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Lets All Make Fun Of Boy Group Names!!!!

Now its time to make fun of your name, take me back home
This section is about making fun of boy group names of the band and the members. Lets start off with boy group names and nsync goes first:

nsync- nstink

nsync- nsink with each other

nsync- nsuck

nsync- nskunk

nsync- nsank

nsync- nskank nsync- ndeep in ass

nsync- ndeep

nsync- ncest

nsync- nshit Now to make fun of the members of Nsync:

Justin Timberlake- Justin Timberbutt

Justin Timberlake- Justin Timbersmall

Justin Timberlake- Justin Timberlimp

Justin Timberlake- Justin TimberisLimp

Justin Timberlake- Justin DidnotgetsurgerylikeMichaelJackson

Justin Timberlake- Justin Doesntliveinalake

Justin Timberlake- Justin MightfuckJCinAlake

Chris Kirkpatrick- Chris Withalonglastname

Chris Kirkpatrick- Chris HasvoiceofTenyearold

Chris Kirkpatrick- Chris Crackinpatrick

Chris Kirkpatrick- Chris Fucksaguynamedpatrick

Chris Kirkpatrick- Chris Crackisbiggerthanaguynamedpatrick

J.C. Chasez- J.C. alwayslastnamepronouncedwrong

J.C. Chasez- J.C. Crackle

J.C. Chasez- J.C. Penny

J.C. Chasez- J.C. Stolefirstnamefroma.j.

J.C. Chasez: J.C. Crackingoffgoreforboringness

Lance Bass- Lance Isafagname

Lance Bass- Lance Albino

Lance Bass- Lance Doesntplaybass

Lance Bass- Lance Maseintheface

Lance Bass- Lance MinasotaMurder

Joey Fatone- Joey Fat-one

Joey Fatone- Joey Dontsing

Joey Fatone- Joey Almostasfatasnickcarter

Joey Fatone- Joey Makeyoumeatball

Joey Fatone- Joey DescasetoItaliansintheentertainmentbusiness

Joey Fatone- Joey Gotworsthairoutofnsync ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Well that is it for Nsync......isnt it great.....Anyhow for some reason im making lots of dots.....but soon other members and groups will be put on here to such as backshot boys and 98 desease. Adios see ya then. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Now it is time to do the backstreet boys. MWA HAHAHAHAHA.

Backstreet boys- Backshot boys

Backstreet boys- Backstreet fags

Backstreet boys- Backfuck boys

Backstreet boys- Backsuck boys

Backstreet boys- Notfrombackstreets boys

Backstreet boys- bankstock boys

Backstreet boys- Stock boys

Backstreet boys- Backupintheass boys

Backstreet boys- Backintheassagain boys

Backstreet boys- Notthefirstboygroupastheyclam boys

Now its time to make fun pf the Backstreet boys members:

Nick Carter- Eating Carter

Nick Carter- Wide AsAcar

Nick Carter- Nick Fatterthanever

Nick Carter- Nick Fatter

Nick Carter- Dick Clark

Nick Carter- Dick InJustinsAss

Nick Carter- Pick Ass

Nick Carter- Pick MeUpSomeMcyds

Nick Carter- Picking Assagain

A.J. Maclean- B.J. ForaCigeratte

A.J Maclean- A.J. Isntmyrealname

A.J. Maclean- A.J. Thesenicotenepatchesdontwork

A.J. Maclean- A.J. HasnoMojo

A.J. Maclean- A.J. Hasnomojobecauseheistryingtogiveupsmoking

A.J. Maclean- A.J. HeWillTellYaThatHansonhasMojoThough

Aaron Carter- Aaron Mybrotheralwayspicksonme

Aaron Carter- Aaron Ihavebiggertitiesthanmybrother

Aaron Carter- Aaron Saucer

Aaron Carter- Aaron SizeofSaucer

Aaron Carter- Aaron IsTheMostUntalentedOutOfTheUntalentedGroup

Kevin Richardson- Kevin Looksgay

Kevin Richardson- Kevin Tookmynameandputsoninfromtofit

Kevin Richardson- Kevin IsnotmysonandIamnothisSon

Kevin Richardson- Kevin Rapedson

Kevin Richardson- Kevin RapedapersonnamedRichard

Howie Dorough- Howie Impossibletofindlastname

Howie Dorough- Howie Doeboy

Howie Dorough- Howie Withaponytail

Howie Dorough- Howie Nowondereveryonethinksyougaywiththatponytail


Well that is it for the backshot fags. Next up to be made fun of are 98 desease. So unti lthen adios........ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
