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Sailing - Part 5

Chapter 21

Justin walked into Michael's room to check up on the baby and gazed down on his sleeping son.

"He really does look like me...", he thought. Michael's perfect face profile; the pale, soft baby skin... His curly blonde hair reminded Justin of when he was young. The soft blue in Mike's eyes twinkled when he was awake. Justin reached down and ever so gently brushed his hand against the curled fingers on the baby. A tear rolled down his cheek as he left the room.


"Over here Justin!", Skye called from a corner in the house where she was dusting a book shelf. "What are you doing?" "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm dusting." "We created a beautiful baby." Skye smiled, got up, walked over to Justin and kissed him. A week later Justin approached JC with a complex look planted on his face. JC burst out laughing as soon as he saw him. "What's on your mind, Shot? You should see your face, it's hysterical!" "Well, I...oh nevermind." "No, c'mon, you gotta tell me." Justin shook his head. "I'm going out; tell Skye I'll be back in a bit." "Ok.", JC shrugged. He grabbed a coat and walked out the door to the park. When he got there he sat down on a bench, not even noticing the girl next to him. "Hey, are you okay? You look really depressed.", she said taking note to his complex expression. Justin looked up and wryly mumbled, "yeah, I'm alright." "Are you sure? I mean, c'mon, whats bothering you, Justin?" His head shot up. "how'd you know my name?" "I know Justin Timberlake's face when I see it.", she smiled. "My name is Lisa, nice to meet you." Justin nodded. "You too." A confused expression slid over her face and she said, "Justin, you are going to make me really antsy if you don't admit that you're depressed." He laughed. "Yeah, ok, I am." "Ok. Thank you. Now, I'm gonna have to be your therapist..." She pretended she had eyeglasses on and lowered them onto her nose playfully. "Now, what's your problem?" Justin sighed. "Ya know, I don't even know. I think I just had to get out of the house. I haven't slept in weeks and all this touring is so overwhelming. Ya know?.....Well, I guess you don't." Lisa nodded. "I kinda get what you mean. What's been keeping you up?" "The baby." "You mean Steven?" "No Michael." "You have a new brother?" "No..." "Who's Michael?" "My...son." "SON?!?!", she cried, her eyes wide in shock. "Yeah." "Oh my God! Are you married too?" "No, see, that's the thing." He looked up at her and continued, "Thanks for your help. It felt really great to talk to someone besides JC." As she was about to say something, he leaned over and silenced her...with his lips. Meanwhile, Skye had gotten worried when JC told her that Justin was acting strange earlier and left the house. She knew where he'd be so she ran out to the park. She got there just in time to see him kiss this girl. Shocked and confused, she stood there about to seriously break down in tears. She felt like an arrow had just gone through her tender heart. After Justin released Lisa, he quickly got up and said, "See ya later." Walking toward the park entrance, he locked eyes with Skye. His eyes widened and he looked back at Lisa who was sitting on the bench, eyes huge and mouth hanging open. Then he glanced back at Skye and turned and ran the other way. Chapter 22 Skye sped home while Justin ran to the deserted lake in the park. "What did I do?? I'm such a jackass!!!", Justin cried out loud. He collapsed to his knees and started to cry. When Skye got through the door, she slammed it and locked it as tears ran down her face. Then she ran to all the doors in the house and locked them all. She collapsed on the couch and started bawling. Meghan and JC came down the stairs in a hurry when the heard the door slam. "What's wrong?", Meg asked. "Where's Justin?", JC continued. "KEEP HIM AWAY FROM ME THAT BASTARD!", Skye screamed. Meghan and JC glanced at each other. "Uh oh." "Someone's in trouble.", JC asked. "What happened?" "I got to the park just in time to see him kiss another mother fucking ass kissing teenage girl!", she sobbed. "Are you serious?", Meg asked in shock. "Unfortuantly I am." JC stood there in complete shock. "I can't believe he would do something like that! He loves you too much!" "Yeah right." All of a sudden a knock on the door startled them. Skye got up and slowly advanced toward the window. Justin was standing on the front step, eyes red from crying. He saw Skye at the window and started begging for forgiveness. He clasped his hands together, entwining his fingers. "Please! Let me in Skye!" Her eyebrows narrowed and she shook her head slowly. Before leaving the window she gave him one last look and flicked him off. When he saw her walk away he dropped to his knees in agony. After 2 minutes of sulking he got up to try to get in through the side doors. They were all locked. "Why!?!", he cried. Justin ran to the side window where he could see Skye, Meg, and JC and tapped the glass. "GUYS! Please! Let me in! Skye, I NEED to talk to you!" JC went over to the window and pulled the curtain shut. Justin stayed in the yard pacing, for an hour when he realized that the only window they ever left open was the baby's room. He took a ladder out of the garage and placed it in line with the window. Meanwhile, JC had gone upstairs to check on Michael for Skye. As he was about to leave, he heard rustling against the house and curious, he walked over to the window. He looked down and saw curly blonde hair and a ladder. "What the HELL do you think you're doing??!" Justin's head shout up. "JC! Hey, how're ya doing...buddy?" "This is insane. I'm dropping the ladder.", JC said getting a firm grip on the sides of the ladder. "NO! DON'T DO THAT! I'D KILL MYSLEF!!" "Duh. That's why I'm gonna do it." "J C!!!!!" "Okay ya know what? Come on in.", JC smiled. Justin breathed a sigh of relief as he climbed through the window. "Thank you!" "No problem. But now I get to do this." JC punched Justin right in the face. Justin stumbled backwards and yelled "OW! That HURT!!" The two heard a scream from the crib and Michael started to cry. "Now look what you did!", Justin cried as he started to walk towards the crib. JC grabbed him and said, "Don't you go NeaR that baby. Get out of the house. NOW." He escaped from JC's grip and ran down the steps yelling, "Skye! Please let me talk to you!" "HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET IN THIS HOUSE?! AND WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOUR NOSE?", she screamed as she took notice to Justin holding his bloody nose. "JC punched me. Please. Just listen to me." "Get out of my house I'm never talking to you again. Ever." "Skye!" "Ya know, today is my birthday too. How could you...", she shook her head. "just get out." She pushed him out the door and locked it. Chapter 23 He stood helpless on the front porch not knowing what to do. "Birthday? Uh-oh..." He knocked on the door again and heard Skye scream, "JUSTIN! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY FUCKING HOUSE!!" He took one last look at the door and walked off the step to his mom's house. When Justin got to his parent's house, his mom said, "Justin? What are you doing here? Where's Skye?" "Happy Birthday my ass." "Justin?" "She kicked me out." "What!? What did you do now?" "Uhhh, well, I sort of kissed this girl who I didn't even know and I forgot that it was Skye's birthday. She saw me and won't let me in the stupid house. Plus, I think JC broke my nose when he punched me. I feel really bad and want to talk to her but she won't let me in. Damn, I am in so deep." " are...what are you gonna do now?" "I'm gonna have to stay here for a few weeks until I get things back together with her." Justin started to cry. "Mom, I love her so much. I don't wanna lose her." Lynn wrapped her arms around her son. "I think what you did was really stupid, Justin. But maybe you should try to talk to her." "That's the problem. She won't LET me talk to her!" Two days later, Skye found a bouquet of flowers on the front porch along with a note. She read through the note: "Skye, please. You have to forgive me. I'm so sorry. I need to talk to you. I love you! Call me? -Justin" She shook her head and ripped up the note. Then she picked up the flowers and smashed them to the ground, breaking the vase and all. Three hours later, the phone rang. "Hello?" "Skye! Please, I need to talk to--" She hung up. "Damnit Skye!" He threw the phone down. That night while Skye was watching Mike upstairs she heard this noise outside. She picked up her baby and walked toward the window nearest her bed. Justin was outside on the porch singing "I Want You Back". She yelled down, "That's not gonna get me back!" Then she took the flower pot that sat on the window sill and dropped it aiming for his head. Justin saw it and quickly stepped out of the way. He saw it smash to pieces before yelling, "You are violent, woman!" "Stop coming here!" "I live here!" "Not anymore." Over the next week, Skye got numerous letters and phone calls. She ignored all of them. One day, the next week, Justin was grocery shopping for his mother after a long "please-don't-make-me-I- hate-grocery-shopping" plea. He was down Aisle 10 - the cereal aisle - when he saw her. She walked right past him and their eyes met for a split second. He was about to say something, but thought it'd be useless and stopped himself and looked down with a frown on his face. By the end of the month, Justin had tried everything: flowers, singing, letters, chalking the driveway, chocolate, phone calls, signs that said "Sorry!", paging her, etc. Nothing worked. But he wasn't about to give up. No way, not over his dead body would he give up. Skye reluctantly went out to get the mail on a Tuesday afternoon, noticing the "I'm sorry Skye" still chalked on the driveway. Flipping through the mail, she found one addressed to her. Something struck her as special about the letter when her eyes gazed down at the address. Something that told her she had to read this one...and pay special attention toward it. She sat down on her couch, once inside, and curiously opened the light blue envelope. When she took the handwritten letter out, a pressed ruby red rose fell from it. She read: "Dear Skye, Listen, I know you won't talk to me, and won't pay attention to my attempts to get in touch with you, but I need for you to hear me out. I hope you're reading this, because I'm about to spill my guts... From the first moment I saw you, my heart stopped and I fell in love. And you know me, when I fall in love, it's deep. So why would I cheat like that? To tell you the truth, I really don't know. I think it was fear. I'm scared of you because you make me so crazy. This was seriously the hardest, most difficult month of my entire 18 years on this planet. I think about you every day, I dream about you every night. There's no stopping it. I'm driving myself crazy. I need you. Now that I think about it, I was such a jackass. How could I be so senseless? 18 year old guys are horny I suppose, but I'm not gonna go make've heard enough of them. I usually can just run to you when I have a problem cause I always knew that you'd be there for me. I never knew that this much pain could exist. You can't keep doing this to me. It's a proven fact that people can die from lonliness and depression. That will happen if you don't let me see you or talk to you again. You know you're my life; you know it. I can't live without you Skye. I can't do it. There's no getting over you. I never will, not ever. You're a special angel to me, and I will always, ALWAYS love you. If this still hasn't changed your mind, tell Michael that his daddy loved him. And I hope he'll know that I love his mother more than anything in this whole world and that I'd go to the ends of the earth and back for her. I miss you and I love you sooo much. Please, from the bottom of my broken heart, please forgive me. I'm sorry. I can't go on like this. Love always, Justin Timberlake " Chapter 24 Rereading the letter for the 3rd time, a new set of tears fell down Skye's face. She picked up the letter and without hesitation, she walked straight to Justin's mom's house. Justin was sitting by the phone waiting for it to ring. When the doorbell rang he called to his mom, "Mom, could you get that!?" She looked at her son's baggy tearful eyes and went to get the door. Her eyes widened when she looked out the window. "Um, actually, Justin, I think you better get that." He looked up at his mother, "I have to wait by the phone." "Justin, she's not gonna call ok? Get the door." He got up unwillingly and opened the door. Skye was looking down at her feet crying. His eyes swelled and he wiped away his tears. "I'm sorry.", she said. He nodded and pulled her close for a hug, refusing to let go. "The letter said it all Justin. How could I have been so insensitive?" "No, its not you. I never should've done anything like that. I was such a fool." "Sorry for almost killing you....I hope you'll forgive me." His eyes twinkled against the sun as he said, "Only if you forgive me first." She nodded. "Justin, I love you, I can't believe I was so dumb." "You weren't dumb, I deserved it.", he shook his head. "You can stay for dinner if you want...please?" "Yeah I will....but," "But what?" An expression of fear overcame her face. "Ohhhhh shit Justin...the baby....!" "What about him? Isn't Meg or JC watching him?" She shook her head slowly. "They went out to look for a wedding cake...he's by himself!!" His eyes grew wide. Skye dropped everything and ran out the door with Justin on her tail. Bounding up the stairs into Mike's room, where the baby was screaming, she cooed, "Michael! Its ok, Mommy's here..." She gently picked him up and rocked him back and forth. "He's still crying. What do I do?", she asked worridly. "Maybe he's hungry or needs a new diaper." He took Mikey into his arm's and lifted him into the air to smell if he needed a change and utter disgust came over his face. "Yeah. Diaper. I'll do it." "Thanks." Justin changed Michael and disposed of the old. "Justin, this is not easy. I'm not sure I can do this anymore. I can't go to college. I can't go out with my friends anymore. I have no one to help me!" "That's not true. You have me...and Meg. Plus the guys and my parents.", he consoled while rocking the baby back and forth. "I miss my parents, Justin." she said blankly with no tone at all. "I miss them too Skye. We can't change the past, we can only live the future. All we have now is their memory. But they are with know that. They watch over" She nodded and since he was unable to recieve a hug she kissed him softly on his lips. "JC, do you think Skye and Justin will be ok? She's been so mad.", Meghan asked JC on the way home from ordering their cake. He nodded. "Yeah. Because what they have is indescribable. Either one way or another, they would find each other. Itz like they have this bond, a bond that's unbreakable. Even the biggest fight could never break it.", he said confidently. "I hope so...", she said thoughtfully. "Do you think he'll ask her to marry him?" "I think he will...when they're older though. I know he will, actually. He loves her so much. Plus, Mike of course." "Yeah.", she sighed and leaned her head on his shoulder. Quickly taking his eyes off the road, he kissed her head. "Skye, do you want to go out tonight? We could get JC and Meg to watch the baby and ya know, we haven't really gone out in a long time. A very long time.", Justin asked hopefully the next day. "Yeah ok." "Good cause I already made reservations!" Skye smiled. That night, the two went to a nice restaurant on the pier of the closest beach. The moon was full and the mood was perfect. "You look beautiful.", Justin breathed. She blushed. "You dotoo...well, not beautiful, but-" Justin cut her short. He put his finger to his lips and whispered, "Shhh. Don't talk, let me look at you." her stomach cluttered with butterflies and she became overwhelmed with anxiety. After a minute, all he could say was. "Oh my God Skye. I love you so much. Promise me you'll never leave me. Please." Skye looked at him blankly and suddenly got up and ran to the bathroom.


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