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Sailing - PART 6

Chapter 25

A scared look appeared on Justin's face and he ran after her as far as he could. She raced in the women's room and started to throw up in the toilet.

"Skye? Are you okay?", he called nervously into the bathroom, getting jumpy. Of course, he got no answer. He stopped a woman coming out of the rest room. "Excuse me, did you see a bl--"

"Hey aren't you Justin Timberlake?"

"Yes. Did you see a blo--" "Omigod, I think you're great!" Losing patience, he yelled, "LISTEN. I NEED TO KNOW IF YOU SAW A BLONDE GIRL, ABOUT 5'6" RUN IN THE BATHROOM, BY ANY CHANCE." "Is she the one throwing up?" "Shit!", he mumbled and walked back by the door. "SKYE! Skye, I'm right there anyone in there with you??" Skye was slumped over the toilet, groaning. She could hear everything Justin was saying but couldn't find the strength to answer. "Skye please!" No answer. "Screw it!", he cried and ran straight into the women's room. There was one other person in there, fixing her make-up. She looked at him, confused. "The men's room is that way." He ignored her and yelled, "Skye!?", pushing open all the unlocked stall doors. He found her lying over the bowl, not moving. "Oh my God! No! Skye, wake up! I LOVE YOU!" The make-up girl muttered to herself, "Whoa." and left the room. Justin dragged Skye out of the stall and carried her to the sink. He wet a paper towel and wiped it on her face, letting the cool water soak into her pores. "Please wake up! Please." He shook her again. "Stop fainting damnit!" Ten minutes passed and he ignored all the girls that came into the room with autograph pads and questions. Suddenly, Skye's hand gripped his arm tightly. "Skye!?" Her eyes started to twitch and they fluttered open, with her breathing heavy. "Oh thank God!" He again cooled her down with the towelette and gently asked, "Do you want to go home baby?" She nodded. He picked her up off her feet and swang by the table to get their coats and tip the waiter. On the way home in Justin's Benz, he asked her, "Are you gonna be okay? You really scared me." She thought for a minute and answered, "I think I'll be alright. Thanks for helping me recover and everything. I don't think any of my past boyfriends would have ran into the girls' room for me." "No problem there. What happened?" "I had to vomit." "No kidding. Was it the food? Or something I said?" She shook her head. "No. I think it's just everything that's been happening. It's all going too fast for me. I've wait- I AM so overwhelmed with all the responsibilities that life has been calling on me and I'm still so young. I think the main thing here is that I don't know what I want in life. I don't know what I wanna be, if I want to get married ever..." He looked at her and hesitantly nodded. She continued, "I mean, what you said back there, that 'Promise me you'll never leave me.' stuff, to tell you the scared me. I was afraid to open up. With what happened a few months ago. That little is between us now, and even though I forgive you and I'll eventually get over this whole thing and forget about it, there will always be that tiny dot. And when you said that, it made me realize of how much I really do love you. And how I couldn't live without you in my my boyfriend, the father of my child, or my friend. Can you understand me now?", she smiled. "Yes, that's very understandable!" As they pulled onto their street, the many cars parked on the sides pointed out clearly where the house was. After Justin turned the ignition off, he got out of the car to an eruption of screaming. He waved to the fans and walked in the house after Skye. Closing the door behind him he mumbled, "I love them all, but can't they just realize that we're plain old people?!" Skye smirked. "Plain, old, HOT people." He grinned. "I don't think of myself as hot." Then they burst into laughter. Meg peeled out form around the corner and saw the two engaged in laughter, ran back into the kitchen and said quietly to JC, "They got back together! I think..." "Great! That's awesome!" Skye ran into the kitchen suffering from hiccups and laughed, "I need some water! " "Hey Skye! Wuz gotten into you? Ew and what's on your dress?", Meg asked. Skye gulped down her water and looked down at her dress. "Vomit.", she said casually. Then she bounced upstairs to get changed. Justin ran up after her, grinning. Chapter 26: A YEAR LATER A year passed by quickly and JC and Meg were married on March 10, had their honeymoon to Las Vegas and had boughten a house for themselves. Michael was about 2 years old now and could walk around the house without difficulty. He had perfected saying "dada" and "mama". One day Justin was reading through a magazine on the couch while SKye was playing with Mike on the floor. "Yo, this is so crunk!" he yelled at the 'zine. Skye looked up. "Justin, there is more to your vocabulary than 'crunk'. That's all you've been saying! Crunk, crunk, crunk!!" "You are crunk too." Skye sighed. Justin laughed, "Ok, I'll stop saying crunk. Oops, I said crunk again.....crunk!" She threw a pillow in his face. Suddenly, Mikey, who was playing with blocks started to chant, "crrunkk...crunk! crunk.." Justin was almost hysterical. "He said crunk!!! Yeah Mike!!" "His first word is crunk. Go figure." Skye smiled. "That was so adorable!" Justin nodded. Weeks passed. The calendar struck November 9, Skye's 20th birthday. That morning when she woke up, Justin was sitting upright in the bed they shared looking at her with a smile on his face. "What? Is my hair all messy?", she asked, drearily. "Happy Birthday babe." "Oh yeah. Thanx." SHe leaned over and kissed him. "You gonna cheat on me today?" "Nooooooooooo way!" She laughed. "Okay, what we're gonna do today is this. My mom's takin' Michael, and you are going shopping for a new dress, on me, for tonight. Now, I'm gonna go make pancakes for breakfast with a side order of cereal, of course!" Her eyebrows raised but she didn't say anything. "Be down in 15, lover.", he ordered and left the room. That afternoon, Justin took Skye to the mall so she could get a dress. "I'll wait here. Don't let me see it till tonight, k?" "Okay. But what are you gonna do?" "I'll wait here. I'll sign autographs." "Okay! Bye!" Skye went off to look at dresses and found 4 she really liked. "Oh jeez. Where's Meghan when you need her!?" Suddenly, she ran into an old pal from school. "Skye!?" "KIRSTEN! Hey girl! I haven't seen you since like........well, a LONG time!" "Skye! Omigod, I saw you on the news! I can't believe you're going out with Justin Timberlake! I bet the whole world like hates you!! And wow, you have a kid!!!" "Yeah. Little Michael. His first word was crunk. haha. Here's a pic!" "Aww! That's the cutest thing I've ever seen! He's like an exact replica of Justin! Itz Mini Justin!" Skye grinned. "I'm glad I ran into you. I'm tryin' to pick out a dress, cuz Justin is takin' me out tonight for my birthday. Help me pick." "Sure! BTW, Happy Birthday!! Is Justin here now?" "Yeah, he's signing autographs somewhere. I'll let you meet him in a bit." "Oh wow! Thanks!" Skye smiled. "Okay. How do you like this one?", she asked, revealing a long lavendar silky dress. "That's really pretty." "Okay but what about this one?", she changed into a knee length gray was very simple. "Um, no. That looks like a school girl uniform." Skye laughed and tossed it aside. "Okay. This one?" She put on a pastelly green transparent dress. Kirsten put a hand over her mouth. "That's the one." "Wait! There's one more." The last dress she wore was almost identical to the one that Racheal Leigh Cook wore to the prom in "She's All That". It was a spaghetti stringed black floor length dress and it fit Skye perfectly. "What do you think Kir?" "Get that one. Skye, I swear if you don't get that I'm going to shoot you!" Skye laughed. "Ok...omigod, itz like $160!!!!" "Good thing Justin has money!" "KIRSTEN!" She smirked. "Sorry. Can I meet him now?" "Yeah, I'll go get", she said, shooting a look at Kir. She walked over to Justin and tapped him on the shoulder. He looked up, "Hey! Pick out a dress yet?" "Yeah, but itz 160 bucks." "No prob. Here's my credit card, Charge it. Who's your friend?" "This is Kirsten. I went to school with her. She's a huge fan!" "Hey Kirsten! Nice to meet you!", he said and extended a hand. She took it and replied, "Oh wow you too! Omigod, this is like my dream come true! Skye is soo lucky!" "Naw, I'm the lucky one!", he smiled at Skye. "Here ya go!", he said, handing Kirsten an autograph. "Wow! Thanks!" "No problem!" Skye interjected, "i'm gonna go pay for my dress. You 2 lovebirds can stay here and chat!" Justin's head shot up to look at her. "Skye, I didn't mean to--" "Justin. Calm down. I was KIDDING." "Oh." She rolled her eyes and walked towards the casheir after picking up the dress. When she returned, she breezed by Justin and called back to him, "I need some shoes." "Yeah! I want some sneakers!", he answered and ran after her. "Comin' Kirsten?" "You bet!" That night when Skye was finishing up her "getting ready" process, Meghan was cleaning up the house. "Hey Meg, do you know where Justin went?" "Nope. Sorry." "What are you cleaning for? There's no one comin' ova is there?" "Nope." Skye shrugged. "Well, I'm done. How do I look?" Suddenly, the sound of the doorbell echoed throughout the house. Meg replied. "You look gorgeous. Wanna get that?" "Sure!" Meghan smiled as Skye left the room. When she got downstairs and opened the door, she said to the man on the front step, "Justin? Why in God's name are you ringing the doorbell? You live here!" Justin stood on the doorstep, holding a bouquet of roses, complete in a tuxedo. He took a deep breath and smiled. "I'm doing this the original way. I'm hoping this will be our last real date. Here, these are for you.", he said and handed her the flowers. A puzzled look slid onto her face. He sensed her tensing up so he quickly added, "Don't question it. And I'm not breaking up with you....that's all ya gotta know right now. Ready to go?" She nodded, "Yeah." Meghan flew down the stairs quietly and stole the flowers from Skye calling over her shoulder, "I'll put them in water! HAve fun!" Justin held out his arm and Skye interlocked hers with his. They breezed outside to the limo waiting in the driveway. She was about to get in when Justin yelled, "Wait! You have to let me do things the natural way!" He opened the door for her. She smiled. On the way to the restaurant, Justin would not stop looking at her. "Damn, girl, you look amazing!" She blushed and thanked him. When they got to the Olive Garden, he checked in with the clerk, "Timberlake party of 2." "Right this way, sir." Skye whispered in his ear, "You didn't go by Randall? Why make is so obvious?" He smiled. "Tonight is a special occasion. Don't worry, no one will bother us." Their table was off to an isolated corner, set with 2 candles burning with great light. "Wow this is beautiful.", Skye breathed. "I thought you would like it." "It's great Justin. I've had a great birthday!" "It's not over yet!" After dinner, on the way home in the limosuine, Justin said, "I have a present for you." "Oh Justin, you really didn't have too. The dress was enough." He only smiled. He handed her a small box. It was velvety light blue with a gold lining around it. Skye knew right away what it was; a ring. She gasped as she opened it. Sitting patiently in the box was a gold banded diamond ring. "Skye?" She looked up, eyes wide. "Will you marry me?"


Part 7
E-MAiL ALLY (the author)