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Chapter 29 Skye was in the bride's room breathing heavily. "Meghan, I'm so nervous. I don't know if I can do this!" "Sure you can SKye. Just think of Justin the whole time. Remember how much he loves you!" "I don't know...", she trailed off, her foot was tapping the floor impatienly, and she started to hyperventilate. 15 minutes later it was time to start the procession. Skye gulped and stepped out of the room. The Church looked beautiful with more than a dozen flower bouquets all over. Justin stood at the Alter taking deep breaths, concentrating on what was in front of him. JC, Lance, and Joey stood next to him with Michael and the rings in front of them. Michael was grinning giddily for no particular reason. The music started and Kirsten, Stacy and Meg started to process down the aisle. Justin turned around to see Taylor throwing flowers happily and finally watched in awe as his bride strode down the aisle arm in arm with Chris. His breath was taken away by her beauty and he nearly collapsed. "Oh my God.", he said under his breath. Skye was breathing hard and suddenly stopped in the middle of the aisle. From the audience, a faint murmur started to rise. Chris was confused. He whispered in her ear, "We're not there yet Skye. Keep walking." She turned her head to look at Chris. He began to get worried when he saw the scared expression on her face. "What's wrong? Are you ok?" She unslipped her arm from his, whispered, "Tell Justin I'm sorry, but I can't do this!", turned and ran as fast as she could out of the church. Justin was in shock and ran out after her. Michael started to whine so JC picked him up and quietly started to sing to him. Skye was running down the street, shoeless, crying. When she reached a nearby 7-11, she locked herself in the bathroom. All the running around on stage had made Justin a fast runner and he sped down the street after her, not sure where she was running too, yelling at the top of his lungs so his voice curdled, "SKYE!!!" He jogged into the store, not of any knowledge that she had gone in there, and asked, "Did a bride come in here by any chance?" "Yea...hey, aren't you justin timberlake?? You aren't gettin' married now, are you?", a female casheir interrogated. "Yeah...where'd she go??" "Gosh, first its JC, now its you! By the end of this year all you guys will be hitched!! I dunno where she went." "Oh come on! Please! You have to know where she went! I'll do anything!" "I think she went in the bathroom. Can I get a picture with you?" Justin sighed in frustation. "Yea make it quick please." She pulled a disposable camera off the shelf and asked a fellow customer to snap a few pics. A few turned to many and Justin was getting very frustrated. "I gotta go." He ran toward the bathroom, knocked on the door, "Skye? Are you in there?" No answer. "Skye?? Please answer me!!" All he heard was a muffled, "I'm sorry, Justin." He let out a sigh of relief, "Thank God."....Aloud he said, "It's ok Skye. Please open the door. I'll take you home if you're not ready." Slowly the door opened and Skye emerged with mascara running down her face. Justin smiled and his face beamed when he saw her and immediately wrapped his arms around her, rocking her back and forth. Suddenly, the whole store started to clap. She was crying, "Justin, are you mad at me? I'm so sorry!" "No, hun, I'm not mad. I'll never be mad at you for something you weren't ready for! I'll always be here for you, okay? And I'll love you always and always." She nodded. At that time, JC and Meghan walked in with JC holding Mike. He asked, "You guys ok?" "Yea.", Justin answered. Mike asked curiously, "Mommy, why did you run away?" She smiled. "I don't know sweetie.", she lied. "Let's go home mommy." Skye took him out of JC's arms, kissed his cheek and answered, "Okay. Let's go." Meanwhile, in the store, 7-11 was selling a lot of camera and flashes were going off like crazy. Before leaving, Justin said politely, "Please use those pictures for your private use ONLY. I don't want to see them all over the newspapers tomorrow. And I don't want to have to sue. Thanks." With that, all 5 of them left the store. On the drive home, Justin constantly took his eyes off the road to look at Skye, who was only staring straight ahead out the window. After awhile, she sensed it and looked over at him, "What?" "Nothing. I just want to know what's wrong." She sighed. "I don't know, Jus, I guess I just wasn't ready to take that big a step in my life yet. And I know what you're gonna say, so, no it wasn't you. You did nothing wrong." "Okay. Does this mean you want to break the engagement?" She hesitated. "No. I love you and I want to marry you. I'm just not ready." "So you want to postpone the wedding?" "Yeah." "Okay, fine with me." From the carseat in the back came a tiny voice. "Daddy, what's a gaiment? (engagement)" Skye and Justin both burst out in laughter. "An egagement is when two people plan on doing something together. Like getting married, like your mother and I, or just having a conversation." Even though he didn't understand one word that was said, he bounced his head up and down, like a nod, and stuck his thumb in his mouth. Justin sighed as he pulled into the driveway, wondering if he would ever be able to marry the love of his life.


part 9
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