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*if only through heaven's eyes* part 7

Chris backed out of the driveway and circled the block a few times. He flipped through radio stations, called Joey on his cell and filled up his gas tank, before realizing Korey was taking longer than he'd planned. A half hour had gone by. He knew he should have been patient, but something told him Korey would definitely be the kind to at least fill him in after about 5 minutes.

When he couldn't decide for himself, he gave JC's cell a buzz this time.

"Hey, Jc speaking."

"Dude, she still hasn't come out."

"Huh?" Jc spoke realizing who was on the other line.

"Should I go in? It's been 45 minutes...or should I go home? I don't want to interrupt." Chris asked confusedly

"Im sure she's fine, just wait a while longer...chill man she'll be out." Chris clicked his phone off to avoid JC's helpless suggestions and threw it onto the dashboard. He circled the block three more times, waited two more songs, and crawled out of his car and up to her dull front door. He stood impatiently ringing the bell. "Dude what the hell?" He screamed into the bitter cold winter air kicking at the door. He twisted the knob lightly and it slid open. Not knowing his way around her home, he curiously stepped into the kitchen. He called for Korey lightly before continuing down the hall. He was startled when a small gray kitten dashed to his feet. He bent down hurriedly and gave it a pat before following it as it darted back into the direction it came from. The cat was lost from his site for a few seconds before Chris caught up. When he realized maybe the kitten was trying to tell him something, he jerked to a halt. His eyes widened and he swallowed roughly gasping for air when he saw the cat walk over Korey, laying face down on the steps. Chris breathed rapidly as he paced back and forth trying to find the courage to get to the other side of her. His heart raced. He had never seen anyone in true danger before, since lately as his career had taken off, he'd been so sheltered. He carefully closened his glimpse. Noticing Korey wasn't the only unconscious soul, he dashed in the other direction, much like the actions of the cat, and out the door back to his car. His hands shook violently as he tightened his eyes to block the flashes of what he had just seen. His fingers scrambled as he pulled his phone back from the dashboard. He went through all the guys numbers. At this moment JC Joey and Justin's cells were all busy ironically. Chris licked his cardbord-like lips as his voice screeched. "Hello? Who is not funny," Lance lectured. "Lance! Chris!" Chris belted out before Lance gave up on the mysterious caller. "Chris? What is it? You ok?" Lance asked frantically, noting Chris's half lost voice. "I....I...It's" Chris shrieked before his shakiness caused the phone to slip from his hands. He bit his fingers and rocked back and forth in his seat before getting back out of the car. Just as he was doing so, Justin screeched into the driveway nearly frightening him to death. "Dude what happened, WHERE IS SHE?!" Justin screamed flying out of his car. He realized Chris's pale face and put his hands together in prayer before making the sign of the cross and finishing his race to the door. Joey watched Chris from the car, standing helplessly in the driveway. He decided since Justin had been in such a hurry to find Korey, it might be good to find out what was wrong with Chris. He had never seen Chris serious in his life. "Chris, its gonna be ok..." Joey comforted cluelessly. Chris looked up at Joey with his shocked eyes. "Or is it? It IS gonna be ok right Chris?" "No." Chris replied speaking for the first time. "Huh?" Joey asked as his voice cracked in confusion. His head jolted up as Justin screamed his name more painfully than he'd ever heard it before. He bent Chris's knees to make him sit down on the sidewalk before scrambling in the door. In the house- Justin stood with his hands over his heart for only seconds before flipping Korey onto her back. He saw no blood or cuts, but noted her unconsciousness. He gently as ever, scooped her up and brought her to the couch where he told Joey to try and wake her as he went to scope out the other situation. "Whats the other situation?" Joey asked lightly squeezing Korey's shoulder. "No time to explain, Joe this is indescribable, I think I know whats wrong with her, why dontcha call Jc and Lance...quick" Justin ordered tossing him his phone before pacing back to the opened garage door. He closed his eyes and prayed for strength as he kneeled down before a second unconscious body. As he nudged it over, he revealed sopping wet hair. This hair wasn't wet because of drool, or rain, or water. Justin staired down at his stained red hands before breaking down. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he thought of the pain Korey had gone through, and what she was about to go through. "Did you call lance and Jay?" Justin asked frowning at Joey. "Sure did.." Joey said waiting for answers. "Call 911..." "Why? I think she'll be ok lets try to wake her up first." Joey tried to comfort. "NOW!!!!!!!" Justin screamed before walking out the door to Chris. Outside- "Buddy, can you tell me what happened?" Justin asked softly to a devastated Chris. "No, It's just what I saw, I saw what you did...I should be as strong as you." Chris sobbed. "No, man, really take your time out here...Im gonna try to get this under control. You did see....uh...past Korey right?" "Yea." Chris answered as Justin made his way to Lance's arriving car. "Whats goin on?" Lance asked "It's Korey...she's in the house, unconscious but I don't think she's hurt." Explained Justin "OH, ok phewwww....then everything's gonna be fine right?" "No.." Justin continued, "It's her mom." "Her mom? Oh shit dude don't even tell me...." "Yea Lance....Its not fair GOD DAMNIT!!!" Justin screamed to the outside world twitching as his hands zipped through his curls repetitively, "Not fair, so unbelievably unfair to that poor innocent, helpless woman." "Im so glad we're here to help Korey, but are you sure...." "Lance look at this," Justin said holding his hands in the air. "OH my God." Lance uttered whipping his head around to see two fire trucks and an ambulance park on the side of the driveway. JC ran in the house as Justin and Lance explained as much as they could to the police. A technician cleared a spot to help Chris out as she saw he was obviously mentally harmed. Back in the house- Jc's head swerved in every direction noticing Joey on the couch with a rag on Korey's face. He continued to the end of the hall and stopped when it revealed the lifeless figure sprawled on the garage floor. He immediately turned back towards Joey. "Did you see that?" He asked Joey, sitting next to Korey as he removed his jacket and wrapped it around Korey, gripping her frozen hands. "No man but Justin told me, I don't even know what to did it happen?" Joey asked, "Why? Why her?" He turned his head to the ceiling as if he was expecting answers. They looked up as the team of 6 paramedics followed by Justin Chris and Lance entered. The paramedics knelt down beside Korey and frowned up at Justin before realizing he was pointing to further down the hall. "I'll stay with this one just in case," a short plump man explained motioning for the others to keep going. "You might want to stay here," another suggested to Justin and Lance Chris sat on the couch across from Korey and Joey with his hands over his face. Justin knelt next to the paramedic working with Korey. He peered around the room until his glare settled to the kitchen table he could barely see. He jumped up as fast as he had knelt down to Korey. Lance watched Justin as he picked a crumpled object up from the table. He noticed Justin unfolding and he too went to the kitchen. He craned his neck to see over Justin's shoulder. Justin's eyes raced across the paper from side to side as he read: To the only sun in my life, my love, Korey, I don't know how to begin this, but i'd like you to know, that it was I who made this decision for myself. You are probably already aware of what ive done, and ashamed of me. I wouldn't be surprised if you, such a loving mature young woman, are hurt. I realized that you were the only thing making my life worth something for all the years of your childhood. I also realized that your a woman, not a child anymore and soon to be on your own, as im left alone. I am not, and won't be happy with myself until I take care of what I need to take care of. I'll miss you Korey, but you will remain forever in my heart, and if you ever need to talk, pray to me, ill be listening, looking over you, watching you grow up, start your own family. Be good to yourself, open up to a good man, one you trust with your life. If you wait too long, your greatest opportunities may pass. I never want to see you hurt. I wont apologize because as selfish as this may sound, I am doing this for myself. I'll be in a better place. I love you Korey Lynn, always and forever. With the deepest love my heart can give, Mommy P.S ~The world needs you, don't ever give up. The paper glistened with tears as Justin's eyes produced masses. He sighed deeply and folded the paper neatly placing it back on the table. He looked at Lance realizing he too had read it. "She killed herself." Lance said finally understanding, "Doesn't she know she's only hurting Korey more?" "She said herself, she wasn't happy with her life. I think we need to be here for Korey more than ever." Lance nodded and agreed before embracing Justin in a comforting, best-bud hug. Their attention was taken to the stretcher carrying Korey's mother inside a plastic sheet, followed by Korey wrapped in quilts, out the door. "Hey wait, she's fine we'll take care of her." Justin yelled holding Koreys stretcher from the door. "No sir, Im sorry but we need to get this young lady under some professional care." another man explained. Justin's shoulders slumped as his eyes dropped to the floor, then back up again. "Can we come?" "Well.." "No, you don't understand, we are all she has, there is no way she can leave without us." Justin demanded choking himself up. "One of you may come, the others will have to find their own transportation." Justin sighed and faced his four best friends. All nodded to him with approval before he followed the paramedics out the door and into the ambulance. "So, Korey's mother positively..." "Yes Sir, she's dead." -HOSPITAL- Justin watched impatiently as two nurses situated Korey in the stiff hospital bed and tucked cords into her nose. She had still been unconscious but gone through tests previous to settling in the room and doctors hadn't found anything wrong besides simply being overwhelmed, more of a mental breakdown, were their exact words. When the nurses left without providing him a word, the room was silent. His leather jacket creaked as he stretched out before resting his hand on top of Korey's. It was still cold. He knew she wasn't gonna die or anything serious, but he knew she was definitely not ok. He didn't know how she would respond when she woke up and his only thoughts were, "Please lord let her except the fact that we're going to take care of her." He moved his fingers to the bottom of hers resting her hand on top of his as he heated each particle of skin. Jc and Lance walked in not very much later. "How's she holdin up?" asked Jc still looking very concerned. "Well she didn't fall or anything damaging, Just fainted, they said she was overwhelmed." Justin explained. "Oh ok." replied jc and lance in unison. "So did you guys see what they did with her mom?" Justin asked "They just zipped her up and took her away, hey I brought that letter, ya know, that we found on the table, I think its important she reads it as soon as she wakes up." Lance explained "Oh my God that poor girl," Joey exclaimed walking in. "Wheres Chris?" asked Justin "He's in the lobby, man he's really takin this rough, I think he thinks he could have prevented it or something. She's fine though right?" asked Joey "Yea she's gonna be ok, we'll pull her though." JC reassured, "We need to get that boy into therapy or somethin, this aint like him. ~*12:48am*~ Justin blinked roughly, yawning chronically. "Dude, c'mon, lets go home we'll come back in the morning." Jc suggested to Justin watching him struggle to keep his eyes open. Joey Lance and Chris were sleeping in extra chairs around the room. "Why isn't she up?!" Yelled Justin waking Lance. "Huh? Man go to sleep." Lance whined, repositioning his pillow on the arm of the chair. "The doctors don't seem worried about it, anyway this could give you time to prepare what your gonna say when she wakes up." Jc responded. "I guess so.." Justin said unsurely watching Jc's head bob down and jerk back up fighting his drowsiness. ~*Morning*~ "Oh my God, Jc! You let me fall asleep, oh my God...." Justin upsetly remarked "Justin, you needed sleep, she's still here, alive, breathing, peaceful as far as I can see, chill" JC annoyedly lectured. "Anyone want a snickers?" Chris asked entering the room. "Ick, this early no way." Lance growled "Guess ill hafta eat all these by myself" Chris joked shoving as much of the five wrapped bars in his mouth as possible. "Dude do you know what happened last time you ate that much sugar? I'll have one to save us all." JC laughed grabbing one. "Aw dude there goes a days energy." Chris laughed seeming to be back to himself, "Sorry I zoned out so bad last night's she doin?" "Don't worry about it, she's cool...we just gotta keep praying for her strength." Justin smiled fakely. They all trucked themselves down to the cafeteria for breakfast. Justin had dark circles under his eyes. He sat plainly at a table watching the rest of the guys gather food. "Hey Jc, im goin back up, not hungry." Justin informed "Aight, we'll be up soon." Jc smiled and waved. Justin walked back to the room. She was in the same position she had been all night. He sighed and sat back in the chair resting his hand in the same place it had also been all night. He was startled when his hand wasn't the only one with a grip. He loosened his to make sure she was definitely grabbing onto him and when he did so his was still locked in hers. He eyed his way up to her light pink lips, past her small upturned nose and to her sparkling, opened blue eyes. "Korey!" Justin yelled excitedly standing up. "Justin..." She moaned. Justin could barely hear her but he knew she was awake. "Kor, how are you, can I get you anything?" Her eyes wondered confusedly before closing once again, "Justin, please tell me im dreaming." "Korey, its gonna be ok im right here." He whispered grabbing her hand back. "Justin, im dreaming, im gonna wake up and im gonna be in my mommys arms." Justin felt the tears devouring his face as he watched her in reality. "No Korey, it's not a dream baby, but I have something for you." "What do you have?" She asked uninterestedly, opening her eyes fully. "Here" he said softly handing her the neatly folded paper, "I'll be outside the door, just yell when your finished, ill come back in." She halfway sat up watching Justin walk to the door as she held the paper tightly in her hand. "Justin" She suddenly yelled "Hmm?" Justin asked worriedly "Justin please don't go, don't leave me" She pleaded He felt wanted for the first time. His heart softened as he quickly jogged back to the side of the bed and re-grabbed her hand into his as he helped her unfold the paper with the other hand. The room was completely silent as she read. He saw her dry tears drop onto the paper as his had. He couldn't even begin to imagine how she was feeling. He focused back to her eyes as she spoke up, folding the letter and placing it on the table next to her bed. "I don't know what to say." She said tiredly, tears still streaming. It was a strange Kind of mourn. She wasn't getting choked up, more in shock than anything. He watched her expressionless face for what seemed an eternity. "Theres nothing to say sweetie, you dont have to say anything, you dont have to do anything or go anywhere you don't want to." He tried to comfort. She skimmed the room before asking, "How did I get here?" "Well, Chris was obviously.." "Oh my God Chris!" She exclaimed, "He's still waiting for me to come outside!" She said appearing to be totally out of it. "No sweetie, your in the hospital, Chris found you laying on the garage floor, he called us and we called the doctor, its ok." "Wheres my mom?" She finally questioned. Justin swallowed and licked his lips before bowing his head as he spoke back to her, "Well, the doctors realized she had....she had..." "Killed herself." Korey finished for him. "Yes, killed herself," Justin repeated, "And they wheeled her away." "Oh." She said calmly. "Korey, im so proud of you, I can't believe your being so great about this, did you read your moms whole letter to you?" "Yea," She replied, "It's not setting in, its really not, just a few weeks ago I hated her, couldn't care less, then I had to make up with was the best relationship we had had in over 6 years, and now she's gone." Justin sighed, "She's in a happy place Korey, she said so herself, its what she wants, you couldn't have done anything to stop it, and you can't do anything now." He explained "I know, im not going to blame this on myself this time, but I dont have anything left, every inch of love and happiness I had ever received was from her, my dad was gone, the rest of my family abandoned my mom when she was pregnant with me because they couldn't forgive her for being careless." She finally broke down. "Come here." Justin whispered pulling her close to himself. "Justin, I don't know where im gonna go, or what im gonna do, im so scared." She sobbed. "Korey," He whispered looking into her eyes, "You have me, no matter what condition, no matter where we are or what we're doing, I will ALWAYS be here for you." "Justin," She cried before catching her breath to continue, "I just realized, there IS one thing left in my life, I didn't realize you really cared so much." Justins insides warmed and he smiled sweetly at her, "I told you, don't know how many times ill continue to tell you that..." "Thank you," She cried, "So much." He patted her back before realizing the rest of the guys were standing in the room. "Us too." Chris smiled walking towards her. "Yea angel, it's good to see your ok." Lance comforted. "Hey listen, as soon as your ready to get outta this place, you come on back over to Chris's ok?" Jc demanded. "Thank you Jc." She replied sniffling. "Guys go on home, ill stay with her, I know ya'll need sleep." Justin told the guys. They all agreed, said their good-byes and walked out the door. "I can't believe how unfair her life is," Jc repeated himself. "There should be a song about her life." Joey laughed "Yea, and five guys that all want to be in her life and help her but she's like totally oblivious to the fact we realize she's in need." Lance Joked "OH my God." Jc belted. "Huh?" Joey said stopping. "You don't understand, thats such a perfect idea! We absolutely NEED to write her a song, how we feel about her...that will surely get our feelings through and i'd finally be satisfied." Jc exclaimed The others looked at him a bit crazily before finally agreeing it wasn't such a bad idea. "We'd just have to make sure it doesn't give off any wrong meanings." Chris said as they continued to walk down the hall. In Koreys room both sat silently watching eachothers jitters. "So, the funeral is in two more days." Justin informed breaking the silence. "Really." She replied back, "Hope it goes well" "Huh?" Justin asked confusedly "Justin there is no way I can possibly go now. If I saw her face again, her lifeless face...I don't know where i'd end up." "Korey, you have to be strong." Justin lectured. "Dont you think ive been strong enough! im surprised I didn't do what she did first!" she screamed causing Justin to back away from her. "Korey, be positive, baby I know its hard..." "Harder than you'll ever know." She interrupted coldy. "I know honey I know, BUT lets be positive, isnt it the only thing LEFT to do?" He asked "I guess." she responded quietly realizing his point. "Then lets invite everyone we know and send yo mama out with a bang!" he pepped her up smiling brightly She giggled a bit, "Justin you are too much." "I know," He smiled again, "But im serious, im gonna help you give the best damn speech you ever gave." "That should be easy considering ive never given a good one." "Hey hey hey, what happened to positive," He asked lifting her chin, "So you'll go?" "Yes, I know it would mean a lot to my mom if I did." She realized. "Sure would, I bet she's already watchin you Korey, and probably so proud." Justin patted her arm, sooooo, since this day is planless for me, and you aint goin nowhere with those tubes in yo nose, lets get to work," He smiled She laughed again, sincerely, before asking, "Oh, wait a minute, we're writing? I seriously don't think ill be able to say anything Justin." "Korey, this is for your mom. Don't you want her to know you forgive her for what she's done, and realize she's in a better place....and hey, we can even pretend that im that man your supposed to open up to," Justin smiled with his nose in the air. She playfully pushed his shoulder before smiling, "Geez, once again, thanks so much...we need some paper!" ~*Two mornings later*~ "Well Mrs. Mcnulty, looks like you can go home today, no further signs of amnesia or unconsciousness," The doctor informed. "Great!" Justin exclaimed before Korey cound respond. "Yes, thank you doctor." She smiled sweetly. "So....guess we can get you cleaned up now...if that piece of writing is not 200% meaningful, I dont know what is girlie." He smiled pointing at the table with the work that had just taken them over 6 hours total to finish between naps. "I know, but I think it is, dont you think I cried enough during that?" "Well," He said glancing down at three shirts he had removed after they'd gotten to wet to wear, "I guess so!" He exclaimed helping her off the bed. Her knees were wobbly from not being up in so long. "Man I really need to get dancing again," She sighed feeling out of shape. Justin called the guys all still sleeping back at Chris's house. They had gotten special tuxes for the occasion and were informed this was going to be a happy day for Korey, as many smiles as possible. By the time Justin was finished with his phone call, she walked out of the bathroom and sat on the bed with a towel around her. "Whoa, your moms gonna wonder about you if your goin like that." He laughed "Justin I dont have anything to wear." She said seriously. "Thats ok we'll find ya somethin, at your house? "OH my God Justin, I can't go back there!" She said shakily. "Honey it's ok, ill be back ok? Don't go anywhere ill be RIGHT back." Justin replied as his light bulb went on. He returned about 30 minutes later to find her peacefully sleeping in her bed, towel still wrapped around her. "Sassy.."He whispered gently. Her head popped up, "Huh!? Oh, hi Justin" She said standing. She glanced worriedly around before resting when she saw her speech safely in his hand. "Here, im gonna go laminate this or something, you try this on..."HE said handing her a black gown. "Justin this isn't mine, where did you get it?" She asked He grinned and shrugged. She got his clue and replied, "Oh my goodness, poor Rita!" He laughed as he watched her walk into the bathroom. Two HOURS later everyone piled out of Justin's car and into the church. He had picked the rest of the guys up on the way there. Justin put his arm lightly around Korey as they entered. He saw her wince as she noticed the casket laying at the front of the room. He placed his hand on her back and pushed her foreword fearing she was about to turn back. "Remember happy day." He whispered warmly into her ear. The church service went on, Korey was amazed at how many people from around the community had come and wanted to help her. Finally it was called that anyone who had extra things to say, or imput should say so now. Justin nudged her. A tear slid down her cheek as she slowly raised her hand. "I'd like to say something sir," She responded. He nodded and steped back from the podium. "Kathryn Elizabeth Mcnulty was my mother." She said softly as her voice echoed through out the church. Justin smiled at her proudly and gave an encouraging wink before she continued. "I'd just like to let her leave these words before she enters her peaceful heaven life." She took another deep breath before clutching the paper with her sweating hands. "Mom, I can hear you calling my name, your healing hands smooth away the pain, and I can hear you whispering it'll be alright, that you'll stay until the night breaks into day. You are my light in the dark, you stand behind me and take my hand to show me the way, you were here to guide me, you gave me the strength that I needed, you gave me shelter you gave me love, you touch me with your chosen words.." Her weep became thicker as she continued. Justin watched in amazement. She fooled him at how strong she was and how powerful she made each word. "Everlasting faith, everlasting love was the greatest gift you had, believing me understanding me when no one did, you are my light in the dark, you stand behind me and take my hand to show me the way, your here to guide me to give the the strength that i need, you were my mother, you still are my mother, always and forever in my heart, I love you mom." She slipped out before folding the paper and glancing to her feet as silence poured through the room. She looked up curiously when she heard weeps coming from the benches. She was amazed that not a soul in the room had a dry face. Especially Justin. He clapped slowly until the whole church roared and about 100 people huddled around Korey complimenting her on how strong and brave she was. Justin didn't know how at this point she could have avoided believing it. He hugged her tightly as she stepped down from the altar and her soft, salty, tear filled lips brushed lightly across his cheek. "Im so proud of you sassy, so proud."


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