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*if only through heaven's eyes*

~*Next Morn*~

Korey awoke in the bathroom. She had managed to fall asleep in there and Justin hadn't wanted to bother her.

She found Justin eating an enormous bowl of soggy apple jacks as she moped into the livingroom. When her eyes met the back of his head, she knew she wouldn't be able to look at his face. She cringed at what the first words of the morning would be. She was afraid he would be angry after planning that special evening for her. After not being able to decide, she finally reasoned with being sweet and honest. If he asked, she would tell him...."Wait a minute," she though, "I cant just say 'Oh ya know the next time you do something like tat I might fall for you but im gonna fight it'." Her brain aggravated her and soon she shouted to herself "shuttup!" before walking to the couch to rest herself beside Justin. "Hey girlie, glad ya woke up, woulda been a tragedy to miss this episode of scooby doo," He informed with a mouth full of cereal, "Its a classic I tell ya." he Playfully tugged at her pony tail as he spoke. He didn't seem to be angry with her. She giggled and agreed with him as they finished the cartoon. "So what happens today?" she surprised him by asking. "Well all I know is we should relax." "Yea but ya know...I think it might be good for me to work off some lost energy. Justin scrunched his face as he thought and finally whipped his head around to face her, "I got an idea." "Uh oh," She commented "Hey, gimme a chance!" He laughed, "I want to show ya something you'll like." "Can't you just tell me straight out? I HATE surprises!" she whined "Just go put some comfy clothes on." She sighed annoyedly grabbing his empty bowl to drop off at the sink before following his orders. "You are too cute, ill getcha for that," He yelled to her room. "Yea yea yea," she giggled to herself. She didn't exactly bring her whole wardrobe with her cuz she didn't want to invade Chris's home. The most comfortable thing she could find was a pair of gray jogging pants with a yellow sports bra covered by a NC sweatshirt. When she walked out, Justin was in black Adidas tearaways with a while T-shirt. "Hey my favorite team!" he exclaimed studying her sweatshirt. "OH really, I got it from my cousin, you can have it." She said unenthusedly. "Cool! Thanks sass, geez its big enough, thats gonna slip right off, got anything under there?" "Yep," She replied lifting it to reveal her tan muscular stomach followed by the yellow top, "Ive been to Britney Spears' closet," she teased (***I have nothin against britney, only kiddin***) His eyes widened as she exposed so much of her underneath. When she realized his expression she quickly pulled her shirt back down to cover herself as he chuckled at her Britney comment. "Yea, but at least you got real...." His voice trailed off catching his cruel words She got his drift though and smiled up at him as she put on her navy, orange and silver Adidas shoes, "Thats so wrong Justin." "I know it is," He smiled bending down to unzip a huge red bag he had carried into the hallway. "HOLY geez!" she exclaimed as the unzipped bag revealed its contents. "Yea, they start to build up after so many performances," He laughed pulling a pair of baby blue Nikes from the pile of sneakers. "You need some breakfast," he remembered "OH im fine," She reassured before a granola bar was thrown at her. "Eat sassy, your gonna fall away to nothing," he teased. *~IN the car*~ "Well here we are," Justin exclaimed instantly popping the door open. "Where in the world is here? I still don't see where we are." "OH c'mon," he encouraged holding out his hand She grabbed it and skipped up to his side. They entered the front of the building that seemed to be a lot like the dance studio She had gone to a few days ago. Her eyes widened when she read the sign at the front desk "Transcontinental records, members only" "Justin! I better get out of here! if they catch me in here you'll get in trouble too!" "Shh, dont worry about it! It's Sunday, who is workin today? No one" He lead her down a stairway and through a long hall. There was a door at the end of the hall and as they got closer she saw it read "Nsync Only" "Oh my God...this is like you guys's private studio? I'm suddenly so star struck! Geez Justin I really don't think this is a good idea." "Quit wining! It'll be fun, I wanna see what you got." "OH absolutely NO way, Im strictly ballet." "It didn't appear that way when you were at the club shakin your lil bootie with Jc and Joe now did it?" She blushed before following him into the room. Cold air blew her long, lose hair back as she entered. The room was about 4 times bigger than her practice room, and it had mirrors all the way around with a large stereo system on the far wall. "Wow." She said looking around "I knew someone like you would appreciate something like this, isn't it neat? So much space for us to practice, such loud music" he said excitedly rubbing his hands together. "Yea....but Justin I can't dance." She frowned backing up to the wall. "Excuse me but are we here to have fun or impress Justin? You've already proved yourself....please, be YOURSELF! Just have fun, thats our new motto." "Oh" she said still not enthused. "C'mon, whats our motto?" "Just have fun." "Thats right, say it with me baby!" Justin said as he switched a few buttons to start the stereo system. Much like the music in the club, an upbeat song by a girl called Angela Via blared through the speakers. {pokemon soundtrack = )} She couldn't help but to be excited as the music vibrated the floor beneath her. Justin began to do what looked like a routine he had mastered while singing. During the course of the song, she watched him emphasize the part that said "Never give up when the goin gets rough." She smiled taking his hints as she moved to the center of the floor with him. She took a deep breath smiled and placed her hand in his as he yanked her around to grab her other arm. He playfully rocked her shoulders back and forth to the beat. Soon she caught on herself and he let go of her when he realized she was doing the exact same dance he had a moment ago, only watching it once. He was impressed but didn't let her know, in fear she would quit. He kept up along with her as they both made up new moves and giggled freely at the ones that were ridiculous looking, mostly by Justin attempting to make her laugh. As that song ended "God must have spent" came on. "Hey its you!" she exclaimed not any less excitedly than the other times. He smiled and motioned for her to go back over to the floor. "Ive showed you mine, you show me yours." This excited her, especially the fact that this national sex symbol was going to attempt ballet. She grabbed Justin's hands and messaged them until they were limp, then positioned them above his head as she spun his body around grabbing his clothing to add more force. Her giggling became deep laughter as he kicked his legs out and lept across the room. "Point your toes!" she yelled in between laughs.

That song finally ended and Justin asked her to help him with something. "Can you watch this for me? I wanna make sure it looks good. Have you ever heard our new song Bye bye bye?" "Nope can't say I have, but Justin im not someone to be judging you!" "Course ya are." He argued sliding a chair into the back of her knees to make her buckle into it. The music started before she could reply again. When she realized she enjoyed the beat, she bobbed her head as Justin began a jumble of moves. She couldn't even follow him he worked so fastly. She knew it looked awesome though and her eyes were fixed on him as he spun and kicked so artistically. "So what do you think of the guys?" He asked when the music came to a slower part. "What do you mean?" "Chris Jc Lance Joe, like hangin with em?" "Of course I do, why wouldn't I?" "No reason." He replied shortly. He grooved back into a detailed routine until it too slowed. "So...You have a job?" "Not really, im hoping to get this one I wanted teaching the little girls ballet...I love to teach." "Oh, thats cool. You love to dance too right?" "Of course I do, why do you keep asking so many questions?" "Just curious, am I not allowed to get to know you!?" he exclaimed batting her hair as he twirled around her chair, " was it?" "Oh, awesome!" she exclaimed standing up to pat his back. "Thanks," He smiled before pulling her back out with him. "I don't think I can handle any more of this!" she yelled, "Can we please go home?"

Just shrugged with not a bit of disappointment, "Sure've showed me've got your reasons." *~In the car again*~ "Korey...I need to get something off my chest." "Hmm?" She asked sweetly humming to 98° "Because of you" on the radio. "Well, about last night." Her heart sank as she quickly wrapped her arms around herself and looked out the window to avoid any blushing, "What about last night?" She asked, knowing she couldn't ignore him. "Look, you and me both know that wasn't just anything, Can you admit it is what i'd like to know." he asked looking at her in desperation. "Justin, ive told you, i appreciate everything you do for me, but im not gonna take advantage of you...ive had so much fun...your job is done now!" she explained "Korey...Your smile lets me know you need me." "What? Thats ridiculous, why would I need you?" "I feel so good when I see you having fun, I know it sounds weird...but my dad always told me, 'If you can't get her out of your head, do something about it, or you'll regret it more than anything in the world'. To tell you the truth Korey, it makes me happier than ive ever been just to see you happy. I can't deny it." "Theres nothing to deny Justin, im not good enough for you. Please stop...think about this. Please, this isnt what I want." "I'll let you know one last time, you are TOO good for me...but if it makes you happy, it can't be that bad. Im sorry for bringing it up." *Don't give up man, Dont give up* He whispered to himself as he turned the song back up to regain her comfort. When they got back to Chris's house, Korey didn't even grab something to eat, she went straight to her room. Justin didn't understand. Was she afraid of him? *~2am*~ "STOPPPPPPPPP PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE! STOP PLEASE, PLEASE....please" Justin's head jerked up from the couch. His heart raced as he scrambled to Korey. "Where is she, WHAT IS IT KOR? WHATS WRONG?????" He yelled pounding at her door. "HOLY SHIT.....Korey who is in there??!??!?!?!!" Justin screamed at the top of his lungs before hunting down Chris's toolbox. He found a hammer and Took the knob off. He dropped the knob and hammer and ran to the side of the bed when he realized she was sleeping. He had to shake her violently to wake her up. Her eyes shot open, "Justin! help me!" He dove onto the bed and wrapped the blanket tightly around her before securing her in his arms. She wept continuously as he wiped the cold sweat from her forehead. "Justin, im so scared...please....i love you..." Justin stopped rocking her as his heart froze. He tried to shake it off because he knew she was sleeping, but those three words echoed through his head like bullets penetrating his brain. "Sweetie, it was just a dream," He whispered to her "JUSTIN HELP ME! I LOVE YOU!" she screamed once again. Justin took a deep breath and shook her again to get her out of this trance "KOREY YOU DONT LOVE ME! YOUR DREAMING! WAKE THE HELL UP!" Suddenly she jolted his arms off her and stood quickly up gazing down at him. "OH my God, Justin?" She whispered, "Sorry to be such a fucking inconvenience." She screamed before covering her mouth tightly with both hands and running out of the room.

"She must have only heard the last thing I said....damn, what am I supposed to do now? God help me," Justin stuttered to himself as he put his head in his hands.


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