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Sailing PART 4

Subj: Fwd: "Sailing" Chapters 17-20

Chapter 17

Three more months into her pregnancy, Skye was walking down the hallway at her school when one of her old friends came up to her. "Hey Skye! How come you never told me you got pregnant?" "Uh...I've had a lot on my mind lately." "Duh! Who's the father? It better not be Jordan!" "Why would it be your crush? i have a boyfriend!" "Oh really? You never told me. Is it Zach? I know you have a crush on him." "No Trish, it's not Zach. I don't like him anymore. I can't tell you...all I can say is that he's famous...that's why I can't say, ok?" "A FAMOUS boyfriend!? gotta tell me..." "No Trish." "But Skye..." "Listen, I'm 9 months...I don't need this...I gotta get to class." With that she walked into the nearest homeroom. Everyone looked up in surprise. The teacher said, "Skye! Skye Harding, it's great to have you back.", he glanced down at her stomach. "Seems you are in company." Skye smiled weakly, "Yeah...did I miss much?" "A good amount. I'll see you after class." After everyone dismissed the room, Skye walked up to the teachers desk. "Hi Skye. Did you have an enjoyable summer?", was the first thing he said. "No. Not at all. My parents died and my boyfriend is away for his career. I fainted once and I'm expecting any day now. I doubt I'm gonna be able to stay in school." "Are you getting any help with your pregnancy?" "My sister." "Has your boyfriend been helping you?" "Well, he hasn't been home...but he helps over the phone." "You mean he's been gone all 9 months??" She nodded. "Doing WHAT?" "Uh...I'd rather not say." Skye got home at 4:30 and plopped down on her couch and started to devour a carton of ice cream. Meghan walked in and started to laugh. "Skye, you are gonna get fat." "I am fat." "You know what I mean." Skye smiled devilishly, "And you know what I mean." She was mid-way to her mouth with her spoon when her eyes got wide. "What's wrong?" Meg asked. "Uh, meg? When was the due date for these kids...?" "October 1, why?" "What day is it?" "September're not...are you?" "Holy Lord." "Skye...", her voice cracking with uneasiness. "Hahahahaha.", Skye burst out laughing. "Gotcha." "Skye that's not funny." "Yes it is." A few days later when the calendar read October 5, Skye paced the room yelling at the wall, "Where are you Justin? YOU'RE LATE!! You're supposed to be home damnit!" When Meghan got home and saw Skye pacing the room, she said, "Skye, what are you doing?" "Where is he Meghan? Where is he!? He's supposed to be home!!" "Hasn't he called?" "NO! HE HASN'T!! HE DIDN'T EVEN CALL ON THE DUE DATE! I'M GONNA BREAK UP WITH HIM THAT ASS!" "Skye! Don't you even dare." "I Won't." "I wonder what he's thinking..."......... "GUYS! WE HAVE TO GO HOME!", Justin whined. "We only have 5 concerts left man. You'll see her soon.", JC replied. "Hel-lo!!? She's OVERDUE!!" "She is? When's the date?' "Well it WAS October 1. But now it's October 5!!!!" "October 1?" "Yeah duh, where have you been?" "I don't know. Are you sure that its October 5?" "Look at your watch JC.", Justin said losing patience. JC glanced down at the date on his watch. "Uh...oh." "No kidding.", Justin nodded. "I'm leaving." "NO! Don't leave YET! Give it a few more days." Justin gave him a look and left the room. JC sighed and said, "Guys? We have a problem." "What do you mean?", Chris asked. "Skye is overdue. That means she could give birth anyday now." "Holy shit!", Lance yelled. "Yeah well, Justin wants to go home, but we already canceled a few shows due to his injuries. Now it's looking like we're gonna have to cancel our last 4. But I don't think we can afford too." "Can't we do them without him?", Joey asked. "How STUPIDER can you get Joey?!", JC asked in awe. "Of course we CAN'T! He's the lead singer and you know he's the majority's favorite." Joey shrugged. Justin poked his head out the door to where the guys were standing. "I'm leaving tomorrow; no ifs, ands, or buts." On the morning of October 7 at approximately 1:00 in the morning, Skye was sleeping soundly until a million fluttering butterflies seemed to enter her stomach. "Oh God.", she whispered. "Not now...Justin's not home yet!" She gulped and screamed so loud her voice curdled , "MEGHAN!" The noise was so loud Meghan practically fell out of her bed. She scrambled into Skye's room in a hurry. "What now? You woke me up.", she said drearily. "Get me to a hospital.", Skye said slowly. "Are you serious? This isn't one of your sick jokes again is it?" Losing patience, Skye yelled, "MEGHAN! GET ME TO A FUCKING HOSPITAL!!!" Chapter 18 After being driven to the hospital, rushed into a room and gotten dressed in those stupid hospital gowns, Skye sat impationtly on the bed saying, "Having twins at 18 is gonna kill so I need drugs! Where's the drugs!? SHOW ME THE DRUGS!" A doctor nearby looked up at a moniter and said, "Um, Skye? Something's wrong." "Huh? What?" "You're not having twins. We lost one." "What?! It died!?" "Yes, I'm sorry." "..........oh....." Soon the contractions started to kick in. "OH MY GOD!", she screamed. "OH MY GOD! I'M SO SCARED!" Meghan was by her side squeezing her hand. Several hours went by... Meanwhile, Justin ran through the door at Skye's house. "SKYE??" He ran through the house yelling, "Where are you? Skye!??" He drove back to his house to find his parents getting ready to leave the house. "JUSTIN! YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS HAVING HER BABIES! HURRY, LET'S GO!!" "Oh no!" He ran ahead of his parents and sped to the hospital. "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! HOLY LORD ABOVE!!!", Skye screamed. "This is it.", the doctor said. "NO!!!! I'm NOT doing this without JUSTIN!" "Honey...calm down. We're gonna need you to push." "WHERE IS HE? NOOOO!" She reluctantly started pushing, screaming Justin's name. Justin and the guys arrived at the hospital in no time and he jumped out of his car, ran in and found the room where Skye was giving birth. He knew which room it was easily because all he could hear was "JUSTIN!!!!!!". He ran in the room and smiled at the sight of Skye. "JUSTIN!! I HATE YOU GET OUT!!!", she screamed. Justin took it seriously and walked out the door. The N Sync guys were standing there waiting. JC gaped when he saw Justin. "What are you doing man? Get in there and hold her hand!" "She said she hated me and wanted me to 'get out'". "She didn't mean it you ass!" "Oh!" Justin ran back into the room and over to his girlfriend. "DAMNIT JUSTIN, WHY'D YOU LEAVE??" "Sorry.", he said and took her hand. "Ok, you gotta push, baby." "I HAVE BEEN PUSHING!......AHHHHHHHHH!!!! OWWW!" About 15 minutes later the room was drained out by the cries of a child. "It's a boy!", the doctor's cried. Skye fell back in relief. "Justin, will you come here? You have to cut the embilical cord." Justin nodded and shook his hand to relieve the pain. One of the other doctor's said: "We have to get the other baby out." "C-section?", another said. The operation was done in no time and the nurses placed the infant in his mother's arms. Justin's eyes brightened at the sight and Meghan snapped a picture. Skye called Justin over and told him, "Justin, our other one died." Hearing that reminded him of his twin sister Laura who had also died at birth. "That's terrible. Did she just die or was she already dead?" When Skye heard him use "she", she knew he was thinking about his sister. "She or he was already gone. But we have ourselves a new baby son." Justin smiled. He picked up the infant from Skye and cradled him in his arms. His eyes twinkled as he said, "Yes, we do. Welcome to the world baby Michael." Chapter 19 "Michael Matthew Timberlake. That is so in synch!", Meghan grinned with a laugh. "Yeah, that's true.", Skye paused to laugh. "Look he's got his daddy's eyes." Justin smiled and went outside to share the news. JC, Joey, Chris, Lance and both of Justin's parents looked up anxiously when they saw him. "Well?", JC asked. "It's a boy!!" "Congratulations!!! But...Just one?" "Yeah...", he glanced nervously toward his mother. "The other one died." "Oh...that's a shame.", Lynn said while wiping tears from her eyes. "Justin, honey, I can't believe you're already a father...!!" Justin smiled. "Life goes fast, ma! You guys can all go in and see Michael and Skye. They're both doing great!" Everyone went in to see the new infant and mother and they snapped pictures, took turns holding the child and chatting. Soon after everyone left, Justin, JC, and Meghan remained in the room with Skye. Meghan threw her arms around JC and gave him an "I-missed-you-so-much-I-love-you" kiss. Skye sighed. "That hurt like hell." Justin nodded. "I wish I could have done it for you so you wouldn't have had to gone through all that pain. But the Lord made me male and so that would be physically impossible." "Thanks Justin, for your fine, frenzic analysis.", Skye smirked. She pulled him down to give him a kiss and whispered "Thanks for not leaving me. I love you." Justin nodded. "Your welcome.", he kissed her back. "But I love you too much to do that." Then he gently kissed Michael on the forehead. The following Sunday, Skye returned home to a fully decorated house. "Wow! This is great!", she exclaimed while she greeted all the friends and relatives gathered in her living room. "Congratulations." was what came out of pretty much everyone's mouth. "Thanks." That night as Justin and Skye settled in to bed, Skye said, "Justin, you and Michael are the best things that have ever happened to me." Justin grinned. "You too." He rubbed the back of his neck, "Speaking of Michael, guess who's awake?" Skye smiled. "i'll go." "No, you had enough trouble. Let me." Skye shook her head and walked into Michael's room. Justin ran after her. "Hello Mikey. Not sleeping well?" She picked him up and rocked him back and forth cooing, "Shhhh." Justin watched in amazement as Michael quickly stopped crying. Skye grinned to Justin, "A Mother's touch." They were up 5 more times that night. At 4:30 in the morning, Skye rolled over in bed groaning. "Ugh...Justin, your turn." "But I just got to sleep.", he whined. "So did I!!" "I did it last time." "No you didn't, I did! C'mon please!?" Justin looked into her dreary pleading eyes, sighed, and rolled out of bed. He walked into Michaels room next door muttering, "four hour sleep again...doesn't matter anyway...same as usual... "Michael? Hello sweetie.", he said as he lifted him out of the crib. Rocking him back and forth, Michael soon fell silent. Justin watched his eyes close and a smile appeared on his face. "All this hard work is so worth it.", he thought as he placed the sleeping baby back in the crib. The next night Skye and Justin were watching television while Michael was napping. "As most of you know, 'N Sync's tour was cut short. They have cut the last 4 shows out of the schedule due to the birth of Justin's baby. That's right, Justin Timberlake, who by the way, IS alive and did not die, is the father of him and his girlfriend Skye's new baby boy.", The TV was saying. Justin sighed. "It's out." "Yeah, it's out and our baby is up." Skye sighed and got up to get Mikey. Over the course of the next few weeks, press conferences and interviews all over the world held the captivating news. Justin answered the "baby" question every time with "Yes, it's true. Yes I have a baby and yes I am a proud father. His name is Michael Matthew Timberlake." Fans were shocked and heartbroken. One day, the next month, 'N Sync was at a quick meet-n-greet in Orlando. They had been there for a little over an hour when they got to the last fan. "Hi! My name is Chrissy!" "Hi Chrissy, we're 'N Sync! Nice to meet you!" "Oh, wow, this is soo cool. I only have a few quick questions, is that okay?" "Sure...go ahead!" "Okay. I don't know if this is too personal or anything but...well, you see, I was reading one of the online newsletters I get and under the 'Rumors' section, there was one that said, 'I heard that Justin had a baby.' Under it, it said 'No that's definitely not true! Justin's 18, he would never do that!' But I'm hearing stuff all over the net and in the paper. Is it true?" "Yes, my girlfriend had our first child about a month ago. Skye is doing great and Michael is so adorable! Wanna see a picture?", Justin answered enthusiastically. "Me? Uh, yeah! But why?" Justin shrugged and said, "Because I like ya!" Chrissy's eyes got wide in shock but cheerfully said, "Fine with me! So let's see baby Timberlake!" She watched as he gave her a smile and pulled a picture of Michael out of his wallet. "Here." She looked down at the picture that was just handed to her. "Awww! He's adorable! He looks just like you!", she cried. JC looked down at the picture over Chrissy's shoulder. "She's right. He's even got the curly blonde hair! Amazing!" Justin laughed. "Meghan, when are you getting married?", Skye asked while feeding Mikey. "I'm not sure. We haven't set a date yet...but I wish he'd come home." Soon there was a knock on the door. Meghan got up to answer it and opened the door to a stranger dressed in a black uniform. The only words he said were, "There's been an accident, concerning your fiance." Chapter 20 "NO! Not another one! No! Please tell me you're joking!", Meg screamed as she started to cry. "Okay. I'm joking.", he said and took off his hat. Meghan gave him a dirty look and he wrapped his arms around her. "I missed you." "JC, that was NOT funny. I'm still recouperating." "Well, I thought it was pretty damn funny!" "Yeah, we, you're not me." "Well, I've thought about a few dates. But I wanted to run one of them by you first." "Okay, thanks, that was really thoughtful. Let's get to it." They sat down at the kitchen table and started to plan and discuss. "How about March 10?", he suggested looking straight into her eyes. "Awwww! JC, that's soo sweet!" "Yeah, I figured it'd be really cool, since that's the day we met." "It's perfect! I can't believe you remembered!" "It's not too hard to forget...", he said thoughtfully as the expierence played out in his mind... (...several years ago...) "JC, let's go!", Justin shouted from *N Sync's limosuine. JC ran down the studio's steps into the parking lot. Taking a sip of his cherry Gatorade he turned around to wave goodbye to a studio worker, when the next thing he knew he collided with a young woman in a rush to her car. The Gatorade was thrown from its container onto this girl's clean, white shirt. "OH MY GOD! MY SHIRT!", she screamed in shock and anger. "WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING!" "I am soooo sorry! Shit...I...oh my God! I'm sorry!", he cried. Taking off his shades, he realized it was a white shirt. The woman also realized she was yelling at JC Chasez. He continued..."Oh no! It's whote! Damnit. I am such a klutz." He looked straight into her eyes and his stomach did a flip. He had a feeling that there was something special about her. "God, you don't know how sorry I am. And that will stain if you dont get it washed." "Oh my're JC Chasez! I didn't mean to yell at you like that. Sorry." "No, don't go apologizing to me. C'mon I'll get you to a place where you can get that shirt washed." Justin poked his head out the limo's window, "JC!!!!" "I'm comin'!" He grabbed her hand and ran to the limo and hopped in. "This" "Meghan." "This is Meghan. I accidentely spilt Gatorade on her, can we go back to the hotel for one sec?" When they got to the hotel, JC gave her one of his shirts and she changed, washing the dirty one. "Thanks. You're sweet." "No problem.", he said as he indiscretely slipped a piece of paper in her back pocket. Later, she found it which had his cell number on it. She called that night. (...present time...) "And it went from there. Now here we are getting married." Meg smiled. "Yeah...March 10 is perfect." "Cool. So we should start planning and getting everything together, right?" "I can't believe that is coming from a guy's mouth!" JC shrugged. "Just tryin' to make you happy!" Meghan smiled, kissed him, and they set to work.


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