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About Me

ME~~~> I am beauty

Well, this is my corny about me section. its just a throw in with some type of comical relief. I dont think it worked. The things they asked me for just sucked so I just put in things that i felt were suited.

I dont care about you so take me home

ME: Rich, Richie, Richard, it doesnt matter they all suck!!!!

STREET ADDRESS: I live in a box and when it rains for a special treat I go into the sewers.

HOBBIES: Well lets see listennig to music, playing sports, watchin tv, killin.....umm yeah thats about it. What ARE YOU LOOKING AT? STOP STARING AT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FAV. TV SHOW(S)/MOVIE(S)= Well theres the Simpsons, SNL, Conan O'brian, basically anything thats on, for movies theres all the Rockys, all the Halloweens, Dumb and Dumber, and anything else im just to dumb to remember.

FAV. BAND(S): Offspring, Pennywise, Foo Fighters, DMX, Eminem, Nirvana, and a bunch of other crap that I cant remember right now because my head hurts.

FAV SONG(S): Smash, All I Want, Have You Ever(not in order)-all done by the offspring, Bro Hymn Tribute,Bro Hymn, and Greed-both done by Pennywise.

GREAT SONG(S): Learn To Fly by Foo Fighters, Genocide and The Kids Arent Alright by The Offspring, X Is Coming and Damian-both done by DMX, Brain Damage and Rock Bottom both done by Eminem, My Own Country and One Voice both done by Pennywise, Theyre are more I just cant think right now.

MOST HATED SONG(S): Everybody(Backstreets back) - by the backstreet fags i mean boys. Ill think of others its just late and im about to pass out.

MOST HATED GROUP(S): 'Nsync and LFO. Lip singers for one and fake rappers for another.