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The Article

Hi all this a a new section that just came up. This section is from someone who like me and you hates boy groups. This is sought of like an editorial page but just call it the article or some crap like that. Anyhow enough of my bull here is the article.

Yes, I emailed Eric. Now can I go home?

This article is done by:

Name: Eric

Why Boy "Bands"Truely Disgust Me Welcome everyone! This is probably my first and only article, since I can think of only one topic. Boy "Bands". Now what do you think of when you hear those two cursed words? Suck? No Talent? Annoying? Those words are good. If you say something like "cute" or "good dancer" you might want to stop reading this article now since it'll probably, no wait, it'll definately offend you. Now let me get started...

What is a boy BAND (notice no quotation)? A boy band is a bad that made up of all boys. This term has been dead for god knows how long. Now what is a boy "band?" A boy "band" is a group of hopeless teenagers that rely on girls through the ages of 6-15 to buy their crappy cds, so they make money. These groups take easy street to get to the top of the charts, with their so called looks, and their meaningless music. Lets go into more detail...

Since the heavy downpoor of crappy music throughout the past year, I have thought a lot about the music I listen to. Limp Bizkit, Blink 182, Clearview 77, Beastie Boys just to name a few. All these bands write their own music, play their own instruments, and create great music with their unbelievable talent. Now lets look at boy "bands" for a minute. Boy "bands" include backstreet boys, N*Sync, 98º, and Five. Not till recently have they started, and I stress the word STARTED, writing their own music. I believe of out the whole new backstreet boys cd there are around 4 songs they wrote themselves. Four out the usual 12, isnt that great, which is actually pretty sad. Thats only the backstreet boys, and not any other boy bands.

I used to watch TRL. Dont worry, I stopped. TRL has turned great bands like KoRn, Limp Bizkit, Blink 182 and Kid Rock into bands that are favored not by their music, but by their looks. It truely scares me. Now, just a little while ago, I turned on TRL, cause I was pretty damn bored. Guess who I saw? The backstreet boys. An interview too, more lying bullsh*t. Some girl asked them who influenced them in the 90s. Guess what one of them said? Nirvana. I started crying, seriously. That angered me. Then another one of them said that they became "edgy" like, and i quote "korn and orgy." Thats where I turned off the TV.

I'm sorry I went a little off topic there. Boy "bands" dont play their own instruments, which shows how much "talent" they exactly have. They are known as great dancers. If they are thats great, but then let them be dancers, not some mish-mosh "singing" group. They are "hot." This is how i know im talkin to a teenie-bopper, or a teenager going through puberty, thats hormone levels are goin through the roof. Thats when i run.

The most important thing that pisses me off about boy "bands" is that they're on top of the charts not by how hard they work, or how much effort they put into their music, but by their looks. There are bands out there that work so much harder than boy "bands, and deserve to be on top. There are bands who devote their life to music, and dont get noticed. That's unfair. That's all I have to say about this topic. If you have any feeback, comments, or insults send them to Thank you for reading this, and I hope you take some time to think what I said, and think about the music you listen to.

Email: Eric's Email!!!!