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Sailing - Part 10

Chapter 31 "Oh come on Skye! You can't stay mad at me for this! I was upset too...but he's home, he's safe. Don't worry.", Justin pleaded. She looked into his pleading eyes and said carefully, "I'll let it slide this time, but Justin, don't EVER ever let it happen again. Got it?" "Yes. I promise.", he said relieved as he stood up and kissed her, letting his tongue slide into her mouth... Meanwhile, over at Lance's house, him and Stacy were playing a game on N64. Stacy was crushing him. "I told you not to mess with me when it comes to 64, Lance.", she said cockily. He smirked. "Yep. There's another thing I suck at!" "You don't suck", she lied. He raised his eyebrows. "Ok, I lied. You suck really bad!", she laughed. After they both got GAME OVER, Lance flicked off the system and suggested, "You wanna watch a movie?" Five minutes later, they were cuddling up on the couch watching "Armageddon". Back at the mall, a few minutes after Shannon said goodbye to Justin, Mike and Chris, she ran like wild fire all the way back to American Eagle where her friend Jessica was. "JESS!!!!!!!", she screamed causing all the heads in the store to turn. Jessica looked at her friend oddly, and pulled her out of the store. "Shan, what the hell is wrong with you?" Shannon could barely breathe. "I....I....", she hyperventilated. "You WHAT?!" "I...", she took deep breaths..."I..." Shannon pointed to the 2 autographs on her shirt. Jessie's eyes grew. "H-how'd you get those?", she looked around, "They're not here are they!?" Shannon took a deep breath and said "They just left!!" She held up her hand, "Look!! I GOT JUSTIN'S EMAIL!!!" Jess' eyes almost popped out of their sockets. "Oh my God! How? Why?" "I saved Mike! And brought him back to Justin." "Mike? His kid?" "Yeah!!", she breathed excitedly. "And he said I could babysit!!" "NO WAY!! That's too cool!", Jess grinned. "Wait a sec, Justin lost Mike and you found him?" "Uh-huh!", Shannon nodded feverishly. "And when I found Jay (justin) and brought Mike to him, he was like practically crying!! It was sooo cute!" "Awww! He really loves his son!" "No duh!" Jess grinned. They sat down on a bench and Shannon told her friend everything about the unexpected meeting. "Unbelievable!", Jess murmered, in shock. "Well you better start believing it, sista!", Shannon laughed. Michael pounded down the steps into the kitchen where his parents were still hooking up. His face crumpled as he let out a disgusted, "Ewww!! Daddy!! Your're gunna get GIRL cooties!!!" Justin pulled away from Skye and laughed. "ok, mike." "Daddy, when are we gunna see Shannon again?" "I don't know." "Can she babysit me tonight daddy? Please!" Justin thought for a moment. "We'll see." "Ok.", Mike answered satsified and ran into his room. Justin turned to Skye, "Hey baby, you wanna go out tonight...or tomorrow night?" "Tomorrow.", she nodded. "Ok." The following night, Justin called up Shannon to babysit so Skye and him could go out for dinner. She agreed quickly and brought Jess along too. Chapter 32: A YEAR LATER, JUNE 14 "Are you sure you're ready now?", Justin asked his bride the morning of their wedding day. "I'm sure. I can do this." He smiled. "Okay." She grinned and kissed him. "We're only hours away from being together forever." "And I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to spend it with anyone else. You are my soulmate." "You're mine too. I'm so glad we found each other.", she replied, a tear streaming down her face. He wiped it away with a smile. "Oh baby, don't cry now." She smiled and wrapped her arms around him embracing him with a warm hug. *FOUR HOURS LATER* Justin had just gotten out of the shower and was putting his tux on. He took a deep breath and fixed his tie, thinking to himself, "Please God, give her strength to do this...don't leave me hanging..." He sprayed on his Abercrombie & Fitch colonge, Skye's favorite, and started to toy with his hair. In Meghan's room at her and JC's house, Skye was fixing her hair. "Meghan, how should I put it?" Meg pondered for a second and then answered, "Curl it; you know how your hair layers right? Well make it even curlier--" She stopped whens he saw her sister looking at her confused. "Nevermind. Just let me do it." "Okay.", Skye agreed, sitting down on Meg's bed. "Get to work, sis!" They both laughed. Meghan set to work with a brush, curling iron, and hairspray. "This damn hair!", Justin shouted at his mirror. JC walked in after hearing his yell. "What's wrong, bro?" "I can't get this hair to work for me!" "Calm down Justin. But dont look at me for help. Im no hair stylist." Justin let out a grunt and combed it through one more time, applying gel and hairspray. "Looks fine, Justin.", JC said. "Easy for you to say.", he paused. "JC?" "Yeah?" "Do you think Skye will go through with it?" "Yes." "I hope so." JC nodded. "Are you almost ready?" "Mmhmm." "There. Finished.", Meg said, grinning, satisfied. Skye looked in the mirror. "OMG! Meghan it looks great! I love it!" Her blonde hair, which was already layered and fell right below her shoulders, was curled at the tips. "Thanks.", Meg said as she left the room. Skye slipped into her dress, which was a spaghetti-stringed, figure-fitting pearly white color with a free flowing bottom train to it. She fastened the golden, heart-shaped necklace, the one with the diamond in the center, around her neck. Justin had given it to her for her birthday a few years ago. After spraying her Tommy Girl on, and applying makeup, she emerged from Meg's room. "Wow, Skye, you look gorgeous!!", Meghan gushed when she saw her. "Thanks. Do you know where I put those white sandals I just bought?" "No. You better find them soon though. Your wedding starts in half an hour!!" "Gee thanks for telling me.", she said sarcastically. The two rushed around looking for Skye's shoes. Justin, JC, Chris, and Joey arrived at the beach, the place of the wedding, at 1:45pm. The ceremony began at 2:30. "Um, where's Lance?", Justin asked, looking around for his friend. "Give him till 2 and if he doesn't show up then we grab someone from the crowd.", Chris joked. Justin laughed as he looked at what was set up on the beach. There were 9 poles, holding flowers, on either side of a path in the sand, which led up to where the priest would stand. Flower petals were already scattered freely among the grains of sand and a crucifix was placed in front of a small arched Alter. "This is beautiful.", he sighed, listening to the waves crashing against the shore. The couple had only invited a few close relatives and friends, not wanting to make a huge fuss over it. Justin slipped his shoes off and started walking towards the water when his mother grabbed him by the shoulder. "Justin! Here is your corsage honey.", she smiled as she pinned the flower onto his suit jacket. "You look so handsome!!" Michael was standing next to Lynn, sucking his thumb. She gushed, "He looks adorable! Who picked out the little tux?" "I did. Mike went shopping with daddy and JC, right Mike?", Justin asked, grinning. Mike nodded excitedly. The prist arrived at 2:15pm. Skye was still not there. "Meg! We're running out of time!", Skye cried. "Don't you have any other white shoes??" "No!!" "Oh my God. Figures this happens to you.", Meg mumbled as they continued the search. Meanwhile, Joey had retreated to the bathroom, where he found Lance and Stacy making out in one of the boys rooms' stalls. "Um...Lance?" Lance's head spun around. "hey Joe." " long have you been in here? We've been looking for you." "About half an hour." Joey rolled his eyes. "C'mon, we're almost ready to start." Lance and Stacy followed Joey outside to where people were starting to gather. The brides' maids dresses (what Stacy, Kirsten, and Meghan were wearing) were a pastelly light baby blue with matching shoes. It cut just above the bust line and was a tank-top-like dress. As the people began to sit down and everyone took their place, there was only one question remaining: It was 2:30, but where was Skye? Chapter 33 "Skye, screw the shoes!! Let's go! We are SUPER-LATE!" Skye ran to the limo which was waiting impationtly in the front driveway, with her vail in hand. "Meghan, help me put this on!" Meg fastened the vail to Skye's head and then fixed her own hair. "What if Justin thinks I'm a no-show and leaves before I get there!?" "He won't." "Are you sure? How do you know?" "Believe me, Skye, he won't leave." "Ok.", she began tapping the floor impationtly with her foot. "Don't do that." "Why not?" "That's what you did last time and you chickened out." "Oh yea." Meg rolled her eyes. Justin was getting worried. It was now 2:40pm. "JC, where are they!?", he whispered. "I don't know, but they'll be here.", JC answered uneasily. He had no idea where his wife and soon- to-be sister-in-law were. "What if she can't do it again?!" "Justin, they'll be here. Meg wouldn't let Skkye chicken out." "I guess." Skye banged on the drivers window. "Hurry up!!" The driver sped up and within 5 more minutes the limo pulled into the beach's parking lot. Skye rushed out. The lady behind the piano had been playing quietly for the past 10 minutes. When Skye saw everything that had been set up, she smiled and breathed, "This is beautiful.", the same words her fiance had uttered moments before. Meg interrupted her gaze. "I'm gunna go let JC know i'm here. Go get in place." Skye nodded. Meghan walked toward JC and smiled. "Hey, sweetie. She's here, Justin, you can stop worrying." He smiled, relieved, as Meg took her place in the front of the procession line. Without Justin seeing her, Skye creeped to the very end of the line next to Chris. "Hey KP. Sorry I'm late." "Skye!!", he whispered, giving her a hug. She smiled. "Are you ready?" he asked. Skye nodded. "Ok. Here we go.", he said as he mouthed the word 'start' to the piano player and gave a nod. As soon as Justin heard the first music note being played, his stomach knotted up. "This is it." he thought. "You can do it." He took a deep breath and turned around. Meg, Kirsten, & Stacy were walking through the sand, the shimmer in the dresses glittering against the sun. But directly before them, was the gleeful Taylor, throwing flowers happily. As the music got a touch louder, he saw her. And she absolutely took his breath away. He hadn't seen her since that morning and now, she looked magnificent. The sun was in just the right place, which caused her lip gloss to sparkle with light. Her blonde hair rippled through the wind and shimmered with power. She grinned when she saw him and her teeth looked whiter than ever. He caught himself shaking and tried to control himself. JC also saw him shaking and palced a hand on his shoulder. "You ok, man?" He nodded, not taking one eye of Skye. He smiled at her when she locked arms with him, whispering "Thank You" to Chris. Justin whispered in her ear, "You look absoulutly breath-taking." SHe blushed and smiled shyly. "So do you." He grinned and looked at the priest who had started the ceremony. Skye kept glancing at Justin out of the corner of her eye. She couldn't get over how handsome he looked. The sun was shining directly on his face, causing his hair to glow and his blue eyes to sparkle. She had never seen such a beautiful man in her life. He caught her gaze a few times and returned it with a crooked smile. Skye felt her knees buckle, but grabbed his arm indiscretely for support. "Do you Justin Randall Timberlake take Skye Lindsay Harding to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, through sickness and health....", Justin heard the preist say, but let it slip away as he gazed at Skye. After the man stopped talking, he looked her straight in the eyes and said truthfully, "I Do." Skye heard the same sentence reversed and answered with a smile, "I Do." Justin grinned. "She did it!", he thought. "Lord, thank you!" She smiled to herself, "I did it!" They were interrupted by the priest. "Rings?" JC gave Michael a little push and he handed one of the rings to his mother. She took it and slid it onto Justin's finger. He looked at Mike, who was grinning, even though he just barely knew what was happening. Michael gave the other ring to his father who slid it onto Skye's finger. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Justin smiled and leaned forward to kiss her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, stroking his hair. Their tongue's slid into each other's mouths, gently caressing the other. Mike covered his eyes and giggled. Their family and friends burst into applause and JC kissed his wife, Meg. Stacy kissed Lance and Taylor ran up to give Chris a hug. When Skye gently pulled away, Justin grinned and picked her up off her bare feet and carried her through the aisle of sand. He carried her down by the waves and threatened to throw her in. She laughed. "I love you, Justin Timberlake!" "I love you,!!", he grinned as they both burst into laughter.


SaiLiNG FiNAL part and epilogue
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