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IOTHE Part 9

*~6 days later @ Mall*~

"I never fail to amaze myself. Why did I let you drag me here again?" Korey laughed as Justin unbuckled a pair of clown shoes he was trying on from a party shop.

"Ya know I think these puppies would look stylin on you." He squinted while kneeling to compare the size of korey's shoes with the clowns.

"Can we get outta here? I think i'd arrest you for wearing those if I owned this mall."

"Hey now, your not exactly on the creative side today." Justin snapped flopping her routinely pony tail to the side.

"Speaking of creative," Called Chris galloping his way to Justin and Korey, "You are speaking of creative right? Ok well anyway check this out." He smiled as he put a Jamaican hat full of fake dreads on his head.

"No offense but I really don't think ya need the hat, you looked like that a few weeks ago." Korey laughed

"Thats my point! I think its me! I told the stylist to save those damn things...guess she sold em to...." Chris squinted to see the sign in the front of the store..."Party shop, thats it." He smiled satisfiedly forgetting the whole point of what he was trying to say.

"Ok Chris," said Justin patting his back, "why dont you go back to wherever you came from."

"Oh yes, we were just having a wonderful conversation about...clown shoes, before you so rudely interrupted our joy," Korey sarcastically added.

That boy needs help." Justin whispered as Chris galloped back in the opposite direction.

"And you dont?" smirked Korey as she cocked her head to the side and held her hands on her hips.

"OH thats it girlie!" Justin wailed scrambling after her. She darted towards the front of the store but Justin's longer legs took the winning step as he flung her over his shoulder. "Ya know, you are not good for my ego...sometimes I have to remind myself how you were a few days ago." He teased smiling from head to toe as he felt her kicking and punching in every direction.

Finally Justin set her conveniently on a bench waiting outside the entrance, "Your having fun, don't deny it sassy." She staired into space a few seconds before coming to the conclusions her mind was searching for. Why she was so quickly saddened. "On more serious terms....Joe reminded me this morning, you guys are leaving pretty soon huh." She reminded as her chin fell. "Why do you always have to be so down...we got tons of ti......oh my God." Justin staired blankly at the mall's tile floor. "Huh?" Korey asked lostly "Your right. This time has flown...whats the date?" He asked worriedly "Um the 4th." She replied after glancing at the small silver watch on her wrist. "Your kidding me, then with my calculations...we were supposed to be at another convention.....that would be yesterday!" He laughed shaking his head in disbelief. "I don't know where our minds have been lately, I guess on you." "Wow, what happens now?" She asked watching him scrunch his face as she ignored his last statement. "Oh man it's gonna be a blast we always get so psyched about goin on t....Korey! Oh my God doll I forgot...YOU?! Whoa this is too much." He gasped sitting on the bench next to her. "Justin geez catch your breath, ive been fine this long, what makes you think I wont be? I am an...almost grown woman and I can survive without you for a few seconds." "And a few seconds is all! Korey...I need to stay with you." "You don't NEED to stay with me Justin, I don't need you i'll be fine, calm down hun." She responded calmly "Well I know I cant stay...but you are portable arent ya?" "HELL NO Justin, don't even think about it." she responded sternly. "Where you gonna go? are you saying you don't enjoy my company?" "Justin! I'll find a place to live, I was thinking about it anyway, im gonna go back to dance to make some money." "But" "No buts Justin! I love your company, ive gotten to know you more than ive known anyone in a long time, and I absolutely love being with you, we always have a good time, but I need to get on with my life, i can't live some fairytale the rest of it." She explained. ~Days flew by after their conversation. Justin spent his weekdays going to conventions and rehearsals, to prepare for the big event in two weeks, and the weekend he tried to get as much time as he could with Korey, he knew she was firm on her answer, and it was silly for him to have the luck of her agreeing anyway. He knew he would miss her though. ~*Two days before tour*~ Justin banged on Chris's door. It was 7am and he wanted to start this Saturday early. He had been thinking all of last nights practice how terribly much he had gotten used to being around Korey. It had been over a month and a half with their extended vacations. Chris slammed the door open "Who in the hell do you think you are?! It's still the middle of the damn night." He nagged turning back towards his room. "Goodmorning Chris." Justin sarcastically replied. He spotted Korey 100% focused on whatever she was doing at the kitchen table. The site of her used to being in her pj's around the house was heart warming to him. "Hey Sassy." Her head containing wide eyes jolted up as she jumped in place. "Did I scare ya? sorry baby." "No...well yea actually." She smiled taking a breath, "Good morning, whatchu doin up so early?" "Well I was thinking maybe we could talk." "OH my God don't u think we've done enough talking!? she exclaimed, slamming closed what appeared to be a binder full of random papers, "Sorry, I mean, well we've sort of argued when it comes to every situation." "Nah not any important talk, just for a walk talk." He reassured. "Now?" She questioned tugging at her old T-shirt. "Yes." He answered wrapping his leather jacket around her as she stood up. ~*Outside 7:30am*~ "It smells so good out here." Korey noticed taking a deep breath into the winter air. "I think its you." Justin complimented She shot him a shy stair before questioning him, "So are you sure there's nothing on your mind?" "Well...." "Justin actually theres something on mine, you don't deserve how ive been acting, I know it seems like I dont appreciate it, and I know we've been through this time and time again but I turn you down right and left, I don't know any other way!" "Other way of what?" He asked "Justin I don't know any other way not to get too attached to you." She answered truthfully sighing. He was shocked at her blunt answer but calmed himself before it showed. "Ya know...why would that be such a bad thing Korey?" Her eyes widened again as she staired up at him before speaking. "Tour ring a bell? Theres no possible way I can have a life and see you at the same time, YOUR FAMOUS, I mean...I have practically no friends now, Kelly was all I had, she hasn't even bothered to call, I dont understand it...but I need to be focused on my life, all that doesn't matter, I need to find a good job....and eventually." "Eventually a good man for you huh. The right one." Justin finished "Not necessarily. I think ive already found the right one, I just need to find a sufficient one, one that is reachable, for me to start a family with. Thats all, theres nothing more to my life, nothing exciting and adventurous like yours." She whispered bowing her head. "You know how everyone always says if you want something bad enough you'll get it?" "Yea..." korey asked confusedly "Well...nevermind that anymore, if it can't work both ways, I guess it cant work, I mean with you already finding the right one already and everything." Justin mumbled "You are just as oblivious as I am." She smiled "Huh?" He asked, taking the confused position for a change. "Nevermind, but I mean, your gonna have fun on tour, and we'll call eachother right?" "Of course, you think i'd let you cut me off cold turkey?" "It's never that easy." She teased Justin made his way to an enormous oak tree in the middle of a park. "Here, lets take a rest, im getting tired." Justin suggested "Ive been tired since I woke up." Korey replied snuggling against him by the tree. "Man this is so hard." Justin sighed "What is?" "Trying to express things. I need to ask you, maybe we could be closer if I suggest...well what do you think about a relationship?" He blurted before he would close up. She choked on the juice from a mint she had just popped in her mouth, "Justin,...this can't be discussed, not here, not like this!" "What do you mean not like this Korey. Tell me right now." He jerked her body to face him and looked deep into her eyes, "Tell me what I mean to you." "Justin, im so ungodly appreciative for what you've done for me. I love you, as a friend. Im not ready for any kind of relationship Justin and it would be way to intense with you." "So its all about me, any other guy you'd fall for. "Justin! Im having the struggle of my life! every single night I sit in my bed and cry myself to sleep because your charm is sucking me deeper and deeper but we both have lives! dont do this to me!" She screamed before securing her hands over her eyes as she sobbed, "See, this is where i want you to come in, I need someone to help me out when im having trouble in other can't do that if you are my trouble." He was speechless as he combed his fingers through her silky hair. "Shh Shh Shh...don't cry sweetie, I didn't mean to...I just needed to know. And now that I know, I wont bug you, best friends we are." He confirmed "Best huh..." "Well you said Kelly isn't here...oh unless you don't even want to be that close." "Justin, that sounds wonderful, i'd be thrilled." "Great, now ya can spill ur guts to me! So...what do you think about that guy thats got his hot little eyes on you, ya know the curly haired one?" He teased She giggled and pushed his shoulder. "He's not bad, not bad at all...what do you know?" "Well I know that he thinks your incredibly cute, and sweet, and oh so brave...and he loves your laugh, it makes his heart beat a mile a minute...and your hair, oh my God he always sneaks wifs of it when he hugs you...which reminds him of how he feels when your in his arms..." "Justin!" She blushed hitting his arm again. "Geez thats pretty darn friendly there." "Yup" He smiled, "Well lets go home...I feel better." "You do?" "Well yea, at least I know you want me to be in your life, even if it can't be the form...nevermind im just glad." He smiled stretching his arm around her shoulders. "Me too." She smiled relieved the conversation finally came to an end. *~1 pm*~ "Geez Chris where'd all that food go we had." Justin asked rummaging through empty cabinets. "Umm thats weird...I never knew food ran out after like two weeks and 6 hungry people." "True, very true" Justin laughed, "Maybe a certain Chris should get his butt to the store." "Maybe a certain Justin should eat at his own house." Korey giggled watching the familiar brotherly fights. "Mmmmmmmm im so excited!!! We get to dance again!" Jc yelled wildly jumping in the kitchen next to Justin. "Um yea...that'd be what we're gonna do." Joey rolled his eyes at jc's hyperness. "Kor you gotta at least see us sometime, the roar of that crowd...its amazing, makes you wanna dance till your legs literally fall off." Justin bragged "I bet." She smiled swallowing a piece of strawberry. "Listen girlie, any time you need us, it's gonna be just like that time we went to the convention, you got all our cell numbers...anything you can think of in the next two nights...make sure ya ask." Jc informed "I'll be fine guys, I appreciate it, but call me if ya wanna talk cuz I dont want to interrupt since I dont know your schedules. Justin as usual commented, "You wont ever be interrupting, our concert will interrupt your phonecall if anything." Korey smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, "You guys are so sweet" she said falling onto the couch, "I need a nap." "She kissed me she kissed me." Justin quietly sung to the other four, looking back at him as if to be saying he was a total moron. ~*8pm*~ "Dinner was great Joe!" Korey complimented patting her stomach "Geez I think I need to get rid of that one already." Chris teased walking to the bathroom. Korey and Justin looked at eachother in disgust and laughed as they sat beside one another on the couch. Justin rested his head on her shoulder. "Are you smelling my hair?" Korey asked "Huh?" Justin questioned confusedly "Well you..i mean this guy said this other curly haired guy liked to sneak wif's of my hair, I was wondering if you were." "Ohhhh." Justin laughed, "Course I am, every chance I get." Korey shook her head and ran her fingers through those million dollar curls. "Are you touching me? Do friends touch?" "Justin! geez your almost making me feel bad I agreed to this." She laughed "Man it's gonna be tough leaving you." He sighed "How many times are you gonna say that?" She asked annoyedly "As many as it takes for you to realize its the total truth." He replied. "Oh just try to look at the bright side." She commented unsurely "There is no bright side Sass." He replied innocently "Course there is, if ya miss me that much we can always get together when your not busy, although it would be flattering if you even call." "You obviously don't understand me. I hope someday you will. I changed my mind. I wont give up." Korey smiled to herself knowing she had been disappointed when he tried to convince her he was going to give up. "Anyway we should probably get to sleep...everything's ready, we'll have all of tomorrow to relax before unbelievable chaos takes over." Justin finally stated when she didn't respond. "Have a nice time, I think im gonna go check out my old studio, I need to start back in on that." "What!? Korey wait, I thought you were gonna spend tomorrow with me? I thought it was what you wanted. I don't know how to please you anymore!" Justin raised his voice exposing a tinge of anger. "I just said I was gonna look at the studio! am I glued to you Justin? Its like you want to rule my life. Whats up with that, geez, I almost wish you didn't save me so I wouldn't have to live under you knowing I can never show you enough gratitude." Justin jerked up from the couch shaking his head. "I should have known. im always the one to get hurt. always Korey, your just another added to the freakin list, goodnight." He slammed the door walking out of Chris's apartment.

Korey looked at the floor dumbfounded. One statement had caused Justin to be outraged. She was frightened by his pressure on a relationship. What she didn't realize was him trying to tell her he was in love with her. She didn't hate him either and she wanted so badly to spend her whole last day right by his side, but she couldn't admit that, and he didn't know. Both were completely sheltered from eachothers feelings.


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