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*if only through heaven's eyes* part 8


PaRT 9
e*mail amy!! (the author)

"Geez, im so tired." sighed Korey as Chris unlocked his apartement door.

"Me too," moaned Justin, "I think it's time for me to finally get in my own bed."

"Oh really? I forgot you don't need to stay now that Chris is home."

"Well if you want me to stay i'll..."

"No no thats fine you get in your own bed, thanks for everything Justin." Korey smiled wrapping her arms delicately around his tall shoulders.

"No, you know what I don't feel good about this, Chris and Joey are usually up until all hours and since Joey isn't goin home can't stay here." Justin informed pulling her arms back from around him.

"What are ya talkin about man?" Chris exclaimed gazing at him patheticly in the dark hall.

"Justin i'll be fine here." Korey smiled Justin bowed his head and puckered his lips, "But i'll be all alone." "Awwwwwww poor baby." Chris whined patting Justins cheeks. "Geez! It's like im attatched to you." She laughed following Chris in the door. Justin picked her bag she had just set on the floor up. "Come on, we can have a slumber party." "Are you kidding me?!" Korey asked continuing to giggle. When his face didn't let up she gave in, "Geez Justin, you give me no other choice than keep you company." "Yay yay yay!" Justin chanted jumping up and down in the hall, "I haven't had a sleepover in years!" "You guys can even rent Top Gun again," Chris knowingly suggested. Justin hit his shoulder and Korey turned her back to them to hide her embarassed features. When she regained her paleness she was a bit undecided. "Justin, maybe this isn't such a good idea, ill just stay here with Chris." "I don't get it." Justin replied confusedly "I just think it would be better for me to stay with Chris. "Korey, I think i know what your talking about, but whats the difference between me and Chris...we're just friends right?" Justin smiled "Yes, friends." Korey smiled feeling again comfortable with the situation, "I'll get my bags." Korey ran to her room while Justin and Chris waited by the door to help her. "Just friends? Thats not what you want is it." Chris smiled. "Chris I can't believe you would say something like that, I just want to make her feel better. I want to be her strength and keep her faith right now, Im afraid for her, so much has happened." Justin angerly explained. Before Chris could respond, Korey came woddling back to them with one large suitcase and two duffle bags. "Geez are ya movin in?" Justin smiled lifting the suitcase from her hand. "I don't see where else to go right now." Her smile faded as she realized the reality of what she had just said. "Don't worry about it." Justin whispered patting her back. She sighed and followed him to his car after saying her good-byes to the rest of the guys. ~*At Justins house*~ "I thought you lived with your mom." "I do this is her house, but she's out on a management convention. Ever heard of the group innocense?" Justin questioned. "Can't say i have." "It was worth a shot, anyway she's managing them and thats where she is so she'll be home in a few days." Justin explained. "Thats fine, it's very pretty." Korey complimented stairing above her to the massive windows surrounding the room. "Thanks." He smiled motioning for her to follow as he brought her bags upstairs. About an hour later Justin finally got her situated in a spare room. For the past 45 min she had been falling in love with little jonathan's star wars covered room. After awwing at every one of the boys toys, he had managed to drag her away. She sat on the end of the bed that was going to be hers for her stay and breathed deeply before curling herself into the warm sheets. "Gonna sleep already?" Justin asked pointing to his watch as he walked back in her room from the bathroom. "Im not feeling too well." She sighed, "Im sorry Justin I know you wanted to have fun. "Oh no way please don't be sorry, I want you to rest as much as possible. We'll do something to free your mind tomorrow ok?" "Ya know, I think ive been sick since the day I met you. It's been a while now that I think about it, and it seems that every two weeks or so we have another problem. actually I have another problem, you just get involved and so it becomes your problem and then...." "Korey!" Justin yelled interrupting her rambling, "Every day has taught me something new. As greedy as it may sound, it's taught me to be so much more thankful for what i have and my life, but also it makes me want to give. I want to give you my whole life right now, more than that...the stars and the moon and the whole entire earth." Korey shut her eyes for a few seconds before refixing herself to Justins worried glare as his encouraging words continued. "I am so desperately afraid every day that im gonna scare you off. But all i want to do is give you back what the world has taken from you. I don't know what i'd be doing if i lost my mom, but to tell you the truth, i think i'd be doing nothing, because i'd probably be with her." "I know i try to avoid it, but it doesnt seem right, your a busy man with a whole exciting slew of events ahead of you and im only pulling you back." "Im gonna tell you something, I want you to for one night, hear me out...belive in what i say. Just fall back like you've never fallen back before and let me be there for you, let me catch you. Korey I have a little something for you...The guys have actually done this for me, i didn't know how to thank them enough but seeing you happy is worth the world, just letting you know im here." He spoke softly as he sat next to her on the bed. "What do you mean you have something for me?" She asked tiredly "Well, I know what i do best can help im gonna use it. Just wait here a few minutes ok? Don't fall asleep on me." He smiled pushing her hair out of her face as she sat up. "Ok." She replied simply, as her curiousity and anxiety built. Her yawning halted as Justin barged in and bent down plugging a microphone into the wall. Her eyes lit up excitedly. "Your gonna sing?" "Sure am, but not just anything. This is a song to YOU. This is for you, maybe after this you'll get an idea of how I feel, and what i was talking about at the mall...ya know the...." "Spending more time with me part?" She finished "Thats it," He smiled surprised at her sudden livliness. "Sorry that was just the thing i was most curious about myself." She blushed "Don't be silly. Ok before I start I have to warn you, every word of this song has every part of our heart and souls in it, we don't write for the fun of it, so trust me on this...even for a person with the experience like nervous as hell." She smiled warmly. SHe couldn't understand why they had written something for her. She was completely flattered and stunned but managed to keep it inside so Justin could get it over with. She was honestly mortified by what his words would be. As Justin finished setting up, her mind flashed to her mother. She felt horrid guilt for not mourning over her, like she was betraying her mother and having too much excitement for what had just happened. Her eyes shot up to Justin as she tried to speak, "Wait! I don't think this is right,...Justin! I need to be alone..."The music had interrupted her. Her frown grew with every note of the music. Then something changed. As Justins mouth opened to sing, her mind fell, her spine tingled and she was completely wrapped up in him as she curiously listened to the words flowing from him. Almost instantly, large hot tears trickled uncontrolably from her bewildered eyes. The clouds above you, start to pour and all of your doubts, rain like a storm and you dont know who you are anymore let me help you find what you've been looking for... Her breath continued to be melted away. Out of all things in her life said to her, the most meaningful she'd ever experienced had been from no one but Justin. She had known him no more than a month. Her eyes raced across his face and to his strong hands expressing the words. Somewhere there's a field and a river, you can let your soul run free, some day let me be the giver, let me bring you peace. Somewhere there's a break in the weather, where your heart your spirit go free, someday it'll be for the better, let this bring you peace. It seemed her eyes were being forced open to see the most she possibly could. She felt like she was being devoured away by his live words. His words weren't the only thing taking her away, it was like he was brought to her in a whole new light. She wanted more than anything to be in his arms, and she had no clue what had urged her sudden indescribible feelings. As her brain continued to fight with her, more of his voice poured into her soul deeper with every breath she took. His head cocked to the side when he tried to stress words louder and longer than others. The next verse he began, made her freeze entirely. She squinted to see him through the masses of liquid blocking her sight. She literally had to open her mouth wider than it already had been to catch her breath. Girl i know you, think no one sees the weight on your shoulders, but you cant fool me, and arent ya tired of standing so tall? let me be the one, to catch you when you fall. Both were completely startled when he paused for a second to tell her Jc was supposed to sing that part. His heart heated and he felt pride for such strong accomplishment while wrapping his arms around her as she allowed herself to sob freely into his chest. The last thing she remembered was the gentle tender kiss he had left on her forehead before he layed her back and tucked her into her covers for a safe and sound night. something she hadn't had in longer than she could remember. She knew things were about to change,it raced through her blood. She could feel herself longing to be within his comfort for more hours than the day held.