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Celebrities Speak Out On Boy Groups

Eh hem. Ladies and Gentlemen I have gotten chances to talk to some celebrities and I have also found articles on many others. Since I have met these celebrities I have decided to ask them how they felt about boy groups. They gave me their comments and I have asked them if they can send theyre comments to me for my website. They were glad to. I have also found articles on celebrities on their comments on boy groups. Well everybody seems to have their own opinons on boy groups so lets check em out.

P.S. Some of these people arent celebrities some are just people. And some celbrities may appear more than once so keep on the look out.

Note: These arent the actual celebrities talking so if you haven't figured that out yet beat yourself over the head now!!!!

Celebrities are cool but I just want to go home, Im sure ill see them again

Here are the lovely celebrites:


Hello ladies. You know me and the Boy Groups Suck website have something in common. See we both use the word suck atleast once a day and we bang hard for what we want. Hahahaha. So The Big Bowboski says this if anyone of you boy group fagots comes near me I will hit you with a ten foot pole so I dont get hit with your pole if you know what im saying. Well Rich and any other anti-boy group sites out there you keep beating the hell out of those boy bands and ill keep banging the ladies. hahahaha.


Hey boy groups I dont appreciate you making everything gay. My boy almost got sucked in by one of you queers and it makes me sick. OOOOOO donuts. ::mouth full:: Anyhow like I was saying you beta keep away from me and my fami... oooooo beer......mmmmmmm food mmmmmmmm beer mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........


What the hell is up with all these boy groups anyway. I mean look at these names: 98 degrees, backstreet boys, nsync, what the hell is that. I said this before and ill say it again, I am still waiting for the backstreet boys to show them backstreet selves. Yeah look at them theyre so tough look at the suit hes wearin you bettter keep away from him. Please these boy groups are ridiculous.


My father will make you rot in hell with your fans for what you have done. You will spend enternal suffering with the monsters you created. Hahahaha boy groups you will.....THE DEVIL: DAMIEN!!!! DAMIEN: Yes father. THE DEVIL: We need more lava in the Pool of Sins!!!! DAMIEN: Okay coming father.


I think the boy groups are soooooooo cute. I cant get kid rock or fred durst in bed so ill just go ahead and get AJ. OOOOO here i come my little muffins.


I think me knocking off their heads at Woodstock explains how I feel.


Ya see the boy groups are just like jello pudding or is that just plain old wiggally jello. Let me see here lemon jello, chocolate jello, cheap tv show................


I could have been in a freakin boy group thing but i said NO!!!! Do you know why i said no? Well ill tell ya anyway ya son of a bitch. Haha im just jokin there pal. Anyhow its because boy groups suck suck suck!!!! I could have been there damnit but i have morals and self respect i wouldnt go that low damnit dumb sons of bitches, dumb..............

GARFIELD he wanted his picture here. Dont ask......but I decide to add this one too....

AHHHHHHH lasagna nothin like it. Oh wait umm ok boy groups suck majorly. I should be up their jammin my guitar and beating people off stage but NO!!!! These damn boy groups block that oppurtunity for real bands like me. Now I know your going to say but Garfeild you don't know how to play the guitar or you haven't written any songs but I know I could have made it and I know every other real band that plays instruments and writes songs could have made it if it weren't for those fakes those dumb freakin fakes!!!! Now excuse me i must get back to finish eating so I can then sleep.

BILL COSBY(once again)

Okay, I got it this time. Boy groups are like any lemon jello. Fat free, sugar free, what ever. Well the point is THEY ALL SUCK!!!!


Boy groups are just like me they suck. Suck Suck Suck. Well maybe they swallow.


Like always, Monica is telling the truth. But my fellow Americans I did not have sexual relations with members of bsb, nsync, lfo,.......


I will personaly choke the hell out of those boy groups. If you dont beleive me ask my former coach P.J. Calresimo.


I hate these boy groups yall.(dawg) Bunch of fake asses.(dawg) RAP: Its time.......its time......IT....IS.....TIME!!!!(time)(time)(time).[music starts now] Yo, how many times do I have to say it this dawg is for real. Im not getting up in your grill but some how some way you getting in mine. Im getting sick of your ass being on TV. You know your going no where but yet you act like it. We work hard for what we want we reach out for what we need but its just handed to you. See life is going to be complicated cause im going to interfere with it. Im going to stomp on your head and your gonna bleed more than a period. Your nothing but puss and it makes me sick so im just gonna stop ya now before its to late. Im gonna cap your ass, beat ya aass, hang ya ass, slash ya ass, but it really it doesnt matter cause u may want to kill me but im gonna kill you. To bad aint it. Well I guess what comes around goes around. Its time Its time for your free ride to end im kick you out the door and youll be dismagled from your crib. To bad but thats the way im making it bitch!!!!


Listen I am warning these boy groups everyday that someone is gonig to kill them. And when they get killed and say that the killer is killing them on the phone and the killer drops the glove due to banging his head on an air conditioner, I will go out of my way to look for the killer. I will look everywhere you can think of but in the mirror. Hey, what are you looking at? Stop that now you know I didn't do it stop that stop.......


Excuse Homer for his idiocy. But what I think he was trying to say is that the Simpsons are going to get in their Simpson Mobile and drive your ass over again and again with it.


Now I know what ego is and you boy groups have plenty of it. Now I am going to pick one of my 100's of guns and blow your asses away with it because I am a super hero and you are the villians. Thats kinda GROOVY!!!!


Boy groups are formed by managers. See some guys go over to these people and say hey do you want to be in a boy group, make tons of money, become famous, and have girls all over you? The people(boy group) answer by saying yeah but can it be guys all over us? THE END.


Boy groups are so cute. How can you hate them? They are so smooth and youthful. Especially A.J. maybe it is because he smokes? Well, I mean sure their gay, but so am I........I mean I dont have a problem with that. I mean there are a lot of people that sexually mollest kids. What is the big deal.....but its not like I am one or anything.

ODIE (Garfield is writing on his behalf)

Since Odie is to stupid to write, I, Garfield, shall write for him. Now, although Odie is s very stupid, slobbering dog he to hate boy groups. Also he too, like boy groups, is gay. Odie would like to say something.....okay what he just said was in terms of ruff ruff ruff ruff errr ruff. I believe that means he agrees with this letter. Oh, by the way I would appreciate you not telling him this since he will not know what I am writing. Good day......
