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SaiLiNG - part 11 & ePiloGuE

Chapter 34 As soon as they walked into the reception hall, at a private building not too far from the beach, Justin & Skye's wedding song, "I Do (Cherish You)" from 98 degrees was being played. Skye's eyes brightened. "Justin! Let's dance!! Take your shoes off!", she exclaimed, pulling him onto the dance floor. He laughed and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. She placed her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder. For 5 minutes, the two let the music take over and their bodies swayed in synch with the melody. Flashes kept going off, familiar to an *NSYNC concert. Soon, Skye had everyone on the floor dancing. Justin looked down at her feet and laughed. They were still sandy. "You haven't put shoes on since you got to the beach!" She smiled. "I didn't even wear shoes! I left the house barefoot cuz I couldn't find my sandals!!" He laughed. She grabbed his hand and dragged him back to the platform. "C'mon Justin, let's see some of those dancing skills I know you got!" "You want to see some dancing? Don't look at me!" He found Michael in JC's lap. Justin picked him up and brought him over to the dance floor. "Mike, you wanna dance with daddy & mommy?" Mike grinned, showing off his little set of baby teeth. Then he started moving his little hips to the music. Skye laughed. "Time for Cake!!!!", Joey yelled to everyone in the room. Justin laughed, picked up Mike, grabbed Skye's hand and walked over to the cake. It was beautiful. There were four layers, a bride & groom set carefully on the very top, both with blonde hair, and it was frosted with pearly white frosting, outlined in baby blue designs. Silver pearls were placed at every notch of the outline. Justin put down Michael when JC said they had to get their picture taken. he stood tall against Skye, who was barely 5'9", and rested his hands on her stomach. The photographer snapped 3 pics for safety. Skye grabbed the cake knife and found a place to cut the cake. Justin followed tradition by putting his hand over hers while she sliced it. Then she fed him the small piece she had cut, him returning the gesture. To top it off, while he wasn't looking, she took a huge chunk off the cake and waited for him to look back at her. When he did, she smushed it in his face, laughing. He grinned sarcastically and threw a piece at her. She ducked and it hit Chris straight on. He wiped it off. "Thanks man." Justin was laughing so hard his eyes watered. Skye took the hint Chris was sending her and smashed another piece in his hair. "Ok, now you're really gonna pay!" She smirked. "Uh-huh". Michael was having a fit of laughted until Meghan had to take him into another room to calm him down. A few hours later, Skye threw her bouquet. She got on a chair and yelled, "Everybody ready?" A bunch of cheers rose from behind her. "Ok. Good Luck! Here I go..." , she said and tossed it behind her. Stacy caught it. "Oh my God, I caught it!", she screamed. "Way to go little cuz!" Stacy laughed. "Hey Lance...look! I caught the flowers!!" He grinned with a twinkle in his eye. Epilogue The next day, Justin came back to the hotel room he and Skye had been staying in for their honeymoon to the Bahamas. "Guess what's in the papers!?", he grinned. He threw the newspaper on the bed which had a picture of Justin and Skye on the cover of the Arts & Entertainment section, Justin covered in cake, Skye laughing. The caption said, "Justin Timberlake, front-man of popular group *NSYNC, and his newly wedded wife, Skye Harding. They were married yesterday in Orlando, FL, USA. Story on E3." Skye laughed. "Whatcha gonna do about it?", she shrugged. He answered, "Its not that I care about it being all over the news, but um, did they HAVE to use THAT picture!?" "You are too much Justin.", she grinned. *FIVE MONTHS LATER* Five months later, at a party Skye and Justin were having at their house, Stacy (who had since been dating Lance), pulled Skye aside. "What's wrong, Stac?" "Umm...I kinda don't know how to say this..." "What? You can tell me anything." "Well,, kinda haven't period in like two months..." "Umm...did you have sex with Lance?" "Ummm...yea", she answered bashfully. Skye laughed. "Boy this sounds familiar. Ok did you take a pregnancy test yet?" "No." "Well then you better take one. There's one in the drawer I think. I'll be downstairs." "Skye?" "Yeah?" "Don't tell anyone. 'Specially Lance." "I won't. good luck" "Thanks" Skye left the room and returned downstairs with the others. Ten minutes later, Stacy came back down. Skye looked at her and noticed the frightened expression planted on her face, hiding the usually cheery Stacy, "Uh-oh", she thought to herself. "Um..people?....", Stacy said nervously, looking at Lance. Everyone looked up. "I'm, uh...", she wiped away tears. ", p-pregnant." Five hands went up over faces, and Lance dropped his glass, shattering it. his eyes grew huge and he was totally speechless. Skye sighed. "Here we go again..."

THE END ©1999 by Alison Daly

AuTHor'S (AllY's) thanKS!!

Ok, this is the last part to the story. I hope you all enjoyed it and thanks for all the support, I really appreciate it all!!!! Feedback is welcome!! In fact, I need it to keep writing! Thanks to the following people expecially: Shannon Cummings...waz up...ur my biggest supporter! :o) Stacy, Kirsten, Meghan, and all the names I used due to Especially Anne...thanx for your help...when i was stuck u pulled me out!! Luv ya! and of course.....the *NSYNC guys! <3 Peace guys...and there will be NO sequel. STAY NSYNC God Bless, Alison <3


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