried to persuade her brain. *Remember Korey, call us for anything, i mean ANYTHING* flashed rapidly throughout her body She shook her head in remembrance of Chris's comforting words. Picking up the channel changer, she flipped to MTV, and decided to vent and relax a few minutes. Her stomach growled with hunger pains but as any food came into view, she was nauseated. She glanced at the clock realizing it was 10:35. Carelessly, she put her shoes on and walked carefully down the block to get some air, leaving the door unlocked and purse and keys inside. When she reached her destination, she smiled and exhaled deeply, reading the sign over and over before entering, "Welcome to pinpoint Dance academy, we're happy to have you" She stopped inside the doorway taking a wif of the familiar relaxing smell she had known long ago. She uncautiously searched the main office for a radio. When she found what she had been looking for, she carried it to a large empty mirrored room. She closed the door tightly behind her and plugged the small radio in, even though only about 25% of its sound was left uncaptured from the echoes of the building. "You make me make me make me feel like a natural woman" Korey freed herself. She spun across the floor even more relaxtly than when there hadn't been a dent in her life, inhaling deeply and exhaling forcefully as she swiftly rotated. The song ended and she laid down on a matt by the wall across from the radio and door she had come in. Suddenly her head jolted up, as if she has been given once again, a sign. The next song slowly pranced through the tiny speakers though flowing fluently through her ears and throughout her body. She got a tingle down her spine as memories of her past days circulated her brain for the first time since she had woken up. "So close together, didn't know just what i had" "This HAS to be a joke," she said rolling to her stomach while chuckling lightly, "What does this mean?" she asked herself..."WHAT DOES IT MEAN!?" She screamed echoing throughout the large cathedral ceilinged room. She took a deep breath calming her idiocy. "I dont know what to do, I really dont know," she whispered to herself repetitively while unplugging the radio and returning it to the office. She made her way back home absently. Once more she looked around in all the rooms of her tiny home and in the garage to make sure her mom hadn't come home. Tears flowed down her cheeks more rapidly this time as she silently wept. She stood frozenly in the middle of her vacant house before charging to the phone. She uncrumbled the yellow paper hesitantly and staired at it before dashing her fingers across the blurred numbers. *Ring.........* *Ring.........* *Ring.........* "Geez maybe he gave me the wrong number," she thought *Ring.......* *Ring.......* "Hello, you've reached the Bass residence, we're not home at the moment, leave a message and we'll be sure to get back to you." A faint relief crossed over her before she cleared her throat. Just as she was about to leave a message, she realized this could be a sign she really shouldn't have thought about bothering Lance. She quickly clicked the power button and threw the phone to the couch. "His family is there, they don't need any more complications, this man is rushed day and night with his own band." She moped back to her room and decided the only thing left to do was sleep. It's all that made her feel decent, all that took her mind away from the world, besides dance, and lately she hadn't had luck with that because she had been trying for two years to get a job teaching dance, and no academy had called her back to accept her. ~*NEXT MORNING 10am*~ "Mom?!" korey called through the same vacant halls she had the night before. It puzzled her that her mother still hadn't come home. She went in the bathroom, plugged in the radio to a station that did NOT play nsync, filled the tub, and found a favorite novel of hers. She slowly undressed and slid her slender body down into the luke-warm water. Her thoughts pleasantly drifted to Justin. "I gotta let it go, I see them everywhere, i KNOW them...the bad is Greg, the good is the 5 guys that saved my sanity." She convinced herself, "I really need to get that CD...they're so gorgeous, I never thought they could be so darling in person." She had always thought they were cute but never had time to be a dedicated teeny bopper fan with school and her, now non-exhistant, social life. "Hmm, maybe I could make them a nice warm, home meal when they get back as a thank you." She breathed deep, sighed and opened her book, laying her head back on the ledge of the tub. About a half hour later, her mindless reading was interrupted by the doorbell. She jerked up out of the tub and scrambled to cover soaking self with a towel. She crossed her fingers walking down the hall with a shiver. She took another deep breath, ran a hand through her messed, dripping hair, and secured her towel around her. Then she swung the door open. Her jaw locked in its place as she clutched her heart. Her mouth felt like it had been stuffed with cotton to the brim, her eyes swelled, her mind went blank and her heart quickened its racing beat. She opened her mouth but before anything could come out a hand was placed gently over her lips.


Part 5
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