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Fortune Of The Fortunes

I see in the future that I want to go back home

Hello folks.....I said hi, hello? Hiiiiii. Throw me a freaking bone here people. Well, anyhow, I went to a "Fortune Teller" recently, and this is what the "Fortune Teller" had to say when I asked the "Fortune Teller" certain questions. Please show the "Fortune Teller" sketch.

ANOTHER PERSON: SHOW THE FORTUNE TELLER SKETCH!!!! [Sorry if that was a sad impersination of Dr. Evil and the lady that screams]

Me: Hi miss, may I introduce myself?

Fortuneteller: No need, I know who you are.........Richard.

Me: How did you know my name?!?!?!?!

Fortune Teller: You have a name tag on your shirt.

Me: Oh. Well I have some questions to ask you about boy groups. Ya know also known as boy bands.

Fortune Teller: I see. Well, ask away child.

Me: Child? Well, anyhow, I would like to ask where these boy groups will be in I dont know 3 to 4 years. Lets first see about the nobody boy groups.

Fortune Teller: They never made it. Lou Pearlman gave up on them. I think he just wasn't getting any in bed, but thats my opinion.

Me: I see. Well, what about the Backstreet Boys?

Fortune Teller: They eventually fell during the year 2001. Sorry I cant give you the exact time. I guess you have to get a fucking watch!!!!

Me: What the fuck? Listen bitch do you want your money?

Fortune Teller: Sorry sorry. I get a little excited at times. *cough*-prick-

Me: What did you just say? Oh fuck it *cough*-crack whore-. Well, anyhow. What about 98 degrees?

Fortune Teller: 98 who?

Me: Nevermind. What happens to Nshit I mean Nsync?

Fortune Teller: Well they broke up in the early months of the year 2002. Hey, 2002 is the same backwards and forwards.

Me: And what is your damn point?

Fortune Teller: I dont know maybe its because your a a a nevermind *cough*-asshole-.

Me: Im suuuuuuure. *cough*-bitch-. Okay next group and final one is LFO. Where are they?

Fortune Teller: You mean one hit wonders. They never made it out of 2000. Almost but no. See Rich Cronin well he didn't have the greatest health due to his bossyness.

Me: Umm okay. Alright. Typical, they all went down in just a few years. Now lets do some individuals. Justin Timberlake?

Fortune Teller: Gets killed in a cross-fire between 2 gangs. He was trying to say hi to them or make frineds or something like that.

Me: I see. Next, Nick Carter?

Fortune Teller: Dies of heart attack, due to obesity.

Me: Jeez. A.J. Maclean?

Forune Teller: Lung cancer. They believe its from the constant smoking.

Me: Do they all end up dead?

Fortune Teller: No, Aaron Carter and J.C. have an affair. When they get caught they get a beat down from an anti-gay gang but not killed.

Me: I see. What about Rich Cronin?

Fortune Teller: Dies of high blood pressure while bossing around Bard and Devin. He gets a stroke and heart attack at the same time.

Me: Damn!!!! Thtas what you meant before. I see. Well, I think thats all the questions I have to ask. Thank you for your time. Here is your money.

Fortune Teller: Its been a pleasure. Dont forget to tell your friends about me. *cough*-little shit-

Me: I will. Bye. Well, we learned some strange ass things today.(says under breath)-dumb fucking bitch-
