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Chapter 1: "What?!" Skye sat in the doctor's office, her lips quivering. Soon, there was a knock on the door. The doctor looked at her and opened the door. Skye's famous boyfriend, Justin Timberlake, of 'N Sync, stood there with a confused, yet worried look on his face. Before he knew it, the doctor had left the room, closing the door behind her. "W-what's wrong, Skye?" " might want to sit down. Be ready for the shock of your life." Still confused, he obeyed. Skye got up and paced the room nervously. "I...I...", she began and looked at her feet. "I'm...p-pregnant." Justin's eyes widened and he felt a sudden sharp pain in his stomach. "Did you just say that you're...pregnant!?" "Yeah. I'm afraid so. Two months." "...uh, whoa...", he breathed. "Well, I guess this is good news, right?" "Justin! We're 18 years old! What are we gonna do with a baby!?" "Raise it. Our parents would help, I'm sure..." Skye cut him off by saying, "I don't think I ever wanna see my parents again, cuz man, they are gonna shoot me!" After shaking her head slightly, she continued, "What is this gonna do to your career?" He got up, took her hand, and looked deep into her eyes. "Love conquers all, Skye." A smile crept over her face and she lightly kissed her boyfriend. "How are we gonna tell our parents...not that I want to tell mine...but how are we gonna tell em? And your other 'N Sync guys...and the fans...oh the fans!? The fans are gonna hate me to death even more than they do now!" Justin sighed. "Don't worry. We'll think of something." An hour later, Skye, Justin, and the four other 'N Syncers - JC, Chris, Joey, and Lance - were gathered in the doctor's office. The four had no clue what was going on. "What's up, Justin?", asked JC. "Well...", he started to say, glanced at Skye, who just nodded, and finished, "well...I hope you like kids, cuz Skye is having my baby. She's pregnant." Justin looked up to see four mouth's hanging open. "WHAT?!!", Joey exclaimed. "Justin! How could you do this to her!", Lance cried. "Well, I think that's great...if she wasn't ONLY 18!!!", Chris said. " know you are the one out of all of us who gets the most attention. What is this gonna do to your career rep? Plus, how are you gonna tell this to your parents!?", JC questioned. Sighing, Justin looked at his four best friends and said, "We WILL figure something out. God, I mean, you could be a little excited here, lest supportive." Skye had started to cry. Justin took her hand and squeezed it hard. "It's gonna be alright babe. I promise." "I'm sorry guys.", JC said. "I didn't mean it like that. I really am happy for you but just a little concerned about our jobs. I'll be here for you always, okay?" "Me too.", Joey said. "Me three.", Lance piped in. "Me four.", Chris added. "Thanks guys. I just hope that my parents say the same.", Skye said quietly. Justin squeezed her hand harder. "Well, we're gonna wait outside ok?", JC said motioning towards the door. "Good idea.", Justin agreed and pushed them out the door. After awhile of talking, Skye and Justin looked up as the doctor came in. "Skye, it seems we have a problem." "W-what kind of...problem?" "It seems you have ovulated two eggs instead of just one, which increases a chance of you giving birth to twins." "Oh...", she murmered faintly, obviously in shock. Seeing his girlfriend like this, Justin asked, "When will we know what to expect? Can we find out if it's gonna be twins or not?" "Yes, there is a way of finding out. Skye will have to come back in a few days for some ultrasounds. Can we work that out?" "Probably. I am very, very busy though." "Yes, I know. My daughter talks about you all day long!" Justin smiled. "How soon?" "Ya know what? We could probably sneak you guys in and get it done right now. Follow me." The doctor led them into a small room. "Okay, Skye, sit down there for a minute." Within 20 minutes, they were done. "When will we know?", Skye asked. "We already know. You are having ..." "JC, Joey, Chris, Lance!!", Justin shouted as he ran out the door. "You'll never believe this!" "What? Where's Skye!?", JC asked. "She's inside. We aren't having a baby..." "Oh good!", Joey sighed, relieved. "We're having TWINS!" Chapter 2: "I Have an Announcement..." "Oh...not good!", Joey took back. "What!?", exclaimed JC. "OH NO!", complained Chris. Lance's mouth fell open. "We are gonna go home in a minute. Please don't tell anyone yet.", Justin begged. "We won't!", Lance said, speaking for the rest of the guys. "Thanks." Justin ran back in to get Skye and brought her outside. The six of them walked home. "So, when are you gonna tell your parents? Does Meghan know? I can't imagine what would happen if I got her pregnant.", JC asked. (Meghan was JC's girlfriend of a year.) "Nope, Meg doesn't know yet. We could tell them tonight...", Justin looked at Skye. "What do you think?" "I don't care." After that, they finished the walk in silence. Lynn and Paul Harless, Justin's mom and step-dad, were sitting at the kitchen table having their conversation over a cup of coffee when Justin and Skye walked through the door. "Justin? Is that you honey?", Lynn asked. "Yeah mom, I'm home.", he replied. "Skye's here too." Just as they were about to go into the kitchen, the doorbell rang. Justin jumped, and ran to get it. He found Meghan on the front porch. "For the last time, Meghan, you don't need to ring the doorbell. Just come what 'sup?" "Have you seen JC?" Justin smirked when he saw JC creep up behind Meghan and start to wave his hands mouthing, "Don't tell her! DON'T tell her!!" And just to see JC's reaction, Justin said, "Yep. He's right behind you!" Meghan swiveled around to see her boyfriend. JC gave Justin a look before he turned to Meg and said, "heh heh...hi.", through a fake smile. Meg shook her head and turned back to Justin. "Also, have you seen my sister?" "Yep. She's here.", he answered, then shouted, "Skyeeee! Your sister's here!" Soon, Skye came out of the kitchen and nodded to Justin as if to say, "It's time to tell them." "Are you sure?" "Huh?", Meghan asked. Skye turned to look at her sister. "I have something to tell you. JC, are the other guys still here?" "Yeah. Hang on.", JC answered and ran to get Chris, Joey, and Lance. Justin told his parents to come into the living room and not to bring any breakables. As everyone gathered in the room, he dialed his "daddy" and step-mother. "Timberlake residence." "Hey guys, it's Justin. Put me on speaker phone please...I have an announcement." "Okay.", said his birth father. Justin looked at Skye and they both looked to each person in the room. Lynn and Paul sat on the couch. JC stood next to the couch, Meghan by his side clutching his hand. Chris, Lance, and Joey were standing right behind the couch. "Hello? Anybody there?", came a voice from the Timberlake household. It was Randy, Justin's father. "Yeah daddy. Listen up alright?" "Sure son." "Please don't be mad at us, but Skye is having a baby. She's two months pregnant..." "...with twins.", Skye finished. The silence in the room was deafining. Over the phone, you could hear the sound of glass shattering followed by a masculine voice cry, "Shit!" Lynn was the first to speak through wide eyes. " can't be right...we raised him right...didn't we Randy?" When she heard no answer she again shouted in the phone, "DIDN'T WE RANDY!?" "I thought we did. I really did, Lynn." Paul interrupted, "Justin, how could you do this to her...and us?" "I'm sorry dad.", he told his step-father. "WHAT?! SKYE, YOU'RE PREGNANT?", Meg gasped. "Yes.", she replied in tears. Justin squeezed her hand tightly. He looked over at his fellow band members, who were all avoiding eye contact, except JC, who gave him a comforting look that sort of said, "What can I do to help?" Justin shook him off. "Thanks for your support guys.", he snapped sarcastically and pulled Skye upstairs. As they were walking up the steps everyone heard Justin say, "I'm really sorry Skye." quietly. Later, Meghan came up to tell her sister that she was sorry for her reaction and that she was happy for her, if that is what she wanted. Then she went back downstairs. "Listen, JC, I'm gonna head home." "No! Can't you stay?" "Actually, I have to get home, sorry." and with that she ran home. JC watched her disapear into the darkness. Meanwhile, Skye and Justin were up in his room and she decided she had to call her parents. They weren't home so she left a message to let them know she was at Justin's for the night. Yawing, Skye said, "Where are your sleeping bags? I'll take the floor, cos I heard your parents say, 'They had better not be sleeping together anymore.'" "Don't be ridiculous. Do you think I'm crazy enough to let a pregnant girl sleep on the floor? Get in my bed, I'm sleeping on the floor. To exhaused to argue back, she rubbed her stomach, and climbed in Justin's bed. She planned on breaking the news to her parents the next day. Soon after Skye had called, Meg got home. Surprised not to see her parents home so late - it was past 10:30pm - she shrugged and turned on the TV. Just then a reporter for some news team announced the latest news, "A couple in their mid-forties have been killed in a severe car accident. No other information has been provided about these victims." The words 'News Flash' flew across the screen. Suddenly, a picture of the victims appeared on the television. Meghan became horrified and she screamed, "NOOOOO!!! Those are MY parents!!!!"